I'm just interested to gauge what level of support for these views there is on the nexus, leading on from dmt which seems to open up people's minds a lot more to possibilities, just interested what people see as an overall worldview (or quite importantly a lack of)
I tend to be very apolitical, but definitely have philosophical and practical views of the world, and I'll work to try and further those aims.
Namely, rewilding, the rebuilding of ecological, social and psychospiritual communities, person-to-person sharing of resources as a standard - in general sharing economies, with each person just doing what they're best at and simply doing what's necessary to live a happy life. Rewilding and getting in touch with our natural spirits and bioregions, acknowledging and becoming directly a part of the natural cycle of energy and life, living in sustainable and replicable ways, living without any form of hierarchy as far is practically possible.
I say 'anarchy' but generally mean it as a very loose form, but an ideal to work towards, it may not be a full practicality in the world we live in today but we can damn well try and get closer to it, if not, we'll at least be making the society we are in more sustainable and 'sharing the love'.
To me this has a very deep spiritual connection to me as well, part of which is definitely a result of dmt use but through simple common sense and actually communing with nature as much as possible and living around great people and natural spirits. I'd say I spend at least half of my time living outdoors, if not more and seeing the natural beauty in these things and the contrast between that and industrial civilisation, capitalism and consumerism, it's a simple and very powerful choice to make as to follow paths that do not contribute to them and in the end taking action to prevent these natural ecosystems being destroyed.
A random link for anyone interested, there's a lot more out there: