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First LSD experience Options
#1 Posted : 9/21/2010 5:27:31 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Between the bars
So where I live, a lot of drugs go around. Most of them being from people just looking to make some cash so they sell bunk stuff. Because of this, it took a quite a while for a connect to come around that I actually trusted. When one made itself present the connect, myself, and a few friends decided to dose and go out to the beach and spend the night out there. Unfortunately for me, the days leading up to the experience were not filled with preparing myself, but stressing over the fact that my girlfriend haaaaaaaaaaaates drugs with a passion; even though she has little to no experience with most of them. So, instead of meditating, mentally preparing myself, and generally being a mature psychonaut I argued with her about it and pretty much said "Tough shit, I'm taking it."

Day of the experience, I study a little bit while our connect tries to get her shift covered. I get the go-ahead from her girlfriend and head over to their house. We're all giddy with anticipation and I know I am in good hands (These girls also introduced me to MDMA). We grab our little baggy of assorted treats and leave for the beach. We dose about 30 minutes before we arrive at our destination; I remember the taste being blank but it felt sour as hell, made me pucker up. We continued on our way, did not talk for the rest of the drive because we were holding the saliva in our mouths. Girl A held it in for about three times longer than Girl B or myself.

We arrive at the beach and Girl B and myself are not feeling it. Girl A however is tripping nuts, she says she is in an Alex Grey painting, I mention that I should have brought my AG shirt for her to look at (Overmind, great painting!) So we carry our stuff to the beach and set-up camp. At this point we find out Girl C and Guy A are heading out from the neighboring town to join us in the festivities. We rejoice, eat cheetos, Girl A spins fire. After that, Girl B and myself mention that we are not seeing any effects, just feeling the effects. Girl C and Guy A arrive and we all decide to dose/re-dose. Girl C and Guy A take a sugar cube each. Girl A (owner of the stuff) gives me the plastic bottle that held the stuff and says "Chew on the bottom, it's absorbed into the bottom." I reluctantly chew on it, I did not want a mind-blowing first experience. The taste is waaaaaaaay stronger than before, at this point I shrug off my reluctance; might as well enjoy it! It's acid! This shit created a cultural movement! I pump myself up.

Girls A-C, Guy A, and myself sit around, talk about non-sensical shit, we all start laughing uncontrollably over small things. I wait for the effects and they come shortly, colors are vibrant and shifting. I'm startled when the clouds drop...several hundred feet closer to me. They shift around, they go from dark blue to orange and purple. I look at the stars that are starting to come out, they're gorgeous. They dance around the sky, they morph into odd-shaped triangles. I play connect the dots with the stars, I see a one-eyed space-hippo in them, it is smiling at me, beckoning me out into the ocean. I walk into the water, the receding tide leaves fish-scale patterns in the sand. My feet sink into the sand, it feels amazing. I wonder where the fuck the ocean goes before it comes back (I felt like it was going out wayyyyyy further than usual). Girl B and Guy A join me in the water. We talk about the ocean fucking with us, goes away and then engulfs us when we're giggling about something stupid.

I look up, space hippo is much closer, the sky looks like a physical dome, as if we are encased by a shroud of the most beautiful fabric ever. A fabric that...you know...dances... Girl A and C run to the nearest CVS to grab some snacks and water. They return and tell us the lady that helped them find stuff looked like a droopy vagina covered in clown make-up. We laugh.

I lay down and look up at the stars, I begin to think about my girlfriend. She's just getting off work right now, probably blowing up my phone. Fuck that phone, I wouldn't be caught near it right now, that's the last thing I want to think about. I beat myself up over it quite a bit. I wish she was there with me, experiencing it with me. I remind myself you cannot explain colors to a blind person, she would not understand. I sit up, talk with everyone that we are not really bettering ourselves right now, just getting stoned on the beach. We agree but decide we do not really care at this point, we are all having a great time.

We all sit around and smoke cigarettes, we find a knocked-over life-guard tower and sit on it. Girl B brings out a small portable MP3 player, we talk about the music, smoke more cigarettes. At this point we are all tired, start wishing the sun was up. We joke about the athletic people that will be up soon, we hate them. We talk about a recent festival everyone was at (except for me, held a rave instead). We discuss why being barefoot sucks and rocks, deep bruises on the soles of your feet anyone?

Sun comes up, it is BEAAAAAUTIFUL. That bright orange bitch is a little unbearable at times though. We joke about the people using metal detectors avnd people sitting on towels that keep getting attacked by the tide (Tourists...pffft...they fuddy). We decide to pack up and leave the beach, say our good-byes and depart. I nap on the car ride home. I go to class, still tripping. I call the girlfriend, tell her it was fun but not worth pissing her off. She rants about how I thought she knew nothing but she does (I keep quiet, I know she has no idea what she is talking about, but what is the point? I cannot change her at this point). I cook her some dinner, talk to my brother about it, and go to sleep early.

I loved acid with every atom of my existance. It was beautiful, but it was not the right time for me to take it. Plus I'm more of a sucker for DMT, it takes me places I never imagined existed. Acid feels familiar. I have a renewed sahense of childish awe and wonder. I start researching Ayahuasca, I write this report.

Hope y'all enjoyed the report! It is written in a much different manner from my other ones...Writing it this way feels like the only way I should write it really...
Life is a puzzle. Your parents fill in the edges and give you a starting point. The interesting thing about this puzzle is that one piece could fit in a million different spots and you will never fill it in. Try as you may, it will never be complete.

-Mi padre

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#2 Posted : 9/21/2010 5:37:57 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Great report. Thanks for sharing.
-Close your eyes, See the light, and feel the sunshine in the shade

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#3 Posted : 9/21/2010 5:43:44 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks, sorry for some odd spelling at times...crap lap top. I'll fix it when I'm at home.
Life is a puzzle. Your parents fill in the edges and give you a starting point. The interesting thing about this puzzle is that one piece could fit in a million different spots and you will never fill it in. Try as you may, it will never be complete.

-Mi padre
#4 Posted : 9/21/2010 9:47:47 PM

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Sounds like a great time, fantastic decision to leave the phone at home.

Be cool, be well.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#5 Posted : 9/22/2010 12:57:56 AM

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I remind myself you cannot explain colors to a blind person, she would not understand.

heh I like that analogy.
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#6 Posted : 10/25/2010 12:23:00 AM

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LSD always gives me great insights and revelations. I consider it a very special sacrament and have learned a lot and made a lot of positive changes w/ the things learned on LSD. Glad that you had the chance to experience it Skizm. I hope you get to have many, many more.
Thanks for sharing your report SKizm.
#7 Posted : 10/26/2010 6:19:40 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Nice report Skizm. Now not to bash your beautifully crafted report or anything but isn't LSD tasteless, orderless, and colourless?? Unless that was the sugar cube that was giving that sour taste? SWIM has never had any taste from the LSD SWIM has had.. Wut? Confused
The Tea Party wrote:
We exist in a world where the fear of Illusion is real
And we cling to the past to deny and confuse the ideal

DMTripper wrote:
Bliss of ignorance -> pain of knowledge -> integrate -> bliss of knowledge.

SWIM and ElusiveMind are fictional characters and everything they say is fictional
Infinite I
#8 Posted : 10/27/2010 9:21:30 PM


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ElusiveMind wrote:
Nice report Skizm. Now not to bash your beautifully crafted report or anything but isn't LSD tasteless, orderless, and colourless?? Unless that was the sugar cube that was giving that sour taste? SWIM has never had any taste from the LSD SWIM has had.. Wut? Confused

Yes thats what I thought, its tasteless odourless? maybe it wasnt acid? The world being like a dome sounds like acid but you do get a lot of things that are like acid these days, oh cool report, love reading peoples first time with things lol
I am.
#9 Posted : 10/31/2010 6:01:00 PM


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Skizm wrote:
I remember the taste being blank but it felt sour as hell, made me pucker up....

you didn't take LSD my friend. you probably took DOC. it's an RC (research chemical). it's like biting into a penny. kinda metallic, almost. can be like the taste of putting a 9V battery to your tongue. and the taste will last for hours, usually, if not the entirety of the trip. it gets sold as LSD quite often. DOC is legal, too, making it easier to come by. if you've ever had DOC and knew that's what you're getting, you'll never forget the taste. the worst LSD taste i can remember is if the blotter has lots of ink, you'll get the ink melting in your mouth. also, IMHO, holding it on your tongue for 2 hours or 13 seconds will make no difference. it's just a little thing most people think. i've let hits completely dissolve and i've swallowed them and gotten off both ways. DOC is also known to last noticeably longer. for you to have this experience, go to sleep and then wake up and go to class still tripping, it wasn't LSD. if you ate enough LSD to last that long, you wouldn't have went to bed and with acid, once you go to bed, it's all over. that's what i hate about RC's and how fucked up "the game" is. people will sell fake acid as acid just to make a buck. please don't let me take from your experience. DOC trips are real. i've had quite a few that were meaningful. but they aren't lucy. keep trucking. you can learn from DOC but when you get lsd, you'll know it brother. good report, though. keep diving. DMT is a great teacher but LSD (and all the others) seem to have their own lessons. i believe that a truly balanced psychonaut will have experience with all (or almost all) psychedelics. thanks for sharing man...
embrace your nothingness...it's all you are...
#10 Posted : 10/31/2010 7:41:10 PM


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yea im gonna jump on the train saying it wasn't acid. redosing acid is a waste of it, so you shouldn't have gotten any bump. tolerance builds MAD fast.
blooooooOOOOOooP fzzzzzzhm KAPOW!
This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking.
Grow a plant or something and meditate on that
#11 Posted : 10/31/2010 8:41:28 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Yeah, I thought I had done LSD like 20 times but didn't realize it wasn't real LSD until I got some real stuff the last time.
*The above text represents a fictional alter ego, none of it is based on the experiences of a real person.*

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#12 Posted : 11/2/2010 5:18:10 AM

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Ya DOC or a DOx fits the sour taste description and it is commonly sold as "bulk" LSD on SWIMs side of the moon. Just remember, you'll known when Lucy has found you before you even realize you're in the rabbit hole Wink
The Tea Party wrote:
We exist in a world where the fear of Illusion is real
And we cling to the past to deny and confuse the ideal

DMTripper wrote:
Bliss of ignorance -> pain of knowledge -> integrate -> bliss of knowledge.

SWIM and ElusiveMind are fictional characters and everything they say is fictional
#13 Posted : 12/2/2010 4:41:09 PM

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I remember telling a girl to go f**k herself because she wouldn't open her mind to entheogens (her choice), nor would she let me open my own mind to them. This enraged me like something demonic. Still, didn't stop me. It's rather silly.

Glad you had such a good time. You can't take away a good experience Smile
Art Van D'lay wrote:
Smoalk. It. And. See.
#14 Posted : 1/5/2011 9:12:57 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for the report. =)

Doesn't sound like you reached LSD's full potential, though. Don't make any assumptions about LSD just yet. Take enough and it will open up an entire universe of alien beauty, complete with a panorama of lucid visuals covering your whole field of vision, backed by a soundtrack played by a symphony orchestra in your mind...
#15 Posted : 1/5/2011 11:22:44 PM

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Thanks for sharing your report! Beautifully written. Spelling mistakes are the least of our concerns here.

It definitely sounds like a mild dose of a psychedelic. I don't know anything about DOC, but does it cause the visual enhancements/distortions and mental high that a powerful psychedelic produces?

To better determine if it was LSD, could you report on some of the other characteristics of the trip, specifically how long it lasted, after how long did you become tired, what was the supposed amount ingested before sucking on the bottom of the bottle.

It's true that LSD has no taste, though. Definitely makes me a little suspicious. Again though, you definitely tripped. Perhaps it was just cut with something?
He led a double life. Did that make him a liar? He did not feel a liar. He was a man of two truths. - Murdoch, Dame [Jean] Iris

Kartikay is a character role that I play when I feel like escaping reality. Nothing I say under the pseudonym "Kartikay" reflects any of my actual life or personal history.
I am.
#16 Posted : 1/6/2011 2:26:37 AM


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Kartikay wrote:
It definitely sounds like a mild dose of a psychedelic. I don't know anything about DOC, but does it cause the visual enhancements/distortions and mental high that a powerful psychedelic produces?

To better determine if it was LSD, could you report on some of the other characteristics of the trip, specifically how long it lasted, after how long did you become tired, what was the supposed amount ingested before sucking on the bottom of the bottle.

It's true that LSD has no taste, though. Definitely makes me a little suspicious. Again though, you definitely tripped. Perhaps it was just cut with something?

i've had DOC and a couple other DOx that were very close to an lsd trip. visual distortions can get pretty crazy with a couple hits. i've had a DOC/DOI blend that was almost exactly like an LSD trip except it lasted a lot longer and it felt a little more hollow than lsd.
embrace your nothingness...it's all you are...
#17 Posted : 1/6/2011 7:32:55 AM

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Glad that you had such a wonderful introduction with lucy. She can be very special. The next time you try it, try meditating, or working through personal issues. It can be a very powerful tool in accelerating the minds ability to perform all kinds of tasks!
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