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69ron's D-Limo Mescaline HCL Extraction - Salvageable? Options
#1 Posted : 6/30/2010 10:08:32 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 5
Joined: 30-Jun-2010
Last visit: 13-Jul-2010
First off, hey there, new here.

I used 69ron's foodsafe mescaline hcl tek recently on 200g of san pedro. Here's what happened.

Okay, I went through with the extraction using an hydrochloric acid solution that consisted of 600ml water + 120ml water diluted 10% with acid.

For 200g of cactus I used 600ml of d-limonene. Once I separated the limonene from the cactus, I added 60ml of my acid solution and shook well. What resulted was a white, powdery gunk in place of the acid. At first I thought it was just a nasty emulsion, but no separation occurred, and after close observation, it was apparent that this gunk was actually a substance of some sort. It actually looked a tad like mescaline (tanish white). Unfortunately I have no picture of this.

So I decided to separate the gunk from the d-limonene, which proved quite difficult. The gunk was soaked in limonene, so I could only filter off so much. Unfortunately I lost approx. 100ml of mescaline containing limonene in the process .

When I finally separated the gunk, I spread it out in a glass tray. The stuff looked like wet, slightly chunky, tannish white powder. I decided to put the tray in the oven at 125 degrees f to quicken the drying process.

I left it in there for 30m-1h, and when I came back the white sludge was gone, the whole room smelt like limonene, and the tray now had strait acid solution in it, which was already forming some crystal. At the time I was stoned and panicked. I quickly took the tray out of the oven, placed it somewhere safe, and aired out the room.

I woke up this morning to this:





As you can see, there is obviously a good bit of mescaline HCI there, and it appears to be relatively pure. The product was pretty dry for the most part... FAR less sticky than acetate, and seemingly purer than my last extraction, which was acetate (both extractions are from the same batch of cactus). Unfortunately, the product also smells like limonene.

The gunk that the acid and limonene made must have been some sort of weird chemical. It seemed relatively stable at room temperature, and it was definitely not emulsion. When exposed to heat, the substance deteriorated. Because the limonene is lighter than water, it evaporated (for the most part), leaving the acid alone again. I don't know if I accidentally synthesized some kind of fucked up chemical. I really don't want to throw out this mescaline (412mg from a single salting!).

What should I do? Any sort of purification technique I can apply here?

What the HELL was that gunk? I obviously used too much acid...

Please help out here guys.

I've got the mescaline hcl finely chopped up and piled on a coffee filter (which is taped in place over a glass). I was thinking that an acetone wash may fix it up. Is this a good idea? Keep in mind, my product smells like limes Rolling eyes

Also keep in mind that this is my second extraction attempt ever Embarrased


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#2 Posted : 6/30/2010 11:29:10 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 13-Jul-2010
Common, no one?

I'm about to wash with acetone. I've got a clear, large "shot glass" with a coffee filter over the mouth (it's taped to the sides of the glass to hold it in place). I plan to cut up my HCL, lay it on the filter, and run some acetone over it. I'm thinking that the acetone will wash off most of the impurities through the filter and leave behind the mescaline, correct?

I also have MEK, but it's very wet, and I'm not even sure if MEK works with mescaline hcl.

I'll wait a bit longer before I wash for a response. If I decide to follow through with my plan, I'll definitely let you guys know how it went.

I've just got to say...

This mescaline HCL looks far purer than the acetate, and it was from the same batch of cactus. Explanation?

#3 Posted : 6/30/2010 11:42:32 PM

N. Theodor Gene

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I recommend you to not wash it with acetone.
Recrystalization is probably also not suitable due to the small amount you have.
No, you did not create any hazardous chemical. Under the given conditions you cannot transform Limonene to anything else.
A friend of mine also tried a mesc extraction and hist product looked similar to yours (though toluene and xylene were used as np solvents).
I can almost guarantee you that your product is safe to consume, brown mescaline (not the tar) worked fine for us.
Further purification is imho not necessary,especially because you have only very little and purification always implies loss of product.

OT : If extracting mescaline freebase add plenty lye. I've seen many extractions yielding ridiculously low because of using insufficient lye.
#4 Posted : 6/30/2010 11:43:09 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Patience is key.
Not every member of this site will have experience with your particular problem.
I have personally only produced acetate, so I cannot help you.

Wait around for someone who does know and your product will reward you.
And I say this in a completely non judgmental way: you might want to pass on the grass when extracting. I at least know its a bad idea for me.

You could always try tests on small amounts of your remainder to see what it is soluble in.
This would help with identifying what exactly you have.
#5 Posted : 7/1/2010 1:12:50 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Yeah, sorry. I'm very impatient when it comes to this stuff Laughing

And you're right, I should have passed on the grass. It was a bad idea.

I've got some acetone, MEK, and IPA. I read that mescaline hydrochloride is slightly soluble in acetone, and completely insoluble in IPA. Is this correct? SOURCE

I think I'm going to use the IPA on at least half of what I have, and perhaps acetone on the other half. I'm pretty damn sure that my extract is around 80% pure mescaline hydrochloride, so there should be no reason why a IPA/acetone wash would be detrimental.
#6 Posted : 7/1/2010 8:58:08 AM

N. Theodor Gene

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It depends on what kind of acetone you have.
Acetone ist miscible and forms an azeotrope with water.
In case you have anhydrous acetone, go for it.
The more water your tone contains, the more product won't precipitate because the solubility rises with h2o content.
Since your product smells like limonene it is probably contaminated with some kind of fat/lipophilic compound, which solves a bit of limonene.
Why don't you redissolve in water and defat by taking a solvent that does not mix with water (all three of your solvents do)?

To remove the brown tint heat it in water and norite/activated charcoal. This results in a very clean product and you lose approx as much as with any other purification process.
#7 Posted : 7/1/2010 11:39:59 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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I decided to wash with acetone and was extremely successful. It reduced the weight by 100mg, but the remaining product appears to be AT LEAST 95% pure.

Please excuse the shitty quality and angles of my pictures:



#8 Posted : 7/9/2010 4:48:22 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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What kind of acetone did you use? Was it store-bought? Did you dry it with anhydrous magnesium sulfate?
benzyme wrote:

i'm tellin ya, one day i'll interface a mass spec and uv-vis spectrophotometer to a modular synthesizer

#9 Posted : 7/12/2010 1:58:15 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Store bought acetone, and no, I didn't dry it.

Does naphtha or xylene mix with water? Would it be okay to use either of these while still using calcium hydroxide as my base?

Also, at what pH should my hydrochloric acid solution be?
#10 Posted : 7/15/2010 9:53:42 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 262
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Last visit: 26-Sep-2010
GUNK is from to much ACID, 69ron Limo tek calculations are WAY OUT in my case that is.

100ml of Distilled water, and around 4 DROPS of 10% HCL, that is 4 DROPS, then test on ph paper reads like 3 or so (Pink).

that 100ml HCL water is then combined with 300ml* of limo.

Make sure you use MINIMAL ACID, as it doesnt take much for gunk to form, which causes a pain and time to remove.

Aviod washing your mesc, no need for more chems, and yes smells of organes, taste whaaaack =)

Much respect to all from L_Star

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Regards L_Star
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