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experiment 1: 5 mg of 5-meo HCl were incapsulated in a gel cap and sticked. No effects, whatsoever. Second: 21mg of 5-MeO-DMT HCl were incapsulated in gel cap and sticked. First effects was noted after 15 minutes, as yawning, tiredness, moon shaking (I was alone in a forest by night, full moon), energy, fasten heart beat. At +00.20 Effects were near to peak. it was a pretty, animal, wild tryptammine fury. I love 5-meo, I know she would never hurt me, and didn't. Just opened me in slices, and let some kind of power to emerge. I'm not losing myself in the real trip report. I'm just willing to inform about this nice ROA. at +00:40, more or less, the first nausea appear. It was pretty interesting to me, for in the snuffing ROA nausea appears from the beginning, while with rectal ROA comes later, the whole experience was quite nausea-free. So, I run, took some food, and ate a lot, as I often do with tript nausea. at +00:50 minutes the energy of the trip was definetly coming down, and was baseline in 2 hours. Same experience, but with 18mg some time later, gave me not the half of this power. Don't really know why, maybe a weighting problem, or was not the moment for me to take substances. I would estimate that a 21 mg of 5-meo-dmt hcl rectally is, in potency, near to 12 mg freebase insufflated. But I should repeat experiments to give a more accurate opinion. Hope this can help someone. Arimane Bad, bad english
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2096 Joined: 20-Nov-2009 Last visit: 12-Nov-2023
From my little experiment harmalas makes a differencein tryp quality with 5meo dmt. Have you ever try oral or sublingual harmalas prior administering 5meo? You know I find it harsh to both sublingual or intranasal 5meo hcl, I might look into another way (tried oral already). Smell like tea n,n spirit !
Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
 DMT-Nexus member
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Hey there, no, I still haven't tried with harmalas. It's a project I have for the next month, beside the rectal DMT administrations. What I can tell you is that I haven't found any disturbance, like pain in the nose, ugly burning under the tongue with huge mass of bad tasting saliva, or such with the rectal administration. Just, once, don't really know why, I had an interesting effect. I took it night time, was 18 mg, and nothing happened for long time. Than I went to sleep, and the effect started to bump while I was in a dreamlike, dark state (not bad at all, 5-meo is always sweet with me), and I had a huge erection. Can seem like a funny thing, but I didn't want to ejaculate or nothing, I needed that energy for further exploration. After some time was a bit hurting, since it wasn't coming down, and also gave me something like stomach ache, like it was disturbing me. Also, I felt that night a little burning in the rectus. No, not because of frequent usage. All this delicious tasting of dosages ecc. were made in a row of 2 months. The day after I was feeling like a mess, but it was an interesting night. Just to report. I will surely experiment harmalas and oral-rectal 5-MeO administration. In my opinion, is the most delicate, blasting, soul-opening and sweet food tryptammines ever gave me, beside maybe shrooms. edit: is interesting to note like, in the Shuar shamanic culture, the power you use for sex and for dreams is the same. That's why, I guess, they don't have any sex a week prior and a week after the experience. I had an intercourse just that afternoon, few hours before. And was for me an amazing thing, understanding on my persone how that can influence the flowing of power under 5-meo (and i guess it happens with trypts in genere) Bad, bad english
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2096 Joined: 20-Nov-2009 Last visit: 12-Nov-2023
Yeah I got Turned on once while on oral 5 m n harmalas and had amazing sex . For the rest I'll try again with the rest of hcl . Let's keeping posting about this molécule. Smell like tea n,n spirit !
Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
 DMT-Nexus member
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Have you tried converting the hcl into a fumarate for sublingual use? How was the experience with sublingual hcl?
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2096 Joined: 20-Nov-2009 Last visit: 12-Nov-2023
it was disgusting taste, really put me off. And no I haven't tried converting the little I have. would fumarate be more palatable ? Smell like tea n,n spirit !
Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 232 Joined: 15-Oct-2008 Last visit: 21-Jun-2021 Location: Italy
rOm, how much harmalas and 5-meo did you used, and with what effects? Like, what can be considered a threshold or a big dosage of both together, orally? Quote: Have you tried converting the hcl into a fumarate for sublingual use? How was the experience with sublingual hcl?
I answer just as rOm. I got little of it, guess would lose much by converting to freebase and then salt it again. Next time I'll get some freebase and convert it to fumarate, to see how does it taste. HCl tastes pretty disgusting. Bad, bad english

Posts: 981 Joined: 24-Dec-2009 Last visit: 13-Oct-2022
Have you vaped the Freebase yet?!  “Right here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.” ― Terence McKenna
 DMT-Nexus member
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Tried, in different dosages, and I don't really like that experience. Too blasting, short, I don't have time to really understand, I only can think of protecting my psyche from hurting. At decent dosages. I like the longer come up and come down of snuffing, or plugging more. I love to feel how my ego softly falls down, and to see what's beyond it. Bad, bad english
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2096 Joined: 20-Nov-2009 Last visit: 12-Nov-2023
Arimane, my pharmahuasca was like 250 harmalas (this THH from FV so prolly a mix of harmine) and some unknown mg 5 MeO ... I need to repeat with 20 mg plus harmalas. Smell like tea n,n spirit !
Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 641 Joined: 03-May-2009 Last visit: 24-Mar-2023
rOm wrote:it was disgusting taste, really put me off. And no I haven't tried converting the little I have. would fumarate be more palatable ? 69ron gave small doses of sublingual 5-meo-dmt fumarate shining reviews but that's the only one I can remember recommending it. It supposedly doesn't burn at all and has a slower absorption rate then the freebase which I think makes it last a little longer but don't quote me on that.
 DMT-Nexus member

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Sure effects are not as strong on the come up but the taste isn't good. Plus I tried it a very warm day, if not hot and was litterally biling from inside becoz of the body load or increase heartbeat... I thought it could be more pleasant if that was by night. I'll try again one day sure. Smell like tea n,n spirit !
Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 232 Joined: 15-Oct-2008 Last visit: 21-Jun-2021 Location: Italy
5-meo-DMT HCl, incapsulated, plugged with massage oil. Used lemon essential oil 5 minutes before. ecstasy, light, crying, little nausea, like not, very very long, dfiuvnrwiuhf4weh Joy to you all (will follow complete better report, just wanted to share with yo9u, because I like this forum and really like you all) Bad, bad english
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 232 Joined: 15-Oct-2008 Last visit: 21-Jun-2021 Location: Italy
So, just to summarize the technical data that may interest someone: Dosage: 25 mg 5-MeO-DMT HCl ROA: rectal in capsule, used massage oil to lubrificate. 5 minutes before I took like 10 drops of lemon essential oil, to see how it would effect nausea. Think that worked, since I felt just a bit of body load during the come up, very nice and soft, and beside that nothing, though I was drinking chai before and during the final part of the flight. until +00:25 nothing, I kinda thought it wouldn't be active for some reason. I'm not totally sure about the time since I was nightime in a forest and a bit alterated from non-drug related activities. Than, kataboom, strong and deep and so deliciously triptamminic rush and roll that went on for an hour, or more. I have to say I felt a bit of pain, in the rectus, and though I don't usually take things with this ROA (last time was when I wrote down the last experiment, months ago) happens to me that the day after I go in the toilet and defecate with little blood inside. Someone has ideas on how to protect his inside from what I think is little burning? Maybe I should just try fumarate, looks like is more gentle. To summarize all my experiences, think 25 mg is the perfect one, with lemon essential oil is a powerful combination, very interesting, beautyful, blissful. Bad, bad english
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2096 Joined: 20-Nov-2009 Last visit: 12-Nov-2023
I've only applied 5 or 7 mg 5MeO-DMT HCL dissolved in water applied via a needleless syringe straight up and it didn't hurt one bit. I will try higher dose but I had some nausea. I always have nausea though. This experience wasn't very informative so yeah dosage need to be well up. Smell like tea n,n spirit !
Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
 DMT-Nexus member
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Dagger wrote:"arimane" wrote:Someone has ideas on how to protect his inside from what I think is little burning? It may be because it was so concentrated. Perhaps dissolve it in 3-5ml of water and use a couple of 1ml syringes, or a small baster to squirt it up. Would probably make it come on more quickly. Have used this method with regular dmt on countless occasions without any problems. thanks for the tip, I will surely try. rOm, please, let us know how it goes with furter sperimentation =) Bad, bad english
 Chairman of the Celestial Divison
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I tried this method via needle-less syringe, It is a good method for 5-Meo-DMT. For me it bypasses the strange tryptamine nausea given from smoking, and is much more pleasant, euphoric, and orgasmic then smoking. I have only tried low doses so far, and they are very nice. My dosages this route were 5mg, 10mg, and 15mg, all lead to increasingly warm-like 5-Meo-DMT effects, mostly euphoric, without the dysphoric effects I sometimes got from smoking. I did not reach the dosage to achieve the breakthrough or 'void' or whatever you can call that . It does not compare at all to high dose 5-Meo-DMT experiences received from smoking the stuff, but those are incomparable. I suppose if I tried this method with a larger dose I could, but I am not up for that for an extended time period. Expect nothing, Receive everything. "Experiment and extrapolation is the only means the organic chemists (humans) currrently have - in contrast to "God" (and possibly R. B. Woodward). " He alone sees truly who sees the Absolute the same in every creature...seeing the same Absolute everywhere, he does not harm himself or others. - The Bhagavad Gita "The most beautiful thing we can experience, is the mysterious. The source of all true art and science."
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I've tried rectal 5-meo and at 6mg it was very intense but only for 10-15 minutes. I've never had the guts to smoke a large dose of it so I can't compare, just giving the thumbs up (ugh, pun not intended) to this method. Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMTThe 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.I am almost never on this site anymore so I will likely not answer PMs
 DMT-Nexus member
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Hi guys, little update, though this topic is rather old. Today I had 5-MeO, rectally but in water and syring (without needle, obviously). I tried to dissolve 15 mg in water, it was HCl, but it wasn't easy as I expected. So I just stirred and stirred 'til some was dissolved and the rest was in little powder. I sucked it with a syring, than put other water to clean the container and sucked that too. I then took it rectally. I was amazed. I don't like anymore talking about the experiences, but I hope this infos can be usefull for you adventurers. In this way, you need just a little more dosage than with insufflation, or the same. The come up is really fast, like, 2 minutes maybe, and hits really strong, only little softer than insufflated. It lasted like 40-50 minutes, no nausea at all, just felt a bit weak, but may be from the set (my setting is always the same woods). I then went to the toilet, after a while, and no blood or pain was there. So, be careful with the dosage, and go for this way. Can't see a better one, honestly. Bad, bad english
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 232 Joined: 15-Oct-2008 Last visit: 21-Jun-2021 Location: Italy
Update: today, 27 hours (or so) after the voyage, there was blood in my feces. And that's something very, very annoying, looks like impossible to avoid in this ROA. Bad, bad english