two days ago swim smoked a small amount (30mgs) of spice atop some MJ and covered with a small bed of MJ-ash in a pipe just before bed.
it had been storming for most of the day that day swim just knew that if he hit the spice during the thunderstorm/ at night he would find some interesting things awaiting in hyperspace due to the set/setting.
so he waited until the whole house was quiet except for the faint sounds of thunder/rain outside and sat in his usual "comfy chair" and proceeded to hit the pipe, being careful to keep the flames distance and not burn the spice.
expecting the 30mg's to be slightly less potent than swims usual 50mg doses he vaporized it all up in one hit, put the pipe down and sat back in his chair thinking that he would probably just have a really strong sub-breakthrough dose.
well swim was in for a much stronger ride than he had expected. as he leaned back in the chair still holding the vapor in deep he could feel the effects build quite quickly.
since it was night time and very dark in SWIMS rooms already, he decided to just close his eyes right away. as he did this, the black space behind his eyes became immediately flooded with the beautiful geometric complexity that DMT is know so well for. only unlike his daytime trips which consisted of brighter colors, these patterns were very dark with blue, purple and greenish hues.
These patterns then began to "slither" very serpent like towards the center of his vision until they formed themselves into a cross legged, robed and hooded entity. the robe was covered in illuminating designs and letters from some kind of magical alphabet that seemed to be in constant change.
as this entity took on its shape and became more clear, the hood of its dark robe began to peel back slightly, revealing a face that looked very similar to the alien creatures in the movie "alien vs predator"
the alien like entity showed its razor sharp teeth to me while hundreds of snakes/serpents slither all around him also hissing and showing their fangs.
during the observation of this being swim did not feel any sense of fear or anxiety. he did however sense a strong connection with the storm and could feel and recognize its power to the fullest extent.
After these serpents and their alien leader danced around his vision for awhile displaying their message of power and the strength of the earth/universe the visuals began to get increasingly more "pleasant" and brighter and took on a more positive vibe i guess you could say.
The hooded entity deconstructed back down into multiple serpents that slithered, danced and flowed more peacefully back into simpler geometrical squiggles and waves of brilliant color and design.
at this point swim began to regain his sense of reality and could feel the chair that he was sitting in and remembered he was in his room. he kept his eyes closed for a few remaining seconds to admire the intricate CEV's and bask in the warm glow he felt.
Upon opening his eyes he found things were still slightly morphing and shifting but most of the visual effects had diminished. after gathering his thoughts a little swim seemed drawn to take a look outside and proceeded to do so.
The night sky was still stormy and dark, but now held a whole new mystical and powerful vibe that made him stare with absolute awe and wonder.
Shortly after, swim brushed his teeth and faded away into deep and peaceful slumber.
All above posts are absolutely fictional and have nothing to do with actual reality whatsoever.
If you are waiting for "that moment", that moment is now.