Sorry for making so many threads, but SWIM feels like this is a legitimate issue and that others will benefit from the replies.
SWIM got Pyrex containers at a local supermarket for working with naphtha. They have red, soft covers that are labeled as safe for the microwave and freezer.
The concern comes when naphtha is left in these containers for a period of more than an hour. The container and the Ziplock bag around it seem to condense/sweat a greasy substance. It seems to evaporate, or perhaps absorb into the Pyrex, but at a much slower rate than naphtha evaporates.
It smells somewhat of naphtha, at least initially. However this may be due to naphtha condensing along with it.
Another reason for concern is that the cover of one of them is becoming warped from this exposure.
Any ideas on what the mechanism behind this is? Would Saran Wrap be a safer alternative? If one were to yield spice from these containers, would it be safe assuming the solution never came in contact with the cover?