Synaptic cleft explorer
Posts: 299 Joined: 10-Dec-2010 Last visit: 13-Feb-2014 Location: good question
Sat nam all
Let Dr Sister start out by commending you all on your wonderful community. She appreciates you being here.
About Dr Sister Dr Sister was an active member of the late Hive, if any of you recall that point in time. She is an accomplished chemist, who pioneered several novel routes to existing substances and was responsible for bringing one entirely novel substance into being (It proved inactive at sane doses however). Shortly before the demise of the Hive, Dr Sister took a several year sabbatical from all things related. In the interim she has been pursuing her spiritual goals with varying degrees of intensity. She is a long standing yogini in the ashtanga and kundalini traditions with the long term goal of ego reduction.
Her experience with psychedelics has been sporadic over the years and recently renewed, having experienced several less intense substances such as the 2cb, 2ci, 5MeO-MIpT, 4AcO-DIpT, 4Aco-DMT, LSD & mushrooms. When she was younger she found these experiences to her taste. As the years went by though, the trips seemed to get darker, and the tripping partners fewer.
Recently she worked up the courage to try insufflating 5MeO-DMT.HCl. During her first trip on this substance she experienced what she can only described as Samadhi, the supreme state of divine union. This was a spiritual awakening for Dr Sister. She had read about these states in the yoga sutras, and although she was not skeptical, she lacked any point of reference and had always considered them to be largely unattainable to all but the sages and saints. Of which she was neither. Despite this she tried in earnest to achieve these states through meditation for years, eventually becoming disillusioned and drifting away from the practice. Her 1st 5MeO-dmt trip set her straight on that doubt. It was the most miraculous experience she ever had. Samadhi IS attainable!
Her 2nd trip was not a breakthrough experience and was so harrowing that mid trip she tossed her scales and stash into the fireplace. Afterwards she thought that she had over reacted. The upside of these two experiences is that she is pursuing meditation again ; )
What is Dr Sister doing here? In the aftermath of her 2nd 5MeO-DMT trip, she decided explore N-DMT, procurred some MHRB and extracted it. Working up to trying it she thought she would try a very small sample, 9mgs. She had read somewhere on this site someone suggesting sprinkling 25mgs into a joint for giggles. So she loaded up her glass oil pipe, poured in 9mgs (thinking if 25mgs makes you giggle, 9mgs should be pretty tame) and took a haul. This was No giggling matter! She felt as though she had been hit by a freight train. And because she did not anticipate this, she took less care of her setting than she should have. She was in a car in an underground parking lot. Dear GOD! If she had been in another setting it might have been enjoyable, but it was not a bad experience either. Rather a learning experience. The onset cannot be compared with insufflating 5MeO-DMT at all.
Now she is ready to give it another serious attempt with all details properly looked after, but finds herself approaching it with a lot more respect this time and to be honest a lot of trepidation. Dr Sister also has no one in her current social circle with whom she can share or even discuss these experiences. She thought some dialogue with and the support of some experienced travelers might be the way to proceed.
And so, here is Dr Sister.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 14191 Joined: 19-Feb-2008 Last visit: 06-Feb-2025 Location: Jungle
Welcome to the Nexus! Its always good to have an old timer here  I think there are a couple of old bees here too (benzyme?). Your chemical knowledge and stories will be very welcome here too. Oh boy Im glad the experience in the car didnt turn out worse. Im in no position to preach here and dont want to sound like it, but I cant help but say it: please please be more careful, not only because of respecting yourself and the substance, but also because its an illegal substance and if you get caught with it, attention can come not only to you but to the whole community. But anyways you already said you will be careful next time, and im sure this will translate into a much better experience  You have probably noticed how humbled and awe-struck many of us are regarding all these substances in general, and dmt in particular. So definitely you can find (and actively encourage) the dialogue and mutual support here in the Nexus. I can see you'll fit right in. By the way, what about oral dmt/ayahuasca, any experiences, interest or future plans on that? See you around!
 analytical chemist
Posts: 7463 Joined: 21-May-2008 Last visit: 14-Jan-2025 Location: the lab
drone 342 was a pompous d&ck, who knew jack about biochem, but seemed to have an opinion on certain biochem matters (sorry, had to vent.) there were some bad attitudes at the hive. this community is much more friendly, and there are some scientists here as well. ~hypo welcome to the spice-nexus, where DMT is tops. "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah "Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2240 Joined: 20-Oct-2009 Last visit: 23-Feb-2023 Location: PNW SWWA
Dr_Sister wrote:Sat nam all
As the years went by though, the trips seemed to get darker, and the tripping partners fewer.
Dr Sister also has no one in her current social circle with whom she can share or even discuss these experiences. She thought some dialogue with and the support of some experienced travelers might be the way to proceed.
And so, here is Dr Sister. lol, well the neuxus is my only connection with others who partake also, I can relate to allot of what you posted, welcome aboard Dr Sister, from one old tripper to another, welcome. It will be nice to learn a little from your wealth of experience. Ice House is an alter ego. The threads, postings, replys, statements, stories, and private messages made by Ice House are 100% unadulterated Bull Shit. Every aspect of the Username Ice House is pure fiction. Any likeness to SWIM or any real person is purely coincidental. The creator of Ice House does not condone or participate in any illicit activity what so ever. The makebelieve character known as Ice House is owned and operated by SWIM and should not be used without SWIM's expressed written consent.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4591 Joined: 29-Jan-2009 Last visit: 24-Jan-2024
Welcome. Always nice to have another knowledgable chemist to learn from.
I think you'll find DMT to be nothing short of completely amazing. I look forward to reading your post-trip impressions and more about 5-MeO.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2354 Joined: 24-Jan-2010 Last visit: 21-Jun-2012 Location: Massachusetts
Welcome to the Nexus, Dr. Sounds like you will have bounties to share. PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
 Synaptic cleft explorer
Posts: 299 Joined: 10-Dec-2010 Last visit: 13-Feb-2014 Location: good question
Wow, thanks for the warm welcome! Sister is touched.
Endlessness - One of the appeals of DMT for Sister is its short duration. That being said, she dreams of being able to experience ayahuasca. She must confess to some reluctance about embarking on a multi hour experience solo, sans sitter. Perhaps when she has more confidence around DMT the prospect will be less intimidating. Or, if she is lucky perhaps a sitter or partner will manifest.
Ironically she can see from her 5MeO experience that the universe was busy preparing her for the experience even before the idea appeared in her consciousness. It seemed almost pre destined during the experience. So perhaps the universe is at work setting up her ayahuasca experience as she writes this.
Uncle Knucles - Sister is looking forward to having some experiences to share. She is also looking forward to hearing about other travelers motivations and expectations. And more importantly how it has changed ones perspective of ones self. What mental framework people are using to support this pursuit.
One of the things that freaked her out about her 2nd 5MeO experience was that it felt so incredibly sublime, like a full body orgasm. And because the 2nd experience was very much a sensual experience as opposed to a spiritual one, she feared the potential to abuse it. She could hear the Siren's song. So how does one reconcile the sensual with the spiritual? Can one preclude the other? Or is there a way for them coexist in a non-destructive way balanced way. Right now it all seems very overwhelming.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1925 Joined: 28-Apr-2010 Last visit: 07-Jul-2024
Welcome to the Nexus, Dr. Sister  Your name reminded me that I used to always call my sister "snister" I'm definitely looking forward to hearing about your future experiences and also how you go about reducing your ego. I believe there is far too much ego in the world right now so I do my best not to project too much out in the world. Any tips on keeping it in check are definitely appreciated.  Once again, Welcome!! <3 <3 <3 Convert a melodic element into a rhythmic element...
Posts: 103 Joined: 04-Dec-2010 Last visit: 19-Jul-2024 Location: Hyperion
Sat nam friend. I hope to pick your brain a little on good reference material/reading yoga related later on. arrive without traveling.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 22 Joined: 11-Dec-2010 Last visit: 17-Jan-2014 Location: Montreal
That is nice to have an old bee in NEXUS community. I read much about The Hive. You and I could get in touch, talking about psychedelics and sharing thoughts on the subject together. From a young MDMA lover, Serge844 "Psychedelics are probably responsible for every aspect of human evolution apart from the decline in bodyhair." -Terence McKenna "One of the things you learn after years of dealing with drug people, is that you can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug." -1200 Micrograms, Mescaline "There is no space, there is no time, there is no me, there is no you" -Cubensis Theory, Little Tiny White Suited

Posts: 981 Joined: 24-Dec-2009 Last visit: 13-Oct-2022
Namaste! โRight here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.โ โ Terence McKenna
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 664 Joined: 07-Sep-2010 Last visit: 14-Nov-2016 Location: europe
weeeee welkome dud!! nice to hear about new chemists in the mothership Tz'is anรก