I have 3 grams on the way from BBB.
I should have done some homework before hand...
From what I've read about the extract since ordering, the verdict is that it isn't very potent stuff.
From what BBB says on their website, I think it might need to be baked to be active since they just use the shake from a bunch of different caps.
Here's what it says on their website :
Our Amanita muscaria extract is made from grade-A CAPS ONLY. Most other companies will use low-quality caps mixed with stems in their extracts. Ours is made from the shake of our premium Amanita muscaria caps. It is a mixture of Siberian, Latvian, Washington and Eastern European Amanita muscaria concentrated into a 10:1 extract.
Since it doesn't say anything about the process, I assume that it would need to be baked for full activation.
Does anyone have any experience with their extract or what could maybe bring out it's full potential?
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