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Optimum efficiency for naphtha pulls Options
#1 Posted : 7/3/2010 2:45:03 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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SWIM just extracted from 1lb of mhrb using the method in the dmt handbook,
he used white spirit for the non polar solvent,
freeze precipitation took 5 days to get anything, so he started looking for other methods,
SWIM used HCl acid to salt the alkaloids out of the W.S and after washing 3 times, he's now added an excess (1:1 ratio acid water: naphtha) of acid to the naptha,

SWIM was wondering, are there any ways in which he could maximise the amount of alkaloids converted from this last wash?
eg heating or something like that????
It's not the first time we've been in this dream.

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corpus callosum
#2 Posted : 7/3/2010 2:58:01 PM

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Hi redeadnixon!

Forgive me for perhaps being a bit dim, but which tek are you using? Is it an A/B tek?

White spirit is not your best choice here.Some white spirits eg Bartolines Low Odour White Spirit is fine for de-fatting but for the steps after basification try using zippo or swan brand lighter fuels-these are better for evaporation and freeze precipitation than any white spirits.

Which tek are you using?

Whats your base?

I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#3 Posted : 7/3/2010 3:07:09 PM

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corpus callosum wrote:
Hi redeadnixon!

Forgive me for perhaps being a bit dim, but which tek are you using? Is it an A/B tek?

White spirit is not your best choice here.Some white spirits eg Bartolines Low Odour White Spirit is fine for de-fatting but for the steps after basification try using zippo or swan brand lighter fuels-these are better for evaporation and freeze precipitation than any white spirits.

Which tek are you using?

Whats your base?

SWIM is using this A/B tek, he ran out of xylene half way through the process so had to improvise, he knew white spirit was similar to naphtha in that its a non polar solvent so he had to use that instead.
Funnily enough he read that post on lighter fuel/white spirit after he had added the white spirit, so there was no going back.
btw SWIM used NaOH as his base and plenty of it.
It's not the first time we've been in this dream.
#4 Posted : 7/3/2010 4:23:25 PM

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SWIM has got the acid water and boiled it down to manageable size,
he has 2 evap dishes, one is clear (from 1 acid wash)
the 2nd dish is red liquid (from the 2nd).
Could this be jungle spice???
It's not the first time we've been in this dream.
#5 Posted : 7/3/2010 4:57:24 PM


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I'm almost positive it is. Xylene or whatever its called has been said to be better with pulling, but you would also get some of he other alkaloids like the "Jungle spice". If your not preferable of it, I'm pretty sure there are methods of purification.Very happy
I am not SWIM. SWIM is a fictitious character that likes to preform extractions out in space where it is legal to do so. Any and all posts by this user are fictional and are there for entertainment purposes only.

#6 Posted : 7/3/2010 5:45:13 PM

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abc1234560 wrote:
I'm almost positive it is. Xylene or whatever its called has been said to be better with pulling, but you would also get some of he other alkaloids like the "Jungle spice". If your not preferable of it, I'm pretty sure there are methods of purification.Very happy

Great, thanks man,
might do purification on half of the yield so i can have 2 spice types Very happy
It's not the first time we've been in this dream.
#7 Posted : 7/16/2010 6:30:30 PM
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Hello nexus, my SWIM has some quick questions and any thoughts would greatly be appreciated. He is thinking about wrapping up his first extraction attempt (a great learning experiencing, in many more ways than one) and starting his second. For the first, he used a STB tek with a 1/2 gallon mason jar, lye, and naptha. Now, here is what SWIM has been contemplating:

1) He purchased some caapi leaves and various herbs (shout out to shaman's garden; great vendor) to make some of this changa everyone raves about. SWIM is going to go out and try to find some bestine heptane for this because he reads it evaporates quickly. What he's wondering, is if using the heptane for his second extraction attempts would be more efficient than naptha.

2) Also, he's too afraid of wasting any DMTs to dispose of the mimosa sludge currently in his jar. Is it unheard of to add more lye, water, and mimosa (correct proportions of course) to an existing mixture? His mason jar is not even half full, so there is plenty of room. His only concern is sabotaging his second extraction in an attempt to get any of those last goodies from the first.

The purity/color of the spice is not a concern for SWIM. White, off-white, piss yellow, he loves and welcomes them all!

EDIT: I feel like such a fool. I had multiple tabs up browsing, and accidentally posted this in a thread I was reading through. I meant for this post to be in the General Extractions Help thread. I'll re post this in the proper thread, and anyone with the ability can delete this post. So sorry Embarrased
#8 Posted : 7/16/2010 7:09:09 PM

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Naphtha is usually a mix of aliphatic hydrocarbons (out of which heptane can be one of them). Heptane is very non-polar, which means it will pull dmt and very little else. But dmt is not extremely soluble in it, dmt can be more soluble in the mix of solvents that compose naphtha. So between those two, I would say naphtha is more efficient for pulling from mimosa, and heptane for recrystalization.

You can use heptane for infusing herbs, yes, but personally I wouldnt use it. I preffer using a non-toxic (or less-toxic) solvent in the last step, rather than a petrochemical, because even if it theoretically evaps clean, it might also be that a bit is trapped inside the leaves or whatever.. So I preffer to use something like pure acetone or ethanol or something of the sort. But heptane should be fine, if you make sure its well dry before using.

As for the reusing same jar, you could do that but, naphtha pulls a bit of oils, and usually what happens is that later pulls have more oils than the first pulls. So if you are mixing new mimosa in your old jar, your first pulls, instead of probably being quite clean, they can come a bit more yellow/oily.. So in this sense it might be nicer to just use another jar, and if you want make another pull or two separately on the old jar to make sure you got it all out. Also, I guess the more concentrated the jar is, the easier it is for the solvent to pick up the dmt, so if you're using a nearly spent jar to add more mimosa, the dmt will be more diluted, meaning you might need more pulls to get the same amount.

Other than that, I dont really see a problem in adding more mimosa, water and lye to the old jar.
#9 Posted : 7/16/2010 7:09:09 PM

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scorpius wrote:

1) He purchased some caapi leaves and various herbs (shout out to shaman's garden; great vendor) to make some of this changa everyone raves about. SWIM is going to go out and try to find some bestine heptane for this because he reads it evaporates quickly. What he's wondering, is if using the heptane for his second extraction attempts would be more efficient than naptha.

From what I understand heptane costs more than naptha, so I doubt there are any benefits, naptha is fine.

scorpius wrote:

2) Also, he's too afraid of wasting any DMTs to dispose of the mimosa sludge currently in his jar. Is it unheard of to add more lye, water, and mimosa (correct proportions of course) to an existing mixture? His mason jar is not even half full, so there is plenty of room. His only concern is sabotaging his second extraction in an attempt to get any of those last goodies from the first.

The purity/color of the spice is not a concern for SWIM. White, off-white, piss yellow, he loves and welcomes them all!

well if you have exhausted the soup then there would be no need to add more brak/lye/water. What kind of yield did you get from the pulls? if it is in the 1% range, then just start again.

But ye, ive never heard of people starting a new extraction in the same soup.

And please dont double post in the forums, most questions will be answered in due timeWink
#10 Posted : 7/16/2010 7:41:29 PM
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endlessness wrote:
You can use heptane for infusing herbs, yes, but personally I wouldnt use it. I preffer using a non-toxic (or less-toxic) solvent in the last step, rather than a petrochemical, because even if it theoretically evaps clean, it might also be that a bit is trapped inside the leaves or whatever.. So I preffer to use something like pure acetone or ethanol or something of the sort. But heptane should be fine, if you make sure its well dry before using.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Not only does it seem pure acetone would be easier for SWIM to locally find, but being less toxic is a huge+.

gammagore wrote:
well if you have exhausted the soup then there would be no need to add more brak/lye/water. What kind of yield did you get from the pulls? if it is in the 1% range, then just start again.

But ye, ive never heard of people starting a new extraction in the same soup.

And please dont double post in the forums, most questions will be answered in due timeWink

SWIM's last two pulls sat in the soup for about a week, then in the freezer for over three days, and yielded a surprising amount of off-white spice. This is why he doesn't want to pitch the soup quite yet, even after about a dozen pulls. However, he now see's how it would be worth purchasing a new jar for his second extraction. My apologies for the double post.

Thanks for the help!

#11 Posted : 7/16/2010 8:21:19 PM

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just make sure your acetone evaps clean and has no weird stuff added to it. Look the ingredients to see if there's anything appart from acetone, maybe run a search on the internet for the particular brand you can find to see if there is an MSDS, which is more detailed information on the product.
#12 Posted : 7/16/2010 10:29:00 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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endlessness wrote:
just make sure your acetone evaps clean and has no weird stuff added to it. Look the ingredients to see if there's anything appart from acetone, maybe run a search on the internet for the particular brand you can find to see if there is an MSDS, which is more detailed information on the product.

I got "pure acetone" from a local beauty store. Same as this guy here.
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