So i've been growing grandpa otts and it's time to start harvesting the seeds, and i predict no more than 500-1000 if that. and i was wondering what the minimum amount of seed material needed for a decent extraction is.
I was also wondering on a side note, if i get a decent amount of LSA, how much of that material is needed for a decent yield of LSH/Organic Acid.
I've read a bunch of the threads on it, but i'm having trouble finding info on the quantity required.
If i don't have enough seeds i'll just use it for stock.
i'm also going to be planting an array of opium poppies. whites, blues, reds, golden, and whatever else i have. but i'm not interested in scraping goo and all that, i was wondering if you could do some sort of extract to obtain the alkaloids like a full spectrum, or would this just be making opium in another way?
if so ill stick to tea
I was searching for the key for years...
but the door was always open