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Extracted M. turned red? Options
#1 Posted : 10/25/2010 2:26:36 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 03-Jan-2011
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SWIM heard a story about a girl who extracted some impure M. acetate using a d-limonine tek. She put some of the the M. in a gelcap for future experimentation. It would seem that the vinegar wasn't completely evapped beforehand though, even though it looked pretty pale/light amber.

A few months passed, and the gelcap went a bit squishy. The M. acetate had turned from pale amber to a darkish red. The girl wondered if there was some kind of reaction between the M. acetate and the gelcap, or if it turned red because of added moisture, and whether it would still be suitable for experimentation.

Any thoughts?

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#2 Posted : 10/25/2010 1:02:25 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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Yeah it should be fine, I've seen this happen before, maybe its oxidation of some non-mescaline compounds, Im not sure, but I didnt notice any qualitative or quantitative change in effects compared to freshly extracted acetates. Post back if you do bioassay to tell us if you notice any difference, but it should work perfectly fine.
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