from Good solvent Bad solvent thread..seems from this infos that swim's naphta is vm&p couse it has b.p of 160 isn't? swim is wondering if he really could or not boil it off without boil off the dmt or oxidize/burn it
NAPTHA (see below for types) dis: oils pol: non-polar tox: see petroleum distillates otc: hardware and paint stores uses: paint thinner, some lighter fluids, some spot removers note: boiling fractions are similar to gasoline
-NAPTHA (coal tar, naptha solvent) prop: bp 149-216 C, dens 0.86-0.89 tox: see petroleum distillates caution: flamable
-NAPTHA, V.M. & P. (benzine, 76 degree naptha) prop: bp 100-140 C, dens 0.67-0.80, flash point 20 F. tox: see petroleum distillates note: do not confuse with benzene caution: flamable, autoignite 450 F
-NAPTHA, V.M. & P., 50 degree flash prop: bp 115-143 C, flash point 50 F tox: see petroleum distillates caution: flamable
-NAPTHA, V.M. & P., high flash prop: bp 138-165 C, flash point 50 F tox: see petroleum distillates caution: flamable
Tz'is aná