I'm willing to bet both of the people who have currently voted for psilocin have not tried pure psilocin. Mushrooms are very different than pure psilocin. Much of the effects are brought on by either psilocybin or even baeocystin/norbaeocystin, which although dispute, appear to have significant hallucinogenic effects in similar quantities (10-20mg) as psilocin. Even though psilocybin is theorized to break down to psilocin in the body, those who have tried both pure often say there are clear differences.
It's 4-HO-MiPT by the way. I wonder if 4-hydroxy-methylisobutyltryptamine is active. I learned elsewhere here DPT -> DBT is not so I wouldn't hold my breath, but then again I don't really know how the isopropyl differs from the propyl.
I have a hold of some 4-HO-DPT,
. I've only tried it the once in a medium dosage but I enjoyed it. Apparently it's a lot like DPT but significantly more potent by weight and with less of an annoying head pressure/buzz. Sounds lovely! At the current time my preference in your list is 4-AcO-DMT, but I suspect 4-HO-MiPT will be a very special substance and perhaps push it out of that spot. Or 4-AcO-MiPT, but prolly 4-HO-MiPT.
If you want recreation, and only recreation, then pick up 4-ho-met. It will not turn on you because of repressed emotion or bad setting or anything like psilocin or higher dose 4-aco-dmt will. If you consider your use of psychedelics more of a church going / self improvement time then you would want 4-AcO-DMT or 4-HO-MiPT. 4-HO-MiPT is roughly 25% stronger than 4-AcO-DMT, and can cause deep experiences similar to psilocin. 4-ho-met will not, even in extremely high doses.
I have tried 4-ho-met, 4-aco-dmt, 4-ho-dipt, and 4-ho-dpt on your list by the way.