has anybody out there ever heard of bad lye:evil: ...contaminated with something? i wish i could take a picture of smells but this shit smells bad...it was white scales that reacted exactly like lye but left a horrible, caustic smell in the methanol even after it was twice refined/recovered/distilled the smell persists...i only used this particular lye on the 2nd extraction and the smell ended up in my final product even after recrystalization, and volvin repurification...i dont have washing soda...is it really so easy to make as baking bakingsoda?...would this work to remove this impurity...and how in the hell could it remain in the methonol after redistilation?..this ever happen to anyone else? it's only minimal spice but i hate to 86 it...the previous product was orange...the freeze percipitated was clear but this spice persists in being maroon, brown-red