SWIM has just recently completed his first ever extraction, and it went "Swimmingly"

- he’s pretty chuffed right about now.
It by all means wasn’t easy but he learnt many lessons along the way which will make future endeavours a lot easier....
After completing this he has a question he hopes he can get answers to....
First and foremost the tek followed was DMT Handbook (A/B extraction), using MHRB powder and warm/hot Shellite (Naptha) was used as the solvent.
After completing his first pull, SWIM let his solvent sit in a glass overnight, after evap but before freeze precipitating. When SWIM pulled the solvent layer off the soup he put it into a bottle before decanting it into the glass, he was very careful to let no soup enter the glass. The glass was also covered immediately to ensure nothing else could enter it. His solvent was a nice milky colour with a yellow "tinge" to it after the evap. He awoke the next day to find the solvent was now slightly more transparent, the yellow colour had slightly softened and he saw and interesting substance that had formed on the bottomed of the glass (see picture below).
SWIM is wondering what this is???? It has the smell of spice. From what he has read it could be oils/fats from the plant (given both his solvent and his soup were heat bathed before and during pull) or maybe N oxide / other alkaloids (but he is also pretty sure naphtha only pulls DMT and leaves the other alks behind). He has tried heating naptha, adding it to the glass and swirling it around for 10 minutes but it didn’t budge the residue.
He is also wondering what is best to do with it, which will obviously entirely depend on the answer to the first question.....
Also worth a mention: SWIM used plently of solvent during his pulls, and his spice came out nearly pure white. He is curious, is this similar to the residue left after a rextalisation????? In which case is it possible to leave a saturated solution to stand and have any plant oils/fats and impurities drop out, thus avoiding the need for rextalisation?
FusionOracle attached the following image(s):

(2,724kb) downloaded 55 time(s).