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Has Lucy ever sicked the dogs on you? Options
#1 Posted : 9/22/2010 7:48:05 AM

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This one has been festering in this thing we call the mind for a while, so here goes:
I had an acid trip a couple of months ago that was absolutely terrifying, complete and total fear don't even begin to describe it. I was sitting in my house when my sanity completely collapsed on me: My younger brother used to get waaaaaaaay too spun on acid and booms when he was waaaaay too young, and i was tripping face in my house and he wouldn't stop calling me. Needless to say this freaked me out terribly and i thought that the tryptamine entities were contacting me through himShocked .
So i finally picked up the phone and he said to me (or so i thought) "they're coming" and boom just like that lucy flipped the switch and cop sirens and lights started going off immediately, i bolted out my front door leaving it wide open and took off running through my neighborhood, literally thinking i was being chased by terribly evil black dogs and cops wielding lights yelling stuff like "he's over there, get him!" As i was running through my neighborhood, i stripped all my clothes off and the next thing i knew i was completely naked. Now i apologize in advance because this is where it gets graphic: every time i would touch my genitals the dogs would stop in their tracks, yet as soon as i took my hand away they were coming after me again!
Now all this time lucy was like "cmon its time to leave this world hurry up and come with me or they're gonna get you for good!" and when she said good i realized she meant for ETERNITY. I was so terrified that i just couldn't give in to her, i kept saying "no no not yet i'm not ready" but she was having none of it. Eventually the "cops" went away (for the moment :lolSmile and i hallucinated an entire party in my neighborhood. Now it is around 11 pm and there is absolutely no one outside, yet i distinctly remember seeing a guy in a pony tail repeatedly during my trip, he would even literally pick me up off the ground and say "we gotta go now, they're coming again".
Eventually i convinced myself that i had already died and was in a separate reality where all my friends were already there and waiting on me, laughing at my childish behavior of not wanting to leave the reality i was in (always hanging on to the ego :lolSmile. I will spare the rest of the details because it does end up badly, i ended up going to jail for this but things are better now.

Anyways the real reason i wrote this up is because i have been searching for someone who experienced that same kind of paranoia that i did, and yesterday i finally found someone who experienced the exact same feeling of being chased by cops and black dogs, as he described his experience it sent shockwaves down my spine.
So my question for you nexians is: Has she ever sent the dogs on you? and if so, would you mind sharing your experience with me? (only if you are comfortable sharing, this was a very traumatic experience for me and if you experienced this you know what i mean)
Let me also add that i don't want this to discourage anyone from using LSD, i took waaaay too much all by myself, 2 cardinal sins, and i suffered the consequences. Lucy and i have since become reacquainted, and we are close friends again.Very happy
Om Mani Padme Hum


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#2 Posted : 9/22/2010 2:02:13 PM

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Hey, sorry about your difficult experience, thanks for sharing. I have definitely felt paranoia on LSD, but on doses that were clearly not as high as yours, so it was manageable. Themes vary on what we have inside. No cops or dogs in my case, but satan, horns, and a sinister side to the world. Not that I'm catholic, but my grand-parents are, and I've inherited some kind guilt, some kind of fear of the tiniest speck of evil. But if themes vary, the mechanics of paranoia, on the other hand, seem to be the same. It's good to be back, isn't it? Especially from a Lucy adventure - I don't visit her too often because I know she has a hard time letting go...
SWIM is Spartacus!

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#3 Posted : 9/23/2010 3:34:49 AM

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to answer you question, yes. and I have since parted ways permenantly with lucy.
"I'm creeping back to life, my nervous system all awry, I'm wearing the inside out. Look at him now, he's paler somehow, but he's coming round. He's starting to choke It's been so long since he spoke, well he can have the words right from my mouth. And with these words I can see, clear through the clouds that covered me, Just give it time then speak my name. now we can hear ourselves again" Pink Floyd- Wearing the Inside Out
Mogascreeta is a pathological liar and should not be taken seriously under any circumstance.
#4 Posted : 9/23/2010 5:49:09 AM

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I feel ya mogascreeta its terrifying like no other drug can be in my opinion, thanks for your response and sorry things didn't work out between you. Isn't it so wild how she turns them on you like that though? I thought i could never go back to her, but she keeps luring me back..... hopefully she will take pity on me from now on.

Oh and shayku i hope you never have to see them because it is the most fear you can possibly feel.

I also want to say that i had a flashback to that acid trip, and while the dogs weren't chasing me, the sirens were back and the sensation of YOU HAVE TO DIE RIGHT NOW YOUR WHOLE LIFE WAS AN ILLUSION AND YOUR TIME IS UP was back and worse than before.

Whoo sorry for all the scary stories but this has been eating me up for months and i just had to get it out to the nexus with like-minded people who could help me and hopefully help you guys from ever having to see them, but unfortunately if you keep eating acid (and not listening to her) its one of those things you gotta see IMO Shocked
Om Mani Padme Hum

#5 Posted : 9/23/2010 6:25:06 AM

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glad you made it back bro!!!
i have definitely been there, not particularly in that way with lucy, but THERE.
i tend to go inward rather than outward when i freak out though.
like i just go under the blankets and curl up in a ball and roll around in hell for 4 hours.
a good friend of mine took 10 woodrose seeds once. all was going well until we smoked some weed (go figure!).
he ended up completely convinced that the outside world had no reality to it, took off all his cloths (what's with that theme of no cloths?!?!) went into his parents house (luckily they weren't home) and continued to barge around the street like a half-crazy baboon.
we (very high also) kept pleading with him to just come in the house and chill there. he just wouldn't listen.
i've never seen, to this day, somebody more "gone" than he was and it was the most terrifying thing i've ever experienced.
(well besides black-out doses of aya Laughing )
it took me a long time to recover from that episode, i had to work very hard to "forgive" my friend for what i perceived at the time to be the cardinal psychedelic sin (creating a public scene while high).
though, in the end, i am no better for having not gone there. all potential experiences lie within all of us somewhere.
it just so happens that these are the most powerful substances in the galaxy...sometimes we will get the bad end of the deal.
i've come to the point in my tripping where i don't even recommend high doses anymore.
what is there really to gain? no permanent enlightenment has ever come from simply "crossing the other side." why risk it? for kicks??
we are, in a very real sense, playing with forces far stronger than our little egos, and sometimes our poor nervous systems and minds have to suffer the consequences of our childish restlessness that propels us into such absurdly strong experiences.
there are some days when i'm coming up on way too strong of a dose thinking, "oh no, i just wanted to have a good time today!!"
we are all very small children playing with very big tools when we step into the psychedelic infinitude.
no wonder we hack ourselves to pieces sometimes with those energetic buzz-saws of fathomless intensity!!
thanks for listening to my ramble! you are definitely not alone, friend...Smile
#6 Posted : 9/23/2010 6:31:38 AM

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Dragon-n man do your words hit home. She showed me how childish i really was, thinking i could take her for "fun", she ended up showing me who was having the fun, and man did she get a kick out of the whole thing! Laughing Now i know what the drugs are really for though, so i can at least thank her for that. I smoked a bowl that trip and it just made things worse, although most of the time it calms me down. I think i know exactly what your friend was experiencing, i was so gone i blacked out at a certain point. Thanks for your response man its people like you that make me love this forum! Safe travels friend Smile
Om Mani Padme Hum

#7 Posted : 9/23/2010 7:23:23 AM

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camdemonium wrote:
I feel ya mogascreeta its terrifying like no other drug can be in my opinion, thanks for your response and sorry things didn't work out between you. Isn't it so wild how she turns them on you like that though? I thought i could never go back to her, but she keeps luring me back..... hopefully she will take pity on me from now on.

Yeah she is pretty fucked up sometimes. I was on some legit white fluff (I was alone) and it was just completely overwhelming. I felt like my head was spinning on top of my shoulders and the more I tried to calm down the more freaked out I became. It was possibly the worst day of my life. I literally lost my mind and thought I was never going to have it back. I smoked a bowl which I thought might smooth things out but it just made things worse. For some reason I smoked another bowl. My mind was blank, but at the same time filled with thoughts and words that I couldn't even understand. It's like my brain started speaking in tongues. I then took 100mg harmine hoping that might bring some clarity and that actually did help but only a little bit. At the end of it I realized how much stuff I had actually been through that day and it really blew my mind. I started thinking about how I might tell someone about it but then just decided to do my best to forget about it. Even now I have a sort of barrier in my head blocking it out. I was scared and I thought it would never end.


Whoo sorry for all the scary stories but this has been eating me up for months and i just had to get it out to the nexus with like-minded people who could help me and hopefully help you guys from ever having to see them, but unfortunately if you keep eating acid (and not listening to her) its one of those things you gotta see IMO Shocked

sometimes you just gotta let it out and get it off of your shoulders. I'm glad you're back on good terms with lucy.Razz safe travels man.
dog solutions:
"I'm creeping back to life, my nervous system all awry, I'm wearing the inside out. Look at him now, he's paler somehow, but he's coming round. He's starting to choke It's been so long since he spoke, well he can have the words right from my mouth. And with these words I can see, clear through the clouds that covered me, Just give it time then speak my name. now we can hear ourselves again" Pink Floyd- Wearing the Inside Out
Mogascreeta is a pathological liar and should not be taken seriously under any circumstance.
#8 Posted : 9/23/2010 3:17:25 PM

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Yeah now that it is out there for all to see i feel much better,
Om Mani Padme Hum

#9 Posted : 9/23/2010 7:36:01 PM

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oh yeah i forgot to mention.
psychedelic preparation rule #4589 was violated in the original post:
turn off all phones and answering machines prior to peaking! Laughing
those things can be of NO help when you're already bonkers!! Smile
#10 Posted : 9/23/2010 7:56:47 PM

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Haha yeah i broke so many rules that night i'm amazed i'm still sane!

Or am I? Pleased
Om Mani Padme Hum

#11 Posted : 9/27/2010 7:21:29 PM
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LSD is capable of unleashing fucked-up paranoia like no other susbstance except 5-MeO-DMT.

I had a trip once in wich i had deja-vu experiences all the time. At some point i got convinced that i had experienced everything i was experiencing before in a dream, and i didn't remember how the dream ended but i just KNEW it ended very, very badly. It was a wicked sort of foreboding. A feeling of impending doom, and whatever i did, it always appeared that every escape route i tried had been in my dream as well, so i was trapped, ambushed by some sort of dark satanic faith.
My punishment for playing with LSD and putting my sanity on the line.

It took hours to get my sense of calmness and my rationality back. I had to say to myself over and over "you're just having a bad-trip, it'll pass" and try to breathe calmly.

That tactic does have an effect, but it's hard work. You get these waves of terror and pure panic, but if you just keep repeating this mantra of rationality to yourself, every new wave is a little less frightening, untill you finally managed to get out of it.
That can take a few hours though, and as you've experienced, once you're in the panic-zone, even a minute can seem like eternity.
#12 Posted : 9/28/2010 4:26:16 AM

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Time loops on LSD are panic-inducing like no other! It is crazy how LSD can make you think you are literally doomed for ETERNITY, truly terrible stuff! This substance demands the utmost respect and i learned that the hard way.

Once you're in the panic zone there is NO escape!!!! Shocked

Glad you made it back my man; "reality" can be quite comforting sometimes!
Om Mani Padme Hum

#13 Posted : 10/6/2010 8:52:25 PM

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One time when my friend and I were tripping he started getting terrible thought loops and basically was on repeat forever, he told me that he was the reincarnation of god and that he could make anything in the world happen. Then he thought he was going to get assassinated, he was tellin me that he kept seeing tons of cop lights and helicopters coming to assassinate him. He just would repeat what he was saying over and over again. Eventually I jsut let him tire himself out since no amount of talking I could do would calm him down, he even wanted to call his mom and dad and tell them about how he was god's reincarnate. All in all it was a bad experience for me jsut because I had to sit there trippin balls trying to manage him at my house, he kept trying to get naked and run outside my house but I kept stopping him. Eventually some of my sober friends came over and made life way easier for me. But lucy definitely sicked the dogs on him for having such a large ego, don't think he has touched anything since then psychedelic wise. It was truly terrifying to see him go through something like that, but it just made me realize that you should always be prepared for whatever lucy shows you.

I've had a bad experience once during a solo trip of 4 very strong blotters. During the peak I fought the ego loss and it caused me to convince myself that I had gone insane, I was stuck in crazy though loops about how I would be one of those people who never come down from their trip (even though I knew in my sober state that it was not possible) My visuals started going so crazy that I could not tell tripping from reality, objects morphed into other objects and I felt a strong sense of paranoia, fear, sorrow, loneliness, and many other negative emotions. Eventually I called a friend (one of the people who helped me with my friend who thought he was God reincarnated) and asked him if I could hang out with him because I was having a rough time, and he basically just hung out with me and I felt perfectly fine again and truly learned to appreciate a good friend who would come and hang out with his friend who is tripping balls. I started coming down and realized I was not crazy, and that even the negative experiences can help shed a positive light on things.
#14 Posted : 10/6/2010 8:55:32 PM

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polytrip wrote:
That tactic does have an effect, but it's hard work. You get these waves of terror and pure panic, but if you just keep repeating this mantra of rationality to yourself, every new wave is a little less frightening, untill you finally managed to get out of it.

I agree with this, I have done the same when I felt things were starting to go south and it got me out of the rut. Sometimes when I am at my own place I will leave a big note on a couple tables saying: Relax, you're just tripping. I've never really had to use them but they are good to have around just incase anyone is having a bad time.
#15 Posted : 10/6/2010 8:56:37 PM

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beautiful post gratefulfloyd! thanks for your insight.
#16 Posted : 10/6/2010 9:37:58 PM

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Wow floyd, his trip was the exact same fucking trip as mine, so similar to a t that it is giving me chills rereading it (except for the notion that i was god's reincarnate, i was instead convinced that all of reality was a figment of my imagination and LSD was making me realize it and that i would be done with that physical existence for good). I thought i was being surrounded by cops and chased by helicopters as well and if they caught me i was done, for GOOD; and just had to get naked, i have no idea even why i just knew i HAD to. After this experience i thought me and Lucy were good (i had dosed a few times since then with no paranoia), but last weekend i went to my first burn and was on the verge of snapping back into the panic state the whole night on saturday. Luckily i ran into my good childhood friend when i was about to snap, and he helped me fight the demons inside for the rest of the time. Once you see that state of pure paranoia & the dreaded thought loops on LSD, it is so easy to snap back into it.

Does anyone have a method of coping with these terror loops and uncontrollable paranoia? I know i just need to let go, but it is so hard to let go of yourself when you believe you will be stuck in absolute HELL for ETERNITY.
Om Mani Padme Hum

#17 Posted : 10/6/2010 9:47:30 PM

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camdemonium wrote:

Does anyone have a method of coping with these terror loops and uncontrollable paranoia?

well i would suggest that LSD might not groove with some people's mental wiring well.
instead of "coping" why not find a molecule that "fits" on every level.
just because LSD is profound, doesn't mean it necessitates experiencing it over and over, especially if it seems slippery around the edges.
molecules like mescaline have all the depth and profundity of LSD with a grounding reassurance inherent in the medicine.
instead of subjecting oneself to the madness over and over and praying for sanity or clarity, it may be better to switch allegiance to a medicine that looks after and supports your insights, your growth, AND your mental well-being. viva mescal!!
#18 Posted : 10/7/2010 1:43:58 AM

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No doubt LSD and me are done for good i think, my pedro cactus is growing it is just taking its sweet ass time!!!

Can't wait to meet Mescalito though!! Smile
Om Mani Padme Hum

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