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DMT effects, suddenly advanced DMT effects Options
#1 Posted : 9/29/2023 3:29:09 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 130
Joined: 10-May-2023
Last visit: 15-Jan-2025
Location: In the eye of the storm
(mind)Set: Relaxed, decided on tripping, intentions set
(physical condition) Set: healthy
Setting (location): At home in my living room
time of day: 19:00
recent drug use: Harmalas/Kratom
last meal: unsure

Gender: m
body weight: 67kg
known sensitivities: Tryptamines, Lysergamides. Pretty sensitive person in general
history of use: novice


Substance(s): DMT, Harmine/Harmaline
Dose(s): 10mg DMT, 130mg Harmalas, 7mg DMT after, small DMT tokes on e-juice
Method of administration: Oral Harmalas, Vaped DMT on e-mesh


Administration time:
T+0:00 10mg DMT
T+0:30 130mg Harmalas
T+1:30 7mg DMT
T+? Infrequent redosing of small amounts DMT
with ejuice Atomizer
Duration: 4-5h
First effects: Instantly upon inhalation
Peak: 10mg DMT: 3 minutes, 7mg DMT with harmalas: 15 minutes
Come down: 10mg DMT: 15 minutes, 7mg DMT with harmalas: 40 minutes
Baseline: Wasn't really reached, i redosed small amounts of DMT after the 7mg DMT

Intensity (overall): 10mg: 2, 7mg + MAOI: 3-4
Evaluation / notes:
Be very careful with dosing DMT when RIMA'd on emesh. 7mg felt potenciated by x3 if not more.

Pleasantness: 3-4
Unpleasantness: 3-4
Visual Intensity: 3-4


Hangover: 0, felt good as new
Afterglow: Difficult, it may still be going, it may just be my new illuminated way of being.


I’m finally willing to write this report. It was a very transformative experience for me and i hope you will enjoy it.

For this friday night i planned to fulldose mushrooms. After struggling to open the jar, looking at the capsuel and contemplating, i found it to be a great idea to smoalk some DMT. I haven’t tripped for about 6 weeks so i thought about the idea of visiting hyperspace quite comforting.

I loaded 10mg DMT on my e-mesh. Pulled out my sleeping couch, put 2 cozy blankets on it and organized the cushions. I put on shpongle, layed down and got ready to blast off. This time i used a sleeping mask.
Upon entering i was greeted with a tunnel of interlacing strings, coloured in light blue and grey tones. I was a bit shocked as 10mg was pretty intense. I entered a space filled with undulating round shapes and a entitiy greeted me. This trip felt very alien, the contrast to my own being was tremendous. I’ve been shown around what is there to see. When i slowly got back in touch with my body i was greeted with a sweet body high which was fairly erotic. The entity somehow picked up on how i felt and showed me something that contrasted even more. It was like: „Ah well theres all this we are, but in the meantime you can enjoy this“ and showed me some imagery of female humans. I Lold.

I came back and felt pretty happy.

Now i decided what to do. The option of shrooms was still there but somehow i gravitated more to DMT now. (Sorry mush’s, next time). I decided to dose up on MAOI and try to vape some more DMT. I used 130mg of harmalas freebase orally. Now i waited.

I enjoyed the time in chat and got some things done in my apartment.

Now the time came to decide on a dose. Initially i loaded 12mg on my e-mesh. Biggest dose without an MAOI was 15mg for me. I talked about this with the Nexians in chat and decided to go lower. Burned off the 12 and loaded 7. How strong can 7 be right?

Well, these 7mg created one of the greatest transformative nights for me.

Again, same scenario, i layed down and got my mask ready, inhaled everything in one toke and put the mask on. I told myself, whatever happens happens and today its ok if it will hurt. (Like, im OK with embracing what will be shown to me)

At first i got greeted by more rapidly interlacing strings, this times it was alot. I realized im coming up very strong. This was something different. It’s hard to put it in words but i’ll try to explain what happened.
After the tuning in process was over i got dropped into some sort of dimension. It’s like i opened up in a specific way. There were waves of acceleration happening, sometimes my whole view was fully covered with texture. It was very symmetrical, thick lines of bending forms, intensely glowing and flashing light.

I wasn’t there alone, i interacted with othere beings. They weren’t very intricate, flashy, or pushy. They felt more like persons, but there wasn’t much individuality to them. Mostly i perceived them as shadows. Time was diluted and im not sure how long i was there nor do i know what happened there.

To my surprise i realized im still peaking. I slightly was becoming aware of my body. My hands were cramping inwards while lying down and i let loose again. Shortly after i was rushed by, what i think were 3, entities. They were… something else. I haven’t encountered these yet. These beings were highly chaotic but had a very exalted presence to them. They were made out of constantly rearranging shapes but did have a face, although ever so shifting.

I felt like i was crushed. They squeezed against me and then it dawned upon me. This is how i will die… Very happy I knew what was happening. There was no fear, but it was very difficult to be in this state. The music became unbearable, it all went into one enormous shreeking, totally stressing myself. The entities came closer and closer, and flushed me with more and more information. I was so sure this is how i will end. I tried not to resist, although it hurt very bad.

Something happened, but the scenery felt like it was at its peak and it stopped progressing. I was very out there already. I regained control of my body and put off the sleeping mask. My room was well lit, it was super colorfoul and everything waved. The patterns from my rug and my mandala tapestry were undulating into themselves heavily.

It resonated inside me: „I want me to be well“. I understood this on a deeply existential level and am very grateful to have found this.
I layed there acclimating to my current state of conciousness. My emotional state changed when i got up. I…. felt reborn.

The room was felt way too big almost double in size i know it. It felt like i was standing on an island of some sort, and i am. There wasn’t much else. I was.
Still Shpongle was playing and in this reborn state i started dancing. Never have i found myself in such a profound state of freedom. Reality felt like on rails and i realized it deep inside of me: I made it. Although the Nexus Chat was up on my TV i was too busy enjoying myself to write that im all alive and well after my toke.

I perceived myself in a very magical way. I sensed myself as an ancient being of the universe, my presence had a somewhat bull like quality to it. I was deeply associated to my self and my surrounding world. It felt like i grew roots which i mostly get on LSD but such deep association never happened to me on DMT. What a lovely state. WOW. It was totally awesome for another 30 minutes when i slowly came down a bit more.

I spoke with my fellow nexians and shared my love with them. Love you all. Stay awesome.
The evening turned to listening to more music and toking on my ejuice atomizer a couple times, trying to increase the effects again. It was a super radical night.

Now with a week passed i can say it changed my being alot. Im approaching others differently, im way more emotional, i also feel alot more confident and somewhat „tougher“, in a good way. Like feeling im able to navigate every situation despite what happens without fear.

Im super grateful to what happened that night and how it made me grow in such a short period of time. Thanks nexians for being you, thanks for ma and dad to giving me this chance to live a wonderful transformative life. Thanks past me to doing lots of deep work to get back on track and get me into a nice home. Very happy

I hope you liked my story.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 11/5/2023 4:45:25 PM

Got Naloxone?

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Wow, fantastic report man! That vaporhuasca effect is quite something and I have nothing but respect for the way the emesh can quickly deliver a dose.

I am sorry I took so long to get to this. But I do remember that day in chat. I recall you saying you met entities who TOLD you that you were dead and started smudging you in an aggressive manner. I mention that because I did not see a reference to that in this report. Perhaps I do not recall correctly.

Regardless, amazing, intense experience and I love how you are catalyzing it into ongoing personal change.
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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