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Captive Whale Kills Trainer Options
#1 Posted : 2/25/2010 12:06:49 AM

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I would rather be game from a hunt as opposed to being made to dance in captivity?
What are your thoughts. I must admit I see this theme park BS as animal abuse.

Being abducted for study is one thing. (yeah come on down boys....LOL .. I could rip you thin neck off with a flip of my wrist!)

Being made to dance is another.

What do you think Nexus friends?


Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 2/25/2010 12:17:49 AM

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ahh well one less animal abuser to worry about...

Its sad sure when someone dies but I have no sympathy here..i volunteered at the vancouver aquarium when I was a teenager becasue I wanted to be a marine biologist and I refuse to go to zoos or aquariums now..keeping a whale for $$ and show like that is sick..

Whales are very complex emotional beings..if people kept me in some glorified bath tub on display to do tricks for show id prob want to kill them as well..these people make their living off of animal abuse..you play with fire dont complain when you get burned.

BTW..I bet that it was most likely accident anyway..orcas arent aggressive like that with humans.
Long live the unwoke.
#3 Posted : 2/25/2010 12:30:57 AM

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For the most part I agree Fractal. This 40 year old women was most likely a very nice person and a student she had no intention of abusing animals.

Something is wrong when its one of the biggest theme park attractions available does this. They do lots of scientific work at sea world and rescue many animals to later be released in the wild. But they love to exploit the biggest most impressive species on earth.

#4 Posted : 2/25/2010 12:38:42 AM

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It's truly sad that animals are vilified for being what they are meant to be...instinctive...
the media personifies these actions....as if the animal had some kind of ulterior motivation...one only needs to look to the human race to see where the true brutality lies...

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#5 Posted : 2/25/2010 12:51:15 AM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
ahh well one less animal abuser to worry about...


I'm not happy about animals of that nature being housed in those conditions and treated in such a manner, but that's just cold.
#6 Posted : 2/25/2010 12:53:37 AM

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yep..that sums up how i feel about supporting whales in captivity.

What am I sopposed to do..cry for the lady?? I dont know her..but I have worked around orcas and i dont know how the hell anyone can work around these creatures and not realize that supporting that is wrong..and she was supporting it by participating in it..

The whale got the short end of the stick..humans have a choice to participate or not.
Long live the unwoke.
#7 Posted : 2/25/2010 12:54:42 AM

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RaveN-ous wrote:

It's truly sad that animals are vilified for being what they are meant to be...instinctive...
the media personifies these actions....as if the animal had some kind of ulterior motivation...one only needs to look to the human race to see where the true brutality lies...

Indeed wild animals can lash out and kill at any moment with out apparent provocation and of course that includes me and you as we are the animal know as home sapiens, and we are packing some powerful weapons. We kill our own kind over politics and religion not for food or defense.

#8 Posted : 2/25/2010 1:00:42 AM

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I wonder how different the responces would be if that was a human in that cage being forced to live out life that way..with all those people making a living off the exploitation of the person?..including the trainers..

I dont see a difference..whales are most likely smarter than humans..they have the same capacipty to become depressed..so I dont feel sad here about this at all..its just life to me..the only part of the video that sparked any emotion for me is seeing the whale in that little prison cell.
Long live the unwoke.
#9 Posted : 2/25/2010 1:06:22 AM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
yep..that sums up how i feel about supporting whales in captivity.

What am I sopposed to do..cry for the lady?? I dont know her..but I have worked around orcas and i dont know how the hell anyone can work around these creatures and not realize that supporting that is wrong..and she was supporting it by participating in it..

Well no, I also didn't cry for her. Of course not. I see dying everyday in the news so of course this story doesn't demand tears.

Here's my emotional response. First of all a human being has died. No matter how it happened that's the truth and being another human myself I'll always have the same feeling when I here that reported. Secondly I think it's a shame that the lady was conditioned in her upbringing to do that as a profession in a world that not only allows it, but even gloryfies it. It's not beyond a rational mind to see that a perfectly kind and beautiful individual could end up desensitized as a result.

Change the conditions, don't punish the conditioned.
#10 Posted : 2/25/2010 1:14:32 AM

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im not punishing the conditioned..whats done is done..nothing i can do about it..but i do worry about how i know people are going to demonize the whale..just like people tried to do when a trainer was accidentally killed here at the vancouver aquarium..

These people play with gigantic wild animals as if they are a circus sideshow..aside from the fact that its cruel and inhumane, it's they're choice and they choose to take those risks..the whale gets to make no choice at all..

I dont hate people that go to aquariums or keep pets in littel aquarium tanks..I know many people that do that I get along with and enjoy being with..I dont agree with it for one second though.
Long live the unwoke.
The Traveler
#11 Posted : 2/25/2010 1:17:21 AM

"No, seriously"

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MagikVenom wrote:

Why this blame game? To me this question comes over as something very negative and unneeded.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#12 Posted : 2/25/2010 1:29:29 AM

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fractal enchantment wrote:

I dont hate people that go to aquariums or keep pets in littel aquarium tanks..I know many people that do that I get along with and enjoy being with..I dont agree with it for one second though.

So if you knew this woman then you'd feel sympathy for her then right? Or her family?

I guess what I'm saying is I understand what you're saying, I'm just wondering if you understand me?
#13 Posted : 2/25/2010 1:30:49 AM

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yes if i knew her of course..
I know that I come off sounding cold here..but its becasue i feel real strongly about whales in captivity based on my past experiences with orcas first hand..it makes me cry every tme to see them in little pools like that.
Long live the unwoke.
#14 Posted : 2/25/2010 1:56:03 AM

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There's a bit more detail and background here:


It's quite sad to see that same whale was in captivity in 1991. I guess they don't get vacation's so that's at least 20 years in those conditions.
#15 Posted : 2/25/2010 2:15:21 AM

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The Traveler wrote:
MagikVenom wrote:

Why this blame game? To me this question comes over as something very negative and unneeded.

Kind regards,

The Traveler

Ok with much respect I edited to say WHY? I am sorry if this is a not a valid topic asking why(whos to blame) surely there are causes to effects.

It seems any thing that is wrong should be ignored I am sorry I do not embrace this mode of thinking. No one is to blame for anything ok. We all just wander around each day and things happen.

Please feel free to remove the thread. Its your site. Maybe I am off base.

#16 Posted : 2/25/2010 2:33:02 AM

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MagikVenom wrote:
The Traveler wrote:
MagikVenom wrote:

Why this blame game? To me this question comes over as something very negative and unneeded.

Kind regards,

The Traveler

Ok with much respect I edited to say WHY? I am sorry if this is a not a valid topic asking why(whos to blame) surely there are causes to effects.

It seems any thing that is wrong should be ignored I am sorry I do not embrace this mode of thinking. No one is to blame for anything ok. We all just wander around each day and things happen.

Please feel free to remove the thread. Its your site. Maybe I am off base.


Just because you don't place blame doesn't mean you're being apethic. Actually I don't think you could be more wrong. To place blame is just a scapegoat in itself as folk seem to think that once someone suffers for their crimes then the problem is dealt with. But in fact nothing has changed because the conditions still exist for a repeat of the circumstances to occur.

The victim was doing a job. The whale was acting on instinct. The audience paid to be there for enterntainment. The people who captured the whale in the first place did so for money. That's probably not even scratching the surface of the people involved. Blaming them all is pointless for it acheieves nothing.
#17 Posted : 2/25/2010 3:41:20 AM

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Ummm... Off topic a touch, but Orcas are not whales. They are the largest member of the dolphin family. They got the nickname "killer whale" because they sometimes kill whales.

#18 Posted : 2/25/2010 4:51:16 AM

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DMT reminds me that we are all animals in captivity...
Some things will come easy, some will be a test
#19 Posted : 2/25/2010 4:58:52 AM

The Root

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A mouse keeps a cat as a pet, the mouse makes the cat dance, the other mice cheer.

haha - cant end well.

Even tho we are not prey for orca - its bigger and more powerfull than a human and therefore above us on the food chain.

Its a massive powerfull animal that is used to and built for massive open seas - in a little pool i doubt it could even swim at 15% of its top speed.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

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#20 Posted : 2/25/2010 6:13:04 AM

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Come on, we all know that whale was taliban.
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