Before I started to do my own extractions my friend used to gift me enough spice to keep me going. After the initial intigration period and realisation that this was infact something that I wanted to persue. I decided to read up and do my own.
At first I planned to go BIG and extract much more than I'd ever be able to use or gift to another. I think it was something like half a kilo too. I done a 50g MHRB just to test the waters and sample the fruits of my own labour. I yeilded a little over 1g... a massive amount of spice in my eyes. Enter hyperspace and cue the lecture on how to work with it properly (my friend later told me that he had the same).
The molecule has a built in safety mechanisim! For those that seek to abuse it, well it simply wont show them anymore than it wants to. They'll never be able to take it from us... its everywhere if you know where to look.
Anyway my point is.. or lesson was "less is more". You dont need vast piles at a time. Just tide yourself over. If I were unfortunate enough to get caught with an amount of the medicine. It wouldn't even cause a ripple in the water... its nothing. All I have is pink dye and stuff for making soap. I dont know what all you lot are doing, but I like being clean, so make cheap soap... I wear pink clothes.
1ltr water, 50g MHRB, 75g NaOH always works well. I'm not sure if just adding zero onto the end of all those figures would work though man.
"accept the possibility that you may never come back, then your mind is truly open."
The playful ballad of the sacred salad.