SWIM has only done 2 extraction of rue.
Both consisted of:
acidic water brewing
reducing + salting
dissolving precipitate
collecting precipitate.
SWIM finished his first extraction think "what are these people talking about, it was lots of filtering, but it wasn't that bad"
His first extraction was using hot tap water and lots of it. Lots of reducing too.
SWIM was thinking to reduce on the mildly long reducing periods he'd use boiling acidic water for the pull, reducing the volume needed. BIG MISTAKE
Now midway through his second extraction. he is extremely annoyed.
filtering the mix a good 20 times with a cloth so it can finally be VERY SLOWLY filtered through a dozen or so coffee filters. UGHHHH
It is taking at least 3x as long as the first time!
The end product is very strong and very pure but for those planning to extract rue.
Take your time, use LOTS of water and NEVER boil the seeds. Make sure the seeds are out of the mix before reducing, you will be thankful.
The long reducing times are a small price to pay for the filtering taking much much shorter.Sorry, SWIM knows this filtering issue has been brought up a few times, but SWIM hasn't seen a thread blatantly stating this fact.
Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMTThe 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.I am almost never on this site anymore so I will likely not answer PMs