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My first attempt at extraction. A few questions inside. Options
#1 Posted : 3/2/2010 1:56:24 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Florida
Hello All,

Please forgive SWIM if SWIM don't use 100% correct terminology as SWIM is still learning.

SWIM is following the Marsofold's A/B Tek. SWIM combined 1 pint of White Vinegar and 3.5 quarts of water. SWIM added his MHRB to his crock pot and added roughly 1/2 of the vinegar/water solution and let it cook for 3 hours while stirring roughly once every ten minutes. After three hours, SWIM drained the MHRB/acid solution into a glass cookie jar. SWIM repeated the process once more with the remainder of the acid solution and MHRB.

SWIM recently transfered his acid bathed, pre-powdered MHRB solution from the crock pot and collected a couple of pulls into a large, wide mouth glass cookie jar. SWIM is currently waiting for it to cool down over night and let all of the plant matter settle. It seems that there is a lot of plant matter in the bottom of his collection jar... is this normal? SWIM assumes that a fair amount of the pre-powdered MHRB still made its way into his jar. WIll this pose any problems? SWIM tried to prevent as much of the bark from getting in there, but it was a bit tough. SWIM also strained the remaining sludge through a clean handkerchief to get as much of the liquid as he could.

Can SWIM save the spent MHRB and attempt another extraction when it has dried?

In the morning, SWIM will be creating my basic water solution with 100% lye he obtained from Ace Hardware. SWIM plans on slowly adding 50g lye to 1 pint of hot water. After that, he will pour his acidified MHRB juice into a 1 gallon wine jug and then slowly add his basic solution to the jug. Now for some more questions:

How long must SWIM wait from adding the basic solution to the MHRB solution before adding the hot Naptha?

When he does Naptha pulls, can he mix all of the pulls in one container or should he use separate containers?

Is 4-6 Naptha pulls ok? Is that too much?

SWIM was planning evaporating until he was left with approximately 10% of the original amount of Naptha before doing a freeze precip, is this ok? Also, his freezer gets as cold as -18C, is this cold enough? I know the recommended is -20C.

I know it says to use a glass turkey baster to siphon off the Naptha layer, but SWIM only have a plastic one right now. Does he absolutely need a glass one? Purchasing a glass one won't be a problem. He's not trying to cut any corners, but just trying to save a few dollars if he can. Like i said, it's no big deal if he truly needs one. He doesn't want to jeopardize his final outcome whatsoever.

Can he completely evaporate whatever Naptha is left and still get quality product?

Is it necessary to do a wash? It seems a lot of the reports he has read failed to mention if they washed their final product and the few reports he read where the product was washed, the ammonia greatly reduced (or destroyed) the final product.

Finally, SWIM has roughly ~50g of MHRB left. Is there any tek that he could use with such a small amount and still see a yield?

Sorry for so many questions. I hope I'm not bothersome on SWIM's behalf.

Take Care

Peace be with you all.

Just trying to explore hyperspace and learn from the cosmos.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 3/2/2010 4:00:47 AM

The Dude

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hmm, 50g left? SWIM is running 50g batches with Nomans Tek every time! good results, and simple...Lye, water and MHRB!

oh and DON'T add lye to hot water, the reaction heats the water by itself! no need to add more heat ;]

EDIT: the cheap plastic turkey basters haven't given SWIM a problem yet either! But he's considering getting glass soon, just to stay consistent
*We are now at a phase of human development where we have accumulated an enormous amount of knowledge through scientific research in the material world. This is very important knowledge, but it must be integrated. -Hoffman
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#3 Posted : 3/2/2010 4:27:59 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Do not use Hot Naptha...it will pull oils as well leading to a dirtier end product...as mentioned above DO NOT add lye to HOT Water...you will get a nasty boil-over...only add to cold-water and let cool down before using to basify acid solution. Keep pulls seperate as each succesive pull will be dirtier(Pull more oils)...2nd and 3rd pulls usually need recrystalization...DO NOT wash with Ammonia...you will lose too much and also only clean the outside...if you want do a sodium Carbonate wash...but really with Marsfolds done right you shouldnt have to wash first pull at all...use Bestine(Heptane) Rubber Cement Thinner to Recrystalize(search forum for teks)...also you used an older version of marsfolds tek...newer versons call for a more acid solution(1 Quart Vinegar to 3 Quarts water)...a digital PH meter is a Plus...PH of 3.5 - 4 for acid phase and PH of 13.0-13.4 for Basic Phase is best...also freeze precip for 3 days...then quickly pour out solvent thru filter(save solvent and reuse for further pulls) and put container with crystals upside down on angle back in freezer for 1 hour to let all solvent drip out then dry in cool place with indirect fan upside down and at angle till totally dry...otherwise might turn from crystals to goo when stored if not totally dry and solvent free...store crystals in airtight vial in freezer.
#4 Posted : 3/2/2010 5:35:44 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hello All,

SWIM added the lye solution earlier and just added 300ml Naptha. He will let that sit until later this afternoon and then pull the Naptha.

Does he evaporate some Naptha first and then precipitate or just precipitate?
Just trying to explore hyperspace and learn from the cosmos.
#5 Posted : 3/2/2010 11:40:28 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hello All,

SWIM pulled the first bit of Naptha about 30 minutes ago, put it in a sealed mason jar and stuck it in the freezer. He also poured into his basic MHRB solution, another 300ml of Naptha for a second pull. SWIM didn't find the large gallon sized jug at Ace, so he may only be able to get 3 pulls unless he can reuse the Naptha from the first pull after freeze precipitation.

Just trying to explore hyperspace and learn from the cosmos.
#6 Posted : 3/3/2010 3:02:08 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hello All,

SWIM has a nice snow globe sitting in his freezer and just placed another jar in today. He is also working on his 4th pull while the 3rd pull is evaporating before freezing. SWIM forgot to evap the first pull :facepalm: but it still looks like they're a spaceship load of crystals in there! He's very pleased with his results so far. As per the Marsofold's tek, SWIM will be keeping his snowglobes in the freezer for at least 3 days although the anticipation is killing him.

Peace be with you all.
Just trying to explore hyperspace and learn from the cosmos.
#7 Posted : 3/3/2010 11:09:01 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hello All,

SWIM was overly impatient and opened one of his snowglobes today. He doesn't have a milligram scale, but he does own a standard scale. First pull yielded ~900mg. He's pretty happy with his results so far.
Just trying to explore hyperspace and learn from the cosmos.
#8 Posted : 3/4/2010 2:53:50 AM

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just wash with water. it will pull off excess lye and harsh chemicals while preserving the product. which of course is not water soluable
#9 Posted : 3/4/2010 11:10:18 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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To extract all the dmt out of the basified solution you will want to keep the solutuion and naptha at around 50c and use some hardcore stirring. If you are freeze precipitating the small amount of oils won't be a problem compared to the increased yeild. Wash with basified sodium carbonate water not just ph7 water.
#10 Posted : 3/5/2010 5:10:55 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hello All,

SWIM did a second pull with roughly ~800mg of white crystals. Hopefully more to come!
Just trying to explore hyperspace and learn from the cosmos.
#11 Posted : 3/5/2010 6:06:55 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 26-Mar-2010
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Hello All,

Thank you so much for your input. SWIM has greatly benefitted from your input and expertise.

Peace be with you all.
Just trying to explore hyperspace and learn from the cosmos.
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