I tryed q21q21 vinegar tek. the 1st one with xylene
Added 100g MHRB 100ml water 100ml vinegar. stirred till constant constituency
let it sit for 1 hour. stirred everyonce and a while
added 100g of lime (calcium hydroxide)
added 200ml of xylene. mixed well
took solvent out and into seal-able container
added 20 ml of vinegar to container
shook for 3 minutes. added 20ml of water
shook for 2 mins
used turkey baster to get water out container
evaporated the water with double boiler.
all that was left was a lil barely orange goo.
confused. I tryed to not waste it. So mixed with a lil vinegar and transported it onto a spoon
used lighter under the spoon and let the goo bubble of til only a lil dark was left
tried to smoke it fail

Smoking was putting the goo on my pipe holding the lighter far away.
sucking in slowly. i got a weird lil taste for a lil bit but no effects
Can someone deduce whats wrong from this
etybdrawkcab is a fictional character living under the sea
and only in existence because my talented imagination