Those extracts must have been 'pimped'. I don't believe that amanita muscaria contains all those substances.
This rumour about amanita containing DMT or 5-MeO-DMT started somewhere when (i believe) shulgin mentioned, without having tried the mushrooms himself, that they COULD contain 'x' based on how powerfull it's effects apparently can be if taken enough of it.
As far as i know this has never been proven AND i've never heard of anyone having had experiences with amanita that even came a bit close to those you have with tryptamines.
Based on my own experiences with it, i would also say that it doesn't contain any of the mentioned substances, except from 5-MeO-DiPT, with wich i have no experience.
You may expect 5-MeO-DiPT to have some simmilarities with the more familiar tryptamines though, i suppose.