Ahoy! I've been floatin through the nexus for a little while now very pleased with the wealth of information, I was hesitant to participate due to the fact that i've never had an experience with DMT, i'm hoping that doesn't affect being a member or anything as i've been interested in DMT since I had my first Psychedelic experience with shrooms, and I love learning about these substances and the mind.
I have had multiple Psychedelic experiences with shrooms and acid, and i'm hoping to trip again soon because i've been on a long break from things like that, and I wanna get deep into my noggin.
I enjoy reading, specifically books about magic, spirituality, kabbalah, things like that, I practice planetary magic, I enjoy stargazing, being in nature away from dense society, writing poetry, drawing, art in general, and playing music.
I really love this website and i'm excited to eventually share some poems, trip experiences, and learn new things from all of you.
A beautiful photo of Sol y'all might like
Γternitas. attached the following image(s):
(230kb) downloaded 53 time(s).