ok. Swim's got an issue. Extractions have been done (STB mainly), and dried in dishes and beakers. With all the various experiements dried, gooed, scraped and so on, he decided to dry it all out down to solid, and redissolve it all in a beaker of plain water, bassify it, then add d-lim to it. Its a thick mucky spoiled milk consistency with all extractions combined. The xtractions have been a summer project.None of this stuff was done in any rush.
The result was an immediate beaker of what looked like spoiled milk with a layer of d-lim on top. After a while layers formed in the following way. A bottom layer of what looks like slightly dirty undissolved salt, a layer above that of rusty water, then next (still going upwards) a thick layer of spoiled milk sort of looking gurgle, then a clear layer of D-lim.
I know this IS something significant. Please reply.
ucorky attached the following image(s):

Picture 036.jpg
(2,702kb) downloaded 45 time(s).
Picture 037b.jpg
(449kb) downloaded 41 time(s).Any references to ingested drugs or substances are understood to be legally obtained, grown, or prescribed or may not exist at all. Ucorky is the name of a character in an upcoming book on ficticious dreamers. Any references of the above or by SWIM, SWAM, SWARM, Uncle Swimmie or SWIMICTIN are purely a matter of conjecture. To, TOO and TWO =2