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Potency: fresh vine vs. dry Options
#1 Posted : 7/27/2010 9:51:10 PM

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Can anyone comment on the difference in potency between fresh and dry vine? I have never been blessed to have fresh vine, strangely, until recently, so, I was wondering if the grammage would be the same or different.

IN ANY CASE, I will fearlessly (okay... "fearlessly" is an exaggeration Pleased ) tread these waters and report back, definitively, for the good of Nexians everywhere tonight. Take my own advice and drink very slowly... you know. Pleased

I'm only going to buy an extra pack of diapers because... of all varieties... it is CIELO VINE!!! OH NO!!! It's been quite some time since the two of us have been reunited as well, so, it's going to be a crazy freaking evening, I suspect.

In any case... I will report back... but any thoughts on fresh would be amazing.

I wanted to root it so badly, but I get almost zero sunlight in my apartment. Sad (Fortunately, I can go play outside in the backyard to get some sun, but this is no good for houseplants that must be indoors for the winter. DRAT.)
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Ice House
#2 Posted : 7/27/2010 10:01:13 PM

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Good luck Ms minxx

i cant wait to haer your report.

i only have experienced old vine. Old growth and a few years old.

As i said I dont know what fresh is like, but, if i had it I would be intimidated. The very old vine I have makes me feel as though I'm in a flight simulator under the influence of several G units. The vine is IMHO potent.

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#3 Posted : 7/27/2010 10:17:48 PM

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Good luck noble warrior.

I know that harmaloid alks are pretty stable, so I'm not sure how much stronger it will be if at all, but for all the other goodies in the vine I'd imagine that fresh is best.

Patiently awaiting your report. You are a true credit to our team Smile
#4 Posted : 7/29/2010 6:02:55 PM

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I sucked it up last night and took the plunge.

I showered, smudged, prayed, and poured 40g of fresh cielo vine into my Secret Smoothie That Hides the Taste of the Most Bitter Alkaloids on Earth.

I drank this over the course of 1.5 hours. I normally drink very slowly. I still have residual apprehension from the unintentional 3-days-of-barley trip.

At the first 5g, WHOOSH. Active.

This vine was different in that there was NO body load. My mind cleared, as I sat in the candlelight, and experienced profound levels of clean thought, which is more like the post-peak phase: there were no tracers, no nausea, no tremors. Incredibly smooth in this regard. A subtle vine of insight.

As I sat and finished drinking, I felt the embrace of Ayahuasca. Every now and again I have the sensation of being wrapped in soothing, blue blankets of energy. She wrapped me up like a child and hugged me.

I sat for a bit and wondered if this was all that was going to happen, so I walked over to my altar and blew out the candles.


The second the room was completely dark, I was overwhelmed by a kaleidoscope of CEVs, bright pink, green, opal, iridescent swirling colors. My mind reeled and it was almost too intense! I opened my eyes, and surely enough, The Usual Spirits all hovered about my room. They were here the whole time.

This vine is not one for the light.

I quickly laid down and covered up. Fortunately, there were NO body tremors (with other varieties, I have experienced tremors, etc. microdosing @ <10g). I descended into the familiar patterns that evoked a mind-dissolution, and had a full-color, full-length journey.

Felt SO INCREDIBLY AMAZING upon waking. I want to wake up feeling this great every day...

In any case, it is safe to proceed. I still have another 460g of this particular vine brewed up and ready to go. Next time, I will drink 60g with 1g of Mimosa and compare.

In conclusion, tentatively, it seems that fresh vine is cleaner and more lucid in the mind, and much smoother on the body than dried vine. No sickness or sleepiness, but intense, crisp visuals with calm mind and lots of insight.

From the molasses-looks of the tea when I poured this, I expected a rough ride with my head in the bucket. Not so. Smile I would still recommend dosing conservatively, though.
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#5 Posted : 7/29/2010 7:44:57 PM

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Hi ms_manic_minxx,
thanks for your report. I guess I have the same batch of fresh cielo. I'm still waiting for the adequate time to bio-assay it myself. I'll report when tried

Just one question:

ms_manic_minxx wrote:

I showered, smudged, prayed, and poured 40g of fresh cielo vine into my Secret Smoothie That Hides the Taste of the Most Bitter Alkaloids on Earth.

Despite being secret, care to provide the recipe or the brand of such extraordinary smoothie?

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#6 Posted : 7/29/2010 8:55:58 PM

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The afterglow with fresh vine also feels more vibrant. I'm supercharged. Twisted Evil

Hahaha... this is ALMOST SHAMEFUL, but I've drank Aya religiously, straight, for over a year, before my body developed such a profound reaction that I would puke and shiver at the taste, and I found it extremely physiologically difficult to get the medicine down. (*Still can't drink Chaliponga for this reason.)


-1 slightly overripe banana
-splash of chocolate almond milk
-5 Tbsp agave (alternately, maple syrup)

Add Aya and blend!

I use all organic ingredients, making sure that if I have to adulterate the brew, it is with components of the highest vibration possible. I know it's pasteurized and I don't generally consume death, but there is SOMETHING about the almond milk that works wonders for masking the flavor (I'll have a cup in the morning with a microdose and it's undetectable). Banana works great. I will throw in my splash of Mimosa when I get to the bottom of the cup. The banana DEFINITELY helps to activate the tea.

Despite the flavor being hidden, the body still reacts. Also, ask yourself, if the body does react, do you really want to torture yourself with 8 fluid ounces of this stuff? My old roommate who I did ceremonies with sometimes thought I was insane, she was all for pinching her nose and knocking it back. It doesn't work for me. My body reacts SO POWERFULLY to the brew. The hair stands up on my arms and I shiver. This is not an exaggeration. I have been mocked for my "Aya mating dance." I also prefer to drink slowly, easing into the experience, having my dialogue with the vine, and drinking just the perfect amount.

Mary Poppins said it best: a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.

Now I am completely out of the closet with my Ayahuasca Neurosis here at the Nexus. Please don't judge me. Embarrased A girl's gotta drink, right?? Wink
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#7 Posted : 7/30/2010 3:38:35 AM

Dr Do Little

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Hey Ms Minx! Thanks so much for this thread!
SWIM is trying Cielo soon, He has a fresh 500g lump waiting to be brewed.

Do you yet recommend it with Viridis or Mimosa? or both?
How much mimosa would be sufficient to boost and enhance the experience.
This will be SWIMs second aya brew, a proper one. The last one was just 50g Dried viridis tea + 4g Rue tea

The hardest thing of all is to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if there is no cat.

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#8 Posted : 7/30/2010 4:56:25 AM

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I would brew all of the admixtures separately. If you have GOOD CHACRUNA, use that!!! It's difficult to come by, and expensive. Mimosa is an amazing teacher, but very different in flavor from Chacruna. This way, if you brew lots of vine, you'll have several journeys.

I wouldn't work with them together before working with them separately, however.

The only time plants ACTUALLY spoke to me was with Chacruna... but I have spoken in tongues and received several degrees of initiation through the teachings of Mimosa... Both are fantastic. Mimosa is just much more accessible. Neither are to be taken lightly. Also, a proper brewing of Mimosa should render 3g the upper limit of what is useful in ceremony (.5g-1g can be PLENTY!). It's impossible to say how much Chacruna because it's so variable. My best personal experience was with 5:4 vine:chacruna, but if it's extremely potent that's a recipe for a nightmare. Brewing separately also allows you to tweak your doses as necessary.

Just don't underdose yourself with Caapi, or else the light will get out of hand. Drink enough Caapi and she will guide you. Smile

Cheers! Smile
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#9 Posted : 7/31/2010 7:36:46 PM

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ms_manic_minxx wrote:

Now I am completely out of the closet with my Ayahuasca Neurosis here at the Nexus. Please don't judge me. Embarrased A girl's gotta drink, right?? Wink

i heard something once that i could see the truth of in myself:

"righteous indignation is jealousy with a halo."

the only people who would judge you are those who look upon themselves with pride and inflated self-importance. Rolling eyes
besides, the content of the experience can sometimes be far more bitter than the taste.
only those who have conquered their reaction to all aspects of the medicine may speak of reacting to the physical taste.
but by then you'd be too compassionate and forgiving to judge your fellow journeyers for something so trivial anyway!!! Wink

i've learned from being cracked open on various medicines that it feels very good to be vulnerable around loved ones.
like for once we don't have to pretend we're something we're not. we don't have to "play the game" anymore. we are what we are...
kudos to you for your openness.

#10 Posted : 8/1/2010 3:31:27 AM

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That was mostly my silliness, but thank you! It's very true. I do feel very safe here, and appreciate the level of openness we all share. It's beautiful... Smile
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