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LSA Love Story - Unreal potential - Comparison to LSD? Options
EquaL Observer
#1 Posted : 11/16/2010 4:06:47 PM


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What I hope to outline here is my general experiences with LSA seeds and how I feel about their usage. I have read very few experiences in which people delve deep into the power of these seeds and I believe many have not tapped into their potential.

LSA seeds seem to be seen largely as a substitute for LSD. I think this is where people go wrong in a way. Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds have quite different effects from LSD, their main benefit over it I think is the effect it has on the body. The seeds seem to largely strengthen the gastrointestinal system and leave ones body feeling very fresh and restored.

There also seems to be a different aura surrounding me under the influence of HBWR compared to LSD. The bodily effects and the visuals interact in a way with myself which makes me feel like I'm home. LSD for me has more visuals with less of a feeling of psychic achievement.

When taken in silent darkness, HBWR bring back crystal clear memories from life, full dreams and what seems to be identities from other lifes. These memories bring up images which are familiar to me, they tend to contain images from my past (wallpapers, textures, materials) which are embedded in some sort of fractal patchwork. These images flash before me as revelations about myself come forward, it would seem that the images are symbols created from my psyche.

I have also had amazing bonding experiences with these seeds where all barriers between myself and the other person are broken down completely

I'm not sure what it is exactly, because I can only recount these comparisons from my own experience but it seems to me that LSA containing seeds give a far "deeper" experience than LSD. LSD however is very consistent. With the LSA seeds, one builds a relationship with them, the body is strengthened to deal with the gastrointestinal effects and one becomes accustomed to the various interactions between himself and the seeds.

I have had many LSD experiences and many HBWR experiences and this is what I've found. I think that instead of going for LSD, people should attempt to build a relationship with the seeds. But as I say, just my opinion from experience.

I would like to know what you have found in relation to this subject? How would you compare the seed experience to the LSD experience? And what do you prefer?
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#2 Posted : 11/16/2010 11:54:00 PM

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very interesting that you feel that you are strengthened by hbwr seeds. because my only experience with them left me feeling weak and exhausted for at least a day and a half after the trip. i purged maybe 6 hours into it. i remember getting stuck in horrible mental loops that i couldn't work out of. i had 9 or 10 seeds. i definitely took the power of hbwr seeds for granted. i almost took 20! wow glad i didnt. prior to this, i had consumed 333 heavenly blue morning glory seeds, and that was REALLY mild in comparison.
i have not tried the lsa peppermint tea that many others say is nice. i will probably never again take hbwr, but def rivea corymbosa. these seem really nice, and i have had pleasant effects from them(cant remember, think it was 10).

my biggest dislike with lsd is the duration. but in general, i usually enjoy the effects, the last couple trips have been quite unusual, with the visitation of entities, the apparent ability to time travel, and hallucinating an entire ecovillage while staring into a canal.

how many hbwr seeds is a good dose for you, and what else do you take to synergise or otherwise help the trip?
#3 Posted : 11/17/2010 2:26:38 AM

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biopsylo wrote:

how many hbwr seeds is a good dose for you, and what else do you take to synergise or otherwise help the trip?

SWIM found that 3-6 seeds is enough to obtain good results. SWIM has never gone above 6 for nausea becomes too much and body load becomes to much. SWIM has found 3-7 datura stramonium seeds helps lessen the nausea and adds a synergistic quality to the trip. Add some passion flower tea for SWIM really helps bring out the visuals...otherwise SWIM never gets visuals from LSD or LSA/LSH

Commenting on the OP, I wouldn't compare LSD to HBWR seeds that much. For SWIM the head space is definitely there but LSD seems like a more refined surgical knife while HBWR seeds are like a butter knife. Surgical knife is not painful (when used properly) while the butter knife, while it can still cut, will have more discomfort.

SWIM has felt though that these seeds do help out a lot though with LSD. The "brutality" of the HBWR seeds gets SWIY set for LSD head space while also adding in some "bad" body vibes to toughen SWIY up (nausea, muscle stiffness, etc). So when SWIY eventually does take LSD, the mind does not focus on the body for there is no discomfort like with the seeds... which means SWIM can actually travel further into SWIM's mind without distractions from the body.
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#4 Posted : 11/17/2010 6:32:17 AM

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Wow, this is the most positive review of lsa I have ever read. To this point I have stayed away from lsa because it seems like most people come to the consensus that lsa is uncomfortable, not enjoyable, nor useful as a psychedelic. But you seem to have learned from it.
#5 Posted : 11/17/2010 4:23:00 PM
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Some people have very good experiences with seeds while others have very bad experiences with them. I think that this is because of the variation in alkaloids. Especially LSH, wich decomposes into LSA. LSH is very psycho-active, like LSD, while LSA is merely sedating.

I think the good experiences reported here, are actually experiences with LSH and not with LSA.
#6 Posted : 11/17/2010 4:48:06 PM

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i never got much from hbwr..though morning glories have blown me away with strong visions...
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#7 Posted : 11/17/2010 4:48:08 PM

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i never got much from hbwr..though morning glories have blown me away with strong visions...
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#8 Posted : 11/17/2010 4:58:52 PM
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fractal enchantment wrote:
i never got much from hbwr..though morning glories have blown me away with strong visions...

I remember having taken them once, just for the sedating LSA-effect. Then suddenly, two hours after i took them, i started having full LSD visions. That was quite a surprise.
Having good seeds with LSH or seeds with just LSA is like worlds apart from eachother. LSA is more like valium to me, while LSH is realy very close to LSD.
EquaL Observer
#9 Posted : 11/17/2010 5:40:24 PM


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HBWR is difficult to master, but having it as an ally is so rewarding in many ways. The discomfort diminishes after some time of usage and it is the plight one has to bear to win it over as an ally, I mean, do really think you can get away will all gain no pain? Smile.

When I take 10-12 I go into a half-sleep state where I am channelled with some ancestral knowledge that I can never remember, at this stage putting a finger down my throat will make me vomit immediately and as soon as the vomit is up, the discomfort is gone and you can experience a good 2 hours of Shamanic channelling. 7 or 8 is my preferred dosage, the seeds I get are very good and I've noticed that when they are crushed and put into gel caps, the discomfort tends to be less of an issue for people (it's not an issue for me any-more with or without the gel caps so I can't make comparisons.)

I'm talking here about lying down and putting your full attention to the seeds. I've noticed that tea high in anti-oxidants encourages a lot of burping which feels amazing, every time I burp I feel somewhat closer to the Mayans, wondering what they made of the burping. I'd also recommend a lot of water, the discomfort after all is mostly gas wishing to escape.

I'd really like to see more positive experiences coming from these seeds as I do not know of anyone who uses them as much as I do. The synchronicity which is shown through the memory enhancement (which is noticeable afterwards and always) can be very sentimental.

I use the true Hawaiian strain, most vendors buy from the same source, the seeds I use come from a farm which my vendor has a deal with. I've posted the supplier in the suppliers section for those interested.
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#10 Posted : 11/21/2010 9:41:12 PM

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Recently a friend of mine tried HBRW seeds but they must of been too old as he followed every intruction and went about it the right way, he didn't notice any effects decides a mild euphoria which may have been the weed anyways. I and some others will be dropping acid for the first time one of the coming days this week which is good because I will be doing my first DMT extraction in the following weeks which may prepare me a bit for hyperspace.

I really agree, I think people need to stop seeiing seeds containing LSA as some kind of weak LSD. The makeup is similar but like all other entheogens its a different experience and something different to explore.
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