I have leftover MHRB "tea" from three TEK's (two STB's and one A/B) done on a total of about 1 pound of MHRB. After multiple pulls with each TEK, I had very poor results (less than a gram), but I was also making mistakes, spilling naptha, and generally being inefficient.
I think there's probably significant DMT remaining in the tea. It is my understanding there will also be the jungle spice in there, too. I'm trying to figure out my next step.
First, is it a problem that I mixed my tea from an A/B with my tea from STB's?
Second, is there a way to do a new A/B on the combined tea? It is my understanding the tea is super basified (like pH 13 or 14). How does one turn half a gallon of very basified liquid into an acid? Are there any A/B TEK's on this site that can start with basified MHRB tea?
Third, I have d-limonene, and I have read people suggesting doing a full spectrum d-limonene pull and THEN separate the pure dmt from the jungle. But I don't know if or how I can start such a pull from my basified MHRB tea, since the TEK's I've seen talk about starting with MHRB powder.
If there's a better way to proceed than with a d-limonene a/b on the MHRB tea, I'm open to suggestions.