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Hello, First post, Custom mhrb tek help. Options
Phyrexian Spicenaut
#1 Posted : 3/8/2010 8:31:53 PM

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Hello, After studying the nexus for several weeks, SWIM Decided to try to persue the spirit molecule.
He Decided to try a d-limonene extraction with lime to basify. Then he salted of the fume with fumaric acid. Without going into more detail at the moment about the process, SWIM Was left with several vials of floral sented, fume of an aray of colors ranging from whiteish tan to a honey yellow color. Then he followed the calcium carbonate freebasing instructions to follow with an anhydrous acetone recrystalization. But this guy says the results were less than desirable, at first only a fine greyish residue was left. then on a following attempt, a but of caramel colored material was left , scraped up it yielded very little , smelled like the spice but reported effects were borderline with a previous experience with the spirit molecule.. So questions..
1) IS THIS LAYER THAT IS IN THE FASW,(LIGHT COLORED MUCUS LIKE MATERIAL, THAT CAN RANGE IN COLOR) really fumerate, or Does SWIM need to go back to the drawing board?
2) Is a mistake being made during the acetone recrystal? SWIM is sure it is 99% and he also makes it anhydrous..
From the reports SWIM has red the acetone should be leaving a large puddle of honey like substace, at least 74% of the material fumerate that was put in?? in my next post SWIM will fo into more detail of extraction process.. thanks in advance:idea:

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#2 Posted : 3/8/2010 8:45:48 PM

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Post some details about the extraction and one of us will figure out what's up. Don't fret, and don't throw away ANYTHING yet. It's still somewhere.

Phyrexian Spicenaut
#3 Posted : 3/9/2010 4:08:36 AM

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Ok, So swim Was testing out two 300gm batched of whole mhrb. One was ground down to a fine powder and then slow cooked with 5% distilled vinegar an a little bit of water this was slow cooked for several days with constant stirring. I then added the lime in a two to one ratio to the bark. Using data and a few pics from the site my mix was like a slightly moist cookie dough. SWim to make d-limonene pulls from the bark salted it out with the fasw, and then evaporated the spirit water. Then Swim noticed thre was not real yield. Something was wrong, Doubling over the info, Swim realized they were using the wrong lime (LIme for mycology is way different than Pickling lime.)Right before this breakthrough, Swim Began another batch of bark but this time created a blended slurry with 91% alcohol to further facilitate the breakout of the spirit molecule. (a la Spicemans hypothesis for large extractions)Anyhoo Once the real lime was added, Limonene pulls were darker,Cloudier, and once salted with fasw gave this thick layer of opaque material that is definitely not sludge runoff as it floats at the top between the nps and the water..Swim has been evaping this and rumors have it scented like honeysuckle.. Well, Thats it, Whew, With Swim Experimenting with a final freebase and re-crystal to make a (Fireportal) to the other side, Alas after freebasing and using icky acetone, The results are little no no spice( and from the data There should be more. SO A Swims biggest fear is that the furm that they have meticulously collected is perhaps plant fats or scented oils..?? has the Spirit Molecule Evaded Them again?? I guess only time will tell< and No they have not thrown anything away.. that damn limonene can cost a GRIp so SWIM has heard.
#4 Posted : 3/9/2010 8:04:23 PM

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How much of what sort of lime was added to the mix? What did the mix contain before the lime was added? Was the alcohol slurry just root bark and alcohol, or was there other stuff in there?

My guess with the information I have is that the mix didn't reach a high enough ph to convert the salt to a base, but I can't tell without more information.

Phyrexian Spicenaut
#5 Posted : 3/9/2010 9:17:19 PM

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The First type of garden lime SWIM added was in a 1-1 ratio I believe, enough to change the color and consistancy of pics SWIM has seen. Then The real picking lime was added, in a 1-2 ratio with the rb mix. After the Pickling lime was addend, SWIMs fASW Pulls were Plentiful with this mystery peanut butter colored fume. The Alcohol was used in lieu of cooking it down with vinegar,In the second batch, all alcohol was evaped from the bark before adding either lime. The first type of lime used I obtained for mycologist studies.. So basically Swim Is trying to find out if the collected "fume" is really fume, because after freebasing and recrystallization, There is little to no real final thick gooey spice... grr SWIM has spent two weeks in search of SWIMs own personal spirit molecule.. SWIM could post a pick of what Swim has collected...
#6 Posted : 3/10/2010 3:27:05 AM

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Thick and gooey doesn't sound right to me. When precipitating from d-limo, I've only used FASI, not FASW, so I don't know what it's supposed to look like. If you got the PH high enough, which I suspect you didn't, the good stuff should have been pulled with the D-limo. I would check the PH of the Mimosa mixture, 'cause it may still be trapped in there.

I'll read up on FASW so I can give better advice about that part of your extraction.


Edit: read the thread in Advanced/Enhanced chemistry about lime: https://www.dmt-nexus.me....aspx?g=posts&t=8503

That may shed some light on your troubles.

Phyrexian Spicenaut
#7 Posted : 3/10/2010 7:43:35 PM

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Hey, This is a pic of some of the supposed furm that SWIM salted with the FASW from the D-limonene. SWims question is this really furm, and If it is, why so little is left after freebasing and acetone recrystalization? It could not all be fumaric acid, as well.. Well My point being that This Aqueous "furm" appears once the D-limo is salted and appears to be giving less and less With following pulls, So if this is Furm then Its the freebasing and recrystal that is the problem.. I guess?
#8 Posted : 3/11/2010 4:01:15 AM

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That doesn't look wrong to me. Like I said, I've only used FASI, but my DMT-fumarate looks very much like that. It's never thick and gooey though. It forms mostly white crystals at the bottom of the D-limo jar. I wash with acetone and re-crystalize with water, and it looks pretty much like your picture.

Phyrexian Spicenaut
#9 Posted : 3/11/2010 4:57:55 PM

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Oh, let SWIM be more specific, Thick and Gooey was SWIM trying to explain the consistancy of the bassified bark that SWIM was making SWIMs pulls from, SWIM was trying to convey the fact that if this is furm then why is nothing being left after the freebasing and recrystalization?
SWIM is sure following the directions right. SWIm is trying to break this problem down to find the root of the problem. If this is furm from various pulls then, SWIMs problem is with freebasing and recrystal with acetone. However SWIm is hesitant To try another time Because the complete waste of Furm from SWIMs last attempt. SWIm has Freebased a coulple grams of this suspected furm with these directions (calcium bicarbonate baked in over for 1 hour at 400, mixed in equal or double with a little bit of water , mix till a pasty consistancy let dry completely. Then Submerge in anhydrous Acetone until solvent is saturated, Decant, Evap, RIght?
The past coulple of times SWIM has done this the yield has been almost nothing, Whic makes me think this is not furm.. SWIm needs to solve this...
#10 Posted : 3/13/2010 10:20:40 AM

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The conversion steps seem correct. I have yet to convert any of my fumarate as I still have a healthy supply of freebase and changa from previous work (all done before I switched to BLAB and fumarates), so I may have the same troubles in the future!

Do you mean "sodium bicarbonate", not "calcium bicarbonate" when you convert to freebase? Never heard of calcium bicarbonate, but I am no chemist.

#11 Posted : 3/13/2010 10:29:41 AM

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you have freebased the fumarate with CALCIUM carbonate? not with SODIUM carbonate?
Phyrexian Spicenaut
#12 Posted : 3/13/2010 6:05:57 PM

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AH! Sorry about the mix Up, No SWIM did freebase with sodium carbonate, rendered baking soda, However something that SWIm noticed yesterday after leaving the Baking soda in the oven for 3 hours at 400F SWIm tried a little test, Trying to sink some in water to prove the oxy molecule has fallen off. According to the info on this site once the sodium bicarbonate has been rendered, it will clump together and sink. Is this right? Because SWIms Sodium carbonate instantly mixxed with the water, and little to none sunk to the bottom, This may be why the yield are off after freebaseing and acetone recrystalization? SWIm stil needs all the help they can get.
#13 Posted : 3/20/2010 3:21:18 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Phyrexian Spicenaut wrote:
AH! Sorry about the mix Up, No SWIM did freebase with sodium carbonate, rendered baking soda, However something that SWIm noticed yesterday after leaving the Baking soda in the oven for 3 hours at 400F SWIm tried a little test, Trying to sink some in water to prove the oxy molecule has fallen off. According to the info on this site once the sodium bicarbonate has been rendered, it will clump together and sink. Is this right? Because SWIms Sodium carbonate instantly mixxed with the water, and little to none sunk to the bottom, This may be why the yield are off after freebaseing and acetone recrystalization? SWIm stil needs all the help they can get.

Sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate are soluble in water. The pictures SWIY is referring to show what over-saturated solutions look like and how they differ between the substances. Over-saturated means that you have more solute than the solution can dissolve.
Phyrexian Spicenaut
#14 Posted : 3/20/2010 5:15:12 AM

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Thank you for the clarification Amor_fati, It is good to know that SWim did not mess us the rendering of Sodium Carbonate. Swim Thinks that they have over assumed the amount of spice in their fumerate. Swim Read that Dmt Fumerate can have up to 50% Fumaric in it,Swim Hopes their yield is close to 75% spice, But the acetone recrystalizations have proved otherwise.. Swim Is down to the last bit of acetone though. After this pull there will be no more, With nothing to show for it... Well Swim Will never give up!
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