This post is about q21q21's writeup and the questions are about handling/converting the full-spectrum-acetate to a freebase. Still not sure which solvent will be used for the pulls though, sorry.
GOALS:1. To obtain a full-spectrum jungle spice (
not separated from the N, N-DMT) following q21q21's writeup and end with a smokable freebase.
2. To use one part of this full-spectrum "jimjam" dissolved along with one equal part of pure, crystal N, N-DMT, dissolved in alcohol and soaked into some mullein and other herbs before being dried.
3. To become more at one with the all; And to emanate love.
QUESTIONS:1. (pertaining to goal #1)
Instead of evaporating my solvent I can add acetic acid (vinegar) to the solvent, than separate that layer of vinegar---- Iam than left with a vinegar solution with the full spectrum acetate which now would be good for consumption but not as a freebase for smoking.

Is the easiest method to convert the acetate to a freebase to simply heat-dry/evaporate the vinegar?
***My idea for this heated evaporation of the vinegar is to evaporate in a medium-sized pyrex dish that is placed inside of another large-sized pyrex dish hot canola oil bath-- I'll keep the oil
close to 100°C, 212°F. Once it is dried for a bit at this temperature it should be all be a freebase, right?
2. (pertaining to goal #2)

To make changa or a changa-style infusion can I simply dissolve the aforementioned dried jimjam in 91% isopropyl?
Once I find out where a local chemical-supply place is I guess I'll go ask nicely if I can purchase 99% ethyl or isopropyl, but if i can't, is the 91% alright?
3. Maybe Iam overthinking the following easy step, but indulge me for a second.

Is there a single "best" cover for an evaporation dish when evaporating or reducing your non polar solvent?
What Iam getting at is stitching together a cover made from monofilament mesh material with a micron rating that wouldn't allow contaminants through without hampering air-flow too much. Iam not sure what micron size the screen should be, that's to be determined. Am I just overthinking this step;

should I just tape down a single layer of clean t-shirt material and stop thinking about this?
Peace all.
arrive without traveling.