I was thinking its time I introduce myself here, so I hopefully soon will have access to ask questions and comment outside the nursery..

Well, Im a 24 year old girl from Norway. ( So please bear with me when it comes to my english

) First of all I have to say, thank you sooo much for this page!!! I really love it, its truly an amazing page! Im soo grateful I found it!

I havent smoked dmt yet. But the day is coming closer and closer! <3
Actually the first time I heard about dmt, was at november 28th.. I suscribe on mails from Solara An Ra, wich channels the Councils of Light, ( the Pleadians, the Sirians and the Andromodans ) and sometimes she channels live at this radiostation (
http://www.bbsradio.com/..._talk_radio_station1.php ), and one of the qustions she would channel about at 29th of november, was how can DMT, cannabis and other substances affect your spiritual evolution. When I saw the word dmt, I felt really drawn to it, I just had to google it and see what is was! And the info I found.. OMG!!! Im soo happy!! It is just what I have been wishing for! It kind of feels like dmt found me when I was ready for it!!
And the the most amazing is, that Im going to Australia two weeks from now, and im staying with a friend down there, and I asked him about it, and he actually have a friend that have access to it!! How wondeful is that!!!

Im so happy..!! Cant wait to do it!!! But also im kind of glad I had this month to prepare... Well, but as I have understood though, you cant really prepare yourself for what will happen

hehe.. But I feel very ready now. Especially after reading I guess hundreds of dmt trip reports..and a LOT of info. I also saw the movie DMT-the spirit mulecule. It was a intresting movie, but I think the perspective was a little too 3d for me..
You see Im a very spiritual person.. I started my spiritual awakening around three years ago. And what "normal" people experience and learn when they take dmt, about ET`s, our multidimensional universe, that we all are one ++, that is already my reality! That also make me veeery qurious, what I will be able to get out of it... The last year I have been dreaming sooo much about being able to travel around the universe.. I think dmt is the answer to my wishes!

And I also can`t wait to remove the "fog" that I feel I have between my consciousness and ego, and finally see everything totally clear again! I think my soul is used to be multidimensional, and to be as restricted that you are in a human body, is kind of frustrating... I think I have been living a lot of lives on other planets and in other dimensions, before I started to reincarnate on earth. So Im kind of not like the other humans souls who have only incarnated on earth... I think Im here to help with the big dimensional shift that we will experience around october 2011-end of 2012. After this is done, and humans finally have developed into beeing multidimensional, I think I want to continue on my travels around the universe... Being alive is such an amazing thing!!! I love our universe so much<3 Hope all this didnt sound too crazy for you

Oh I have to tell you guys what were said on Solara An Ra`s channeling about dmt!! It was really amazing. First the Andromodans came tru. They said that dmt and similar substances have actually been necessary for the spiritual evolution of the humans. If we didnt have it on the planet, the evolution would take much longer time and we wouldt be in the spiritual place we are now. They also said that with dmt, you do actually astral travel to other dimensions ( you are not only "tripping" ) and you can visit other dimensions and even the insde of the earth, and you can talk with entities such as themself. But they also said that even if the "drugs" have been necessary in the past, now we can do it all ourself. And thats what they encourage us to do.. Then some other questions were answerd, and in the end the Sirians<3 came tru, and they actually said that if taking dmt is for your spiritual evolution, then it is okey to try it together with a shaman. But they dont encourage anything! And its not ment for everyone. But it is okey to try it with a shaman for spiritual evoulution!!! ( I think I would try in anyway though

, but its sooo good they was not negative to it I think!!!

) And they said that we should stay away from all substances that harms your brain and make it unclear, because we need our brains clear theese days. And its also good to stay away from substances such as caffeine, tobacco, sugar and alcohol, that makes the energy rise and fall again. You should focus on doing things that keeps you enegry on a high positive level all the time, so you in the end can only live in love and joy.

A lot more was said, but dont remember right now...
Maby I also should tell you about my past about drugs.. On High School I smoked hasjish almost every day(its almost impossible to get weed in Norway..!) And I took a little exctasy, amfetamine and pills back then. When I have been on my travels around the world, I have been smoking a lot of weed, taken exctasy and one time i tryed LSD. I didnt like the way my brain wasnt able to functioun proparly when I took LSD. But it was a good experience.. after around 6 hours when the crazy tripping slowed down and I was on my down trip, I had som really good insights about myself..I learned a lot, and im glad I tryed it. But now im totally done with drugs. I havent done anything in almost two years. And its not tempting at all. But DMT is not a drug in the same way as other drugs!! After what I have understood its only good for you.

( at least compared to other drugs... )
And also I want to send my greatest gratitude and love to all those fantastic people that are doing dmt extractions! Thank you soo much!! Wish I could do it myself, but reading those extraction guides, is like reading greek to me
Well, then all I have left to say is that hopefully, in around two-three weeks from now, you can read about my first of many future DMT experiences!
Sending you all much love and light <3 Namaste <3