yeah, COSM is great, you should definitely make the trip up there if you're ever in new york for a good amount of time. Alex Grey is a really nice and funny dude; his wife is a hard liner though and clearly keeps his spaceyness in check

i went to a psytrance party at the old COSM (when it was in NYC) and had a blast; it was so great to be able to trip out hard while sitting in a room full of alex grey originals!! I totally mind-melded with some of those paintings

You'll meet some great people there, but you'll also meet some of the flakiest and most pretentious people in the world there. There's also a bunch of COSM groupies who just want to spend all day swinging off alex's nuts. its kind of obnoxious, but I can get past it; still worth the trip.
Before I end the post, i might as well share some cool trivia that came out during the strassman/grey Q&A: Alex Grey said that the first time he ever smoked DMT was when Terence Mckenna himself gave it to him in 1985(?). I thought that was a really cool factoid!