Okay i've only washed dmt a few times using Acolon 5's Spice Washing Tek. Recently I had a really good extraction on 50g mimosa using my usual 50g lye, 750ml water and 30ml pulls. This yielded a gram or so of nice flakey white dmt that filled about a shot glass full, very little wasn't white actually and the parts that wernt white burned my tongue really badly so I figured I do a wash.
After the wash I did once using a sodium bicarbonate solution and 130ml naptha, I have yielded only about 200mg of the original gram used (now reducing a third and probably last time to get some more) and the dmt I did yield has a yellow tint to it. I can tell its a lot more dense and doesn't burn but why is it turning out yellow and whats up with having to reduce the naptha so much to yield any dmt after the wash? The wash tek calls for 200ml naptha per gram dmt which seems to be wayy too much. Seeing how much DMT I had before the wash I am discouraged to even try this again. Any ideas/suggestions are appreciated.

"Existence itself may be considered an abyss possessed of no meaning. I do not read this as a pessimistic statement but a declaration of autonomy for my imagination & will and their most beautiful act of bestowing meaning upon existence itself." -- Hakim Bey