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Notes and question about "the machine" and safety in extraction Options
#1 Posted : 11/28/2023 6:35:13 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 47
Joined: 09-May-2020
Last visit: 09-Mar-2024
OK. I'm back. Smoked 20 mg using "the machine" last night.
Little less effect than what I expected. Next time will try 40mg.

Using the machine wasn't easy as everyone said. Some vaper escapes from the top. I used an 1 liter wine bottle. And keeping my finger on the top hole won't help cause it blocks airflow and don't let the vapor come up. Any tips?

Some notes and questions about extraction:

- I think filtering and mixing max ion tek and vovins A/B tek (with a sep funnel) will waste some dmt. I will stick to max ion next time. I'm sure bark was not depleted. Kept it in the freezer for next extraction.

- I tried the final solution on my skin to see what happens if it spills on me. Nothing happend on short term exposure. But since a little spec of dmt got into my eye when I was scraping the pyrex dish and burned my eye like hell, I'm sure the solution can blind me forever. So after the lye-water mixing step I only use safety glasses/mask and no gloves. Correct me if I'm wrong please 🙏

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 11/28/2023 7:21:10 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 788
Joined: 24-Dec-2017
Last visit: 16-Feb-2024
I guess you could search my post history for advice on "the machine" for more machine ramblings, but I will save you some time with these:
- 1l bottle is to big IMO and hard to use, from my experience 0.3l Heineken beer botle works the best. Towards the end I was using 100-150ml "shooter" liquor bottles but it requires some skill to melt over an vape big doses with small neck bottle.
- What do you mean by top hole? What does your machine looks like? There should be just one hole at the (center) bottom of the bottle and another bottle opening where metal mesh is stuffed. So two holes in total for air in and vapor out.
- Use torch ligher with strong flame but do not touch spice/mesh with direct flame, keep it sideways/almost perpendicular to the mesh surface, so that when you inhale thought the bottom hole, torch flame bends towards the mesh. This way spice is vapourized via hot air and not burnt with direct flame.
- Pre-heat mesh and pre-melt spice into the mesh
- When vaping keep bottle nose pointed slightly downwards, so that less spice escapes deep inside of mesh/bottle neck
- Long slow pulls are the key, like 5-10 seconds draw to inhale, count, exhale.

Disclaimer: I don't claim any authority over machine use, just some decent experience with smoking various stuff, if your experience differs then feel free to share Smile
#3 Posted : 11/28/2023 11:29:57 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 47
Joined: 09-May-2020
Last visit: 09-Mar-2024
Exitwound wrote:
I guess you could search my post history for advice on "the machine" for more machine ramblings, but I will save you some time with these:
- 1l bottle is to big IMO and hard to use, from my experience 0.3l Heineken beer botle works the best. Towards the end I was using 100-150ml "shooter" liquor bottles but it requires some skill to melt over an vape big doses with small neck bottle.
- What do you mean by top hole? What does your machine looks like? There should be just one hole at the (center) bottom of the bottle and another bottle opening where metal mesh is stuffed. So two holes in total for air in and vapor out.
- Use torch ligher with strong flame but do not touch spice/mesh with direct flame, keep it sideways/almost perpendicular to the mesh surface, so that when you inhale thought the bottom hole, torch flame bends towards the mesh. This way spice is vapourized via hot air and not burnt with direct flame.
- Pre-heat mesh and pre-melt spice into the mesh
- When vaping keep bottle nose pointed slightly downwards, so that less spice escapes deep inside of mesh/bottle neck
- Long slow pulls are the key, like 5-10 seconds draw to inhale, count, exhale.

Disclaimer: I don't claim any authority over machine use, just some decent experience with smoking various stuff, if your experience differs then feel free to share Smile

Thank you so much for the detailed answer.

It was very hard to use indeed. I will get a beer bottle 🙏

I pre melt spice into mesh with torch lighter. But for smoking I kept the bottle verical and used a butane lighter and kept it below the neck under mesh (safe distance from the spice). Was I right?

By the top hole I meant the hole on the bottom of bottle. My bad

I learned making it from here
His logic was taking one big 60mg hit
I now know that it's completely wrong

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