Quote:Needs more research.. might be good but it sounds dangerous..
Indeed. This was a very hard task for SWIM because he is not good at chemistry and there's little documentation on this reaction.
Quote:What kind of reaction will occur?
A quiet one. SWIM didn't notice his container getting warmer.
Quote:How are you going to filter a caustic material safely?
SWIM did it the first time with a lab filter and a his largest buchner funnel. He noticed that his filter had very light yellow stains after it dried. He thinks that filtering is actually unecessary. In his second test, SWIM added 37g lime to 53g washing soda, added 3L water, mixed for 10min. The solids completely settled to the bottom after a couple minutes and SWIM could see through the water to the solids (the water was very clear). He pippeted it out, and the solution tested deep blue with litmus. SWIM is not sure if this was caused by sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate. SWIM spilled some of the solution on paper by accident and it stained dirty yellow, characteristic of sodium hydroxide. He is evaporating the solution at the moment so he can do more tests later.
Quote:the calcium carbonate could be dangerous to handle.
It couldn't. Calcium carbonate is very safe to handle. If gloves and goggles are used, then no problems should occur, given that the worst that can happen are splashes and spillages, no fumes. SWIM sees one problem with the reaction, and that is due to the insolubility of lime. If one reactant is soluble in water, and the other only slightly, will the reaction proceed to completion given enough time?
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