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Strange Synch Up - LSD Options
#1 Posted : 3/23/2008 3:41:55 AM

Stephen Guptill

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A few nights ago, around March 14th or so, a friend and I each took two hits of LSD.

We went along our typical thing, working ourselves up to get the most out of it, at one point being chased around the appartment by the same shadowy monsters.

Then came the massive traumatic realization (Death of ego, earth shattering ideas, that sort of thing occures here for me typically.): All the mass pollution is nothing more then high tech sin.

If we take all the Systems logic for what constitutes Sin by their major religions, we realize that by burning massive amounts of gasoline equats to a true natural sin.

Acknowlaged poisoning of the Earth.

The Government fails to inform people of this, so by default in theory the mass public is safe from retribution, however those responsible directly for it will pay heavily. This was what I was coming to the conclusion to a few hours later, at least I could rest easy knowing that the majority were ignorant of their Sin.

However, it was made very clear to me that cities being pollution hubs are drawing incredible amounts of negetive energy, or karma, or whatever you want to call it towards them, and soon it is going to explode.

Point of the matter is, the following day I read in Time Magazine that the No. 2 dude in the Roman Catholic Church published a list of the 7 deadly sins of the modern era, all of which they are oddly enough breaking. Beyond that though, pollution was one of them.

Thus now They have acknowlaged publically that which is True to at least one individual floating amongst the Great Unknown, except have not become feverent in their attitude towards changing this wrong. This public acknowlagment also means that population at large has been informed now in the present; which ultimatly places the responsibility directly on their shoulders not to use anything that causes pollution.

HOWEVER; the System we live in has not given any of us REAL options for getting off the Death Grid. Ensuring our utter demise. Possibly linking the government with Satan, who knows? (Thats getting a little over board on the point though.). This then logically means we as individuals must apply pressure to the few who control our infrastructure to disemble the pollution plants and assemble the futuristic technologies of Tesla in their true place. There are 6.5 billion of us.

Technology is not sin, the pollution is causes to power it is. Therefor it is obvious we need to seriously start thinking about removing Oil from the chain of consumption.

Tesla had a box that sat in a passenger seat of a car, which powered the car for a week with magnets.

This was in the 1920s I believe.

And don't get me wrong, it dosn't matter if you believe in sin or not, my point is: the blattent pollution, poisoning and destruction of the living world we live in for profit is evil.

It is time for the population at large to wake up, and step up to the next level, even if it is a small baby step. It might not be global enlightenment, but it will clean up the air we breath and allow us to reintegrate into nature without worrying about destructive chemicals seeping through everything.


Just had to get that out.

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#2 Posted : 3/24/2008 7:39:22 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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all knowledge is a double edged sword

i think this applies well to the abuses of modern technology
#3 Posted : 3/24/2008 10:59:43 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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however those responsible directly for it will pay heavily

whose directly responsible though?

The politicians making the laws? or the people running the plants to produce the pollution? Or YOU, for using the items produced in those factories, or using your car, or using gas to heat your home?

Do not be
#4 Posted : 3/25/2008 2:50:51 AM

Stephen Guptill

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Essentially the responsiblilty falls mostly on the Oil Barrons and those manipulating the worlds technology to hold it back for their economic gain. The politicians for being bought out by these corperations, and the religious leaders who watched as the world was poisoned.

Now that it has been made a public concept the responsiblity starts to fall more and more on the average human. They has started using us as human karma shields to spread it out before their empires alone fall.

Unfortunitly a list being issued dosn't have the same impact as a realiztion reached on LSD, at least for myself they don't. It wasn't until this moment that I truly understood what I was looking at everyday off my balcony. There is a power plant across the harbour spewing every day.
#5 Posted : 3/28/2008 2:05:36 AM

DMT-Nexus member


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Laerrus wrote:
Essentially the responsiblilty falls mostly on the Oil Barrons and those manipulating the worlds technology to hold it back for their economic gain. The politicians for being bought out by these corperations, and the religious leaders who watched as the world was poisoned.

Now that it has been made a public concept the responsiblity starts to fall more and more on the average human. They has started using us as human karma shields to spread it out before their empires alone fall.

Unfortunitly a list being issued dosn't have the same impact as a realiztion reached on LSD, at least for myself they don't. It wasn't until this moment that I truly understood what I was looking at everyday off my balcony. There is a power plant across the harbour spewing every day.

yeah what you say makes sense to some extent..

BUT... you are focusing too much on others.. what use is it to brag about it on the internet how the world is evil and how the oil barons are evil?

are YOU doing something to change the world for better? how do you treat your family, the neighbour, the poor people? What do you do with your trash or your cigarete/joint butts? What are you eating and what choices are you making as a consumer? Is your life aiming at being sustainable? How are you using your money? Are you being conscious about how much natural resources you use? If everyone acted as you would, would the world be a cleaner/friendlier/more peaceful place?

these are not judgements, I dont know about you. I am not expecting answers for these questions either.

Just giving ideas on what you could think about, on what you could ask yourself, if you seem so interested in a better world, karma and so on.
#6 Posted : 3/28/2008 3:12:00 AM

Stephen Guptill

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Oh I have formulated a course of action and at this point have begun assembling the pieces of the counter-machine.
#7 Posted : 4/9/2008 5:39:17 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hi Laerrus, your post really hit the nail on the head and i couldn't agree with you more! I had a similar realization while on LSD, the whole EGO crush and 'the world is a conspiracy' thing really got to me... I detest the way we have set up our lives you know, all this consumer and luxuries are supposed to make your life more comfortable, money supposed to make us happy. But you know what? We work hard for 60 years, to earn just a few dollars, to pay the man and buy crap we really don't need. And most of us don't even get time to step back and enjoy life, to live a little. It's only getting worse.

Now I nether have a plan, i can see the problem but just not a solution. I think the whole thing is going to straighten it's self out eventually, I just hope the final solution isn't mankind's demise, that there is a way around this.

I like your mention of Tesla's inventions, I have read his biography, and he was genius. And absolutely stark raving mad, but a genius none the less! I cant get my head around some of the later thing's that were mentioned, in his book "the strange life of Nicola Tesla" where he talks about transferring power wireless etc, and efficiently (which can only be done short range, low power, even now) Wish this guy was still alive, he would know the answers! lol.

I'm surprised no one has re-invented, or even developed his solutions to power and that. If it really is as good as hey says, it would solve a lot of problems!

Everything i post is purely hypothetical
#8 Posted : 4/9/2008 7:48:47 PM

Stephen Guptill

Posts: 62
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I think "The man" or whoever suppressed his technology for various reasons.

The most normal of those reasons being: Money.

I think the solution may be as simple as everyone turning off their lights until the Government acknowladges that everything will grind to a halt until they switch power supplies.
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