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First time help (extraction and smoking technique) Options
#1 Posted : 11/11/2010 5:39:27 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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So I tried doing an extraction for the first time.

I initially purchased 1/2 lb Mimosa and decided to start small with two 25g extractions. I pulled with 250 mL of water 3 times each at around ph 2.5. I then added 2.5g NaOH to both and used ~75 mL Naptha. Nothing showed up on the freeze and when evaporated there's just some brownish stuff at the bottom.

I added about 22g of NaOH to both and started working with a new batch of 50g Mimosa which I added 500 mL of ph 2 water too. For the 50g Mimosa I added 35g Lye to the 500 mL water. I used a turkey baster to collect ~250 mL of Naptha which I evaporated down to ~75 mL. There was <0.1 mL of the brownish black basic water that I accidentally picked up in the Naptha. I freeze precipitated this and got 0.250 g of relatively white powder. I put a teeny bit in my mouth and it burned a little, it doesn't smell great but it doesn't smell awful, and when I smoked it nothing happened.

The first time I smoked it I put 15mg in a test tube heated it up and sucked it all in, it tasted bad but didn't make me cough.

The second time I used 20mg in a light bulb. Heated more of it up this time, so I saw a faint swirl of smoke in the bulb. Toked and there was a possible buzz for a minute or two, but nothing that couldn't be chalked down to placebo.

What did I extract? Or is it possible that my smoking technique is just off? I was using a lighter both time, the powder quickly melted and I rolled it around, there was still some residue left on both the light bulb and test tube when I finished. How long should it take to vaporize 15mg with a regular lighter?

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#2 Posted : 11/11/2010 6:06:58 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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shishigami wrote:
So I tried doing an extraction for the first time.

I initially purchased 1/2 lb Mimosa and decided to start small with two 25g extractions. I pulled with 250 mL of water 3 times each at around ph 2.5.

Please specify how did you do it.

shishigami wrote:
I then added 2.5g NaOH to both

Did you check your pH?

shishigami wrote:
and used ~75 mL Naptha.

Was it in one pull or several?

shishigami wrote:
Nothing showed up on the freeze

Did you reduce naphta before freeze-precip?

shishigami wrote:
and when evaporated there's just some brownish stuff at the bottom.

Maybe your spice is there.

I am confused by the rest of your tek description. Please clarify.

shishigami wrote:
The second time I used 20mg in a light bulb.

Light bulbs are not very efficient for spice vaporisation. Try the machine, GVG or a bong with a heat gun.

shishigami wrote:
...is it possible that my smoking technique is just off? I was using a lighter both time,

Heat guns and torch lighters are better.

shishigami wrote:
How long should it take to vaporize 15mg with a regular lighter?

In a bulb it takes long time - 15 - 30 sec if you use an ordinary lighter. In the machine - almost immediately.
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#3 Posted : 11/11/2010 6:34:38 PM

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For each extraction with 25g powder:

I brought the pH of 750 mL of water to 2.5 with HCl.
I added 250 mL of water to the bark and waited for a few days then filtered that into collection jar A. I repeated this twice more, waiting one week in between filtering.
I then added 50 mL of water with 2.5g NaOH. The litmus paper showed a ph ~10 but I wasn't sure if that was right or not (the water had changed color to from brownish red->grey->inky black). I added 75 mL of naptha shook a little bit and waited a day before I separated this from the basic water with a glass turkey baster. I added the two 75 mL of naptha together (one from each of the 25g) and stuck it in the freezer. Nothing happened after a day so I decided to evaporate it to see if there was anything at all. There was a film which I scraped up which weighed ~40mg.

I did some reading and decided to add more lye to each of the jars read a definitive 13. At this point I also repeated the process from before with 50g of bark and 500mL water instead of 3x250mL. The ph of this water was a bit lower, around 1.5-2 instead of 2.5. I waited a day before I filtered this into a jar added 35g Lye dissolved in 100 mL water. The ph was around 13. I added 75 mL naptha to all 3 jars and waited a day. I warmed them all up in a warm water bath so that the dmt would be more soluble in the naptha, shook them around a bit and used a turkey baster to remove the naptha from all of them while still warm. During this process I accidentally picked up <0.1 mL of the basic solution with the turkey baster. I brought the volume of this down to around 75 mL using a fan and stuck this in the freezer for 24 hours. Within 2 hours there were visible crystals on the bottom. At the end of the 24 hours the entire bottom was covered. While still cold I poured the naptha out into another jar and scraped up the crystals. I set these out to dry and they weighed in at around 250mg. They smelled similar to the film I scraped up in my first attempt.

I considered making the machine but wanted to see if what I extracted was DMT or not. So far I have had zero effects from smoking it twice.
#4 Posted : 11/11/2010 8:54:13 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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shishigami wrote:
For each extraction with 25g powder:

I brought the pH of 750 mL of water to 2.5 with HCl.
I added 250 mL of water to the bark and waited for a few days then filtered that into collection jar A. I repeated this twice more, waiting one week in between filtering.

IME 3 hrs boil is better than a week of cold soaking. I believe this is your mistake No.1

shishigami wrote:
I then added 50 mL of water with 2.5g NaOH. The litmus paper showed a ph ~10 but I wasn't sure if that was right or not (the water had changed color to from brownish red->grey->inky black).

Color change is OK, but pH should be higher, especially with cold soak. 12.0 and higher would be more appropriate.

shishigami wrote:
I added 75 mL of naptha shook a little bit and waited a day before I separated this from the basic water with a glass turkey baster.

DMT is only marginally soluble in naphta. You should've pulled each batch at least 3 times (I do 5 pulls). This is your mistake No.2.

shishigami wrote:
There was a film which I scraped up which weighed ~40mg.

Considering your mistakes it's normal.

I suspect lots of spice may be still in your bark. I would do the following:

1. Combine all your basic aqueous solutions.
2. Acidify them to pH ~3.
3. Boil the solution for an hour.
4. Strain the liquid and let it settle.
5. Do steps 3&4 3 times.
6. Let all strained water settle for a day.
7. Reduce the solution to 200 - 300 ml and let it settle for another day.
8. Basify to pH ~12 or higher.
9. Pull at least 3 times with naphta (3 pulls 50 ml each). It is difficult to separate naphta with a turkey baster, so you may use more naphta per pull. But remember more smaller pulls is better than fewer big pulls.
10. Reduce your naphta to ~20 ml.
11. Gradually cool the naphta to room temp then put it in a fridge then in 3-4 hrs move it to a freezer. Slow cooling and freezing helps to grow bigger and cleaner crystals.

This will help you to extract all spice that is still stuck in mhrb.

Your later steps may have helped somewhat, and you may have extracted some spice, but your very inefficient smoking tek prevented you from getting appropriate results.

Some basic solution in naphta is not a problem. I get it all the time. It drops to the bottom and is clearly visible. Decant the naphta carefully and you will separate it easily.

shishigami wrote:
I considered making the machine but wanted to see if what I extracted was DMT or not. So far I have had zero effects from smoking it twice.

You'll need a good smoking device anyway. Read the forum there are many interesting ideas. If you're not ready spend $100 on the GVG, that is Nexus favorite device, make the machine.
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#5 Posted : 11/12/2010 12:02:12 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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This looks like it will be incredibly helpful. I'll try your procedure out and let you know how it works.

Trickster wrote:
shishigami wrote:
I considered making the machine but wanted to see if what I extracted was DMT or not. So far I have had zero effects from smoking it twice.

You'll need a good smoking device anyway. Read the forum there are many interesting ideas. If you're not ready spend $100 on the GVG, that is Nexus favorite device, make the machine.

I realized this later when I tried again out of the lightbulb and got threshold effects. What size should the bottle I use for the machine?

Thanks again!
#6 Posted : 11/12/2010 12:35:08 AM

Bill Nye

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I used to use a regular old crack pipe i made out of a bong slide, not bowl but the glass slide the bowl goes in. I didn't have a glass drill to make the machine off of the wiki. But if you do have the means to make the machine off the wiki then i think you should use one of the little bottles like the ones out of a minibar. or get a slide from a bong and stuff the steel mesh into it, load some spice on top and fan a torch under it to melt the spice down into the mesh then start tokin on it easing more heat on slowly till its all vaped.
"Then he looked right through me
With somniferous almond eyes
Don't even know what that means
Must remember to write it down,
This is so real
Like the time Dave floated away
See my heart is pounding
'Cause this **** never happens to me!"
Tool - Rosetta Stoned

#7 Posted : 11/12/2010 12:52:48 AM

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fraterS.O.L. wrote:
I used to use a regular old crack pipe i made out of a bong slide, not bowl but the glass slide the bowl goes in. I didn't have a glass drill to make the machine off of the wiki. But if you do have the means to make the machine off the wiki then i think you should use one of the little bottles like the ones out of a minibar. or get a slide from a bong and stuff the steel mesh into it, load some spice on top and fan a torch under it to melt the spice down into the mesh then start tokin on it easing more heat on slowly till its all vaped.

I can make the machine once I get the bottle (which shouldn't be too much trouble. I don't have a bong or vape or anything of that sort so that's what I'll be doing.
#8 Posted : 11/12/2010 1:20:34 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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shishigami wrote:
What size should the bottle I use for the machine?

The bigger bottle = the smoother the vapor. On the other hand you need higher lung capacity for bigger bottles. I used bottles from 50 to 200 ml. For me 150 - 200 ml are the best. I could have used even bigger ones, but I've switched to a dry bong + a heat gun.

Heat source is also very important. It should be able to produce a lot of heat but no flame. IME their efficiency ratings are (from worst to best)

- candle,
- Bic lighter,
- torch lighter
- heat gun.

If you do not have a heat gun, try a torch lighter. Make sure you're not touching the spice with the flame, an inch away from the metal wire mesh should be OK. Heat guns are the best, because they are flameless and it is almost impossible to ignite the spice with them.
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#9 Posted : 11/12/2010 1:28:18 AM

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Trickster wrote:
shishigami wrote:
What size should the bottle I use for the machine?

The bigger bottle = the smoother the vapor. On the other hand you need higher lung capacity for bigger bottles. I used bottles from 50 to 200 ml. For me 150 - 200 ml are the best. I could have used even bigger ones, but I've switched to a dry bong + a heat gun.

Heat source is also very important. It should be able to produce a lot of heat but no flame. IME their efficiency ratings are (from worst to best)

- candle,
- Bic lighter,
- torch lighter
- heat gun.

If you do not have a heat gun, try a torch lighter. Make sure you're not touching the spice with the flame, an inch away from the metal wire mesh should be OK. Heat guns are the best, because they are flameless and it is almost impossible to ignite the spice with them.

I think I'll go with a torch lighter since the heat gun looks a bit expensive. Would your standard head shop sell one?
#10 Posted : 11/12/2010 9:42:40 AM

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shishigami wrote:
I think I'll go with a torch lighter since the heat gun looks a bit expensive. Would your standard head shop sell one?

How about this one? - http://www.amazon.com/MI...e-Heat-Gun/dp/B000AMADQ4
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#11 Posted : 11/12/2010 10:29:31 PM

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Trickster wrote:
shishigami wrote:
I think I'll go with a torch lighter since the heat gun looks a bit expensive. Would your standard head shop sell one?

How about this one? - http://www.amazon.com/MI...e-Heat-Gun/dp/B000AMADQ4

That looks sweet! Just bought it. Now I need to go out and get a bottle.
#12 Posted : 11/14/2010 10:53:32 PM

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shishigami wrote:
Now I need to go out and get a bottle.

That is not necessary. Almost any glass tube would do. About half-inch in diameter and five inch long would be OK. Just stuff one end with some steel wool, attach a cocktail straw with some scotch tape to the other end and you're good to go. Sometimes I inhaled straight from the glass tube.

Here is a useful thread - https://www.dmt-nexus.me....aspx?g=posts&t=8214

and this - https://www.dmt-nexus.me....aspx?g=posts&t=8990

It should work. Heat guns are very forgiving.

P.S. Do not forget to pre-burn the steel wool.
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#13 Posted : 11/15/2010 1:05:48 AM


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if you're tight on cash, this has worked for me EVERYTIME: just use a regular bowl. put a pipe screen in. put a layer of MJ ash down, then your spice, then another layer of MJ ash. the ash on top helps filter direct flame and ash on bottom helps absorb it a little if it melts. it usually catches on fire a little this way but every single time i've done it this way, i've gotten off and so has everyone i've shown to do it. not trying to say that it will always work or that the more expensive contraptions might not work better. just saying i know it works and i was instructed by one of the more experienced members here to get a wooden piece with a sliding lid and drill a hole in it. so that if you balst off, you won't spill your goodies. i've also seen pipes at the head shop that have a screw on lid with a tiny whole in the top that i think would work great! the spice couldn't burn cuz there is limited oxygen.

IMO, experiment. you'll find that you can yield plenty of spice to try different things and not take a huge blow to your wallet. see what works for you. my advice, if you're worried about money, start cheap and work your way up! i want a GVG but right now, i'm doing just fine. it's all still so brand new to me that i don't feel like i need an improvement just yet. know what i mean? i'm sure one day i'll wanna move on up and get a nice piece but for now...i'm content...

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#14 Posted : 11/15/2010 6:05:54 AM

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I will experiment but no longer with the damn lightbulb. After wasting ~100 mg and barely getting any effects I decided the machine would be my next project.

The bottle was easy enough to get. I was a little worried since I can't buy liquor but I found a nice 5oz hot sauce bottle that should work. I bought some scrubbies that turned out to be a little to thin as they glowed quite red when heated up with a regular lighter. I'll find some suitable material scrubbies and test it out next week. I would've done it this weekend but I was doing a loooong comp sci and math problem and didn't think my group would appreciate me leaving them to do drugs.

If I'm in a pinch I will certainly try out one of regular bowls. My only worry with that would be that there is residue and the people I'm smoking with get surprised.

I didn't do much on the extraction this weekend for the same reason I didn't try out the machine but I anticipate I will have time to work on it during the week.

#15 Posted : 11/15/2010 10:37:50 AM

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shishigami wrote:
I bought some scrubbies that turned out to be a little to thin as they glowed quite red when heated up with a regular lighter. I'll find some suitable material scrubbies and test it out next week.

That is OK. Heat guns are different. Some areas of a lighter flame is very hot - over 1000C. Heat guns produce no flame and hot air temp is only 650C or less.

Pre-burn your scrubby for a few seconds making it red hot. It should stop producing any visible smoke.

shishigami wrote:
My only worry with that would be that there is residue and the people I'm smoking with get surprised.

It will also smell like burned plastic.
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