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Hello Nexus my old friend (rue & mimosa tea) Options
#1 Posted : 8/21/2023 6:59:36 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hello Nexians,

it feels like deja Vu posting here, a feeling much like everytime I enter hyperspace.

I have been lurking and reading a lot on the Nexus for quite a while now. Please forgive me if I should ask questions that have been answered many times before. I'd just like to interact with others who have already gained some experience in what I plan on doing.

I am in a very difficult position in life. I know the general rule is to not use psychedelics when set and setting isn't right. Well I found that for myself psychedelics and in particular DMT helps me to steer the ship through rough waters. I get a lot of guidance and reassurance from the experience in times that would seem pretty hopeless to me otherwise. I need to add that I am not new to psychedelics.

I have never tried rue and bark the oral route, but I would love to see how it actually would be different from smoking changa. I read up a lot on it, but experience tells me that finding out first hand will be a surprise no matter how much one reads up on it.

I plan roasting a smallish amount of rue seeds like 2,5 gram first, do a triple boil with them in plain water. I would then have that with 1 gram mimosa tea (which I intend to drink about 20 minutes after the rue tea). I am not yet sure how to make the mimosa tea. It seems that there are lots of different recipes out there. For now I just to test the waters. Next time I will increase the amount of bark I use, till I get where I want to get, wherever that might be.

If there's anyone out there who can give some input on the mimosa tea I'd be grateful.



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#2 Posted : 8/21/2023 8:17:26 PM

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Hi 0Kelvin. The longer you boil the mimosa, the more alkaloids get absorbed in the water and you can discard the solids. If you are in a hurry, you can eat the solids too, although the taste is horrible and may contribute to the nausea (which primarily is due to the DMT itself).

2.5 g of roasted harmala seeds and 1 g of mhrb sounds like a prudent choice for a first time oral DMT trip. I recommend you to wait a bit more than 20 minutes. For me the time window to eat the DMT is from 45 minutes to 1 hour 15 minutes after ingesting the harmalas, though I usually just eat the grinded seeds raw (yuck) and the liquid does come up a bit faster.
My preferred method:
Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

My preferred introductory article:
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand
#3 Posted : 8/22/2023 4:39:35 AM

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Thanks a lot for your input, Tomtegubbe. I will then wait about 45 minutes after having the rue tea and then drink the mimosa tea.

One of my goals is to try and keep the nausea on a manageable level, so I will give it a long boil and then discard the solids. Is it ok if I don't add any lemon or vinegar? Should I grind down the bark a bit or will solid chunks be just as good? And lastly would boiling it for 2 hours do the trick or would it take longer?
#4 Posted : 8/22/2023 6:41:16 AM

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Don't add lemon or vinegar. It just makes the taste even worse and doesn't help much with the extraction.

Grind the bark if you can. I am always working with powder.

2 hours boil will do the trick. You can consider boiling a bit bigger amount at once and then just drinking the amount you want.

There are two tricks that help with nausea. Tiny tiny amount of cannabis. Being stoned while on Ayahuasca can be scary, but taking just a little to reduce the nausea can make the experience more manageable. Although, it's probably better to first see for yourself how much nausea you can take. Second is lemon essential oil, you can use it transdermally or just smell it but encapsulating is most efficient. I recommend facing the nausea first.
My preferred method:
Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

My preferred introductory article:
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand
#5 Posted : 8/22/2023 9:22:45 AM

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Perfect, I will skip the lemon and vinegar step! I might add some honey though to add some pleasantness to the taste unless that's not advisable for some reason.

I wanted to mention that your thread regarding the easy pharma recipe has been of great inspiration for me, so I take it as a good sign that you were the one to first respond to me Smile.

I will try and deal with the nausea first before I try to mitigate it with any other remedies. Starting low and slow will hopefully minimize the nausea. I don't mind a purge, but I wouldn't want to experience a five hour purge like I have read about in some other threads...

If I would make a bigger batch of mimosa tea, how long could I store the remains? would it be better to store it in the fridge or would room temperature be fine as well?
#6 Posted : 8/22/2023 9:28:59 AM

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Thank you 🙂

There is hardly anything that can spoil in a mimosa tea, so I believe it can last for months. Haven't tried it though. I'd choose fridge over room temperature just in case if some microbial life starts to evolve.

Good luck and safe journeys!
My preferred method:
Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

My preferred introductory article:
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand
#7 Posted : 8/23/2023 5:58:16 AM

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Thank you!

I made the mimosa tea yesterday while I still wait for the rue seeds to find their way to me.
I used three gram for now, which I ground to a fine powder using a coffee grinder. I then added the powder to a tea bag, trying to minimize the solids to end up in the tea. I was surprised how deeply purple the tea turned out to be. I got about 300ml waiting in the fridge.

If everything goes according to plan I will do the 2,5 gram rue/1 gram mimosa tea combo on Thursday.
#8 Posted : 8/25/2023 9:59:46 AM

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So, yesterday I tried my first oral rue/mimosa combo.

I decided to document my progress here. Partially for myself, partially for others to learn from potential mistakes and lastly to gain insight in what I can do to improve from experienced members here.

Yesterday morning I made my rue tea, before I left the house for work.
I measured 2,5 gram of rue seeds (I didn't powderize them, as I thought I might make it easier to filter out the solids later), roasted them in a pan till most of them popped, added 500ml of water and boiled them on a medium hot plate for 2 hours in a stainless steel pot with the lid on. By the time I left the house I just switched off the plate, but left the tea with the seeds in the pot to cool down.

When I came back home in the evening I warmed the tea up a bit, filtered out the seeds and drank the tea. I didn't add honey after all and as I am a passionate coffee drinker I actually didn't mind the taste at all.
Within the following 45 minutes I definitely felt a change in perception, but I didn't feel any nausea. I spent my time meditating in candle light as I felt that to be the most respectful way to approach this experience.

After 45 minutes I drank the cold mimosa tea that had been stored in the fridge for a few days. All solids had settled to the bottom of the glass. I drank 1/3 which should be the equivalent to 1 gram. It was a surprise that it tasted pretty good. It had a floral woody taste to it.

I waited for about an hour but not much happened. Maybe some hints of an effect, but that could as well have been the rue or just placebo.

I don't mind that it wasn't a success. I know now that next time I can work with more (unless I did something fundamentally wrong, like not drinking the solids that collected in the bottom of the mimosa tea glass). Next time I will up the amount rue to 3 gram and mimosa to 2 gram.
#9 Posted : 8/26/2023 12:05:35 AM

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Roasting probably destroyed most of the harmala alkaloids. Don't do that myself anymore, as you get more consistent results with raw seeds.

I usually do a ten minute brew three times for the seeds to get most of it out. No need to brew for 2 hours, unless you aim to convert some alkaloids into THH. I believe it's somewhat debatable whether this happens or not, but it's possible. However, just for an effective brew, much quicker boil is enough.
My preferred method:
Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

My preferred introductory article:
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand
#10 Posted : 8/26/2023 9:14:48 AM

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Perfect thanks, I won't roast them next time, which likely will be tonight, if everything feels right. I'll stick to the 3x 10 minute boiling time and use 3 gram rue seeds.

I am confident that the rue tea will be more effective this time and in case the remaining mimosa tea I still got won't show any significant effects, I might just smoke a pinch of changa.
I'll let intuition guide me on that one though.
#11 Posted : 8/27/2023 11:23:55 AM

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Ok, reporting back from my second try.

The rue tea was definitely more effective this time. I good a little dizzy and at some stage a little nauseous. No tracers or ataxia yet, I might increase the dose to 3,5 gram next time. However I am glad the brewing tek Tomtegubbe suggested, seems to have improved the result.

I drank the mimosa tea about 45 minutes after the rue tea. This time it was the equivalent of 1,5 - 2 gram bark. After a while I could feel a hint of my stomach trying to get rid of it but that faded quickly.
Shortly after that I felt something I can only describe as a "brain massage". A weird but good feeling of something physically massaging my brain, similar to a head massage just inside my head instead of on the scalp. With eyes closed it seemed like the white noise I usually see in a sober state of mind tried to put it selves together to flowing patterns.
Other than that not much happened. This tells me that next time I could try 3 gram mimosa without expecting an overwhelming surprise.

All in all it feels like I have already gotten a bit of what I was hoping for. This morning I woke up rested, feeling positive and went for a hike in nature.
#12 Posted : 8/27/2023 2:14:59 PM

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Great to hear 0Kelvin! From here on I believe it's just getting the dosage right!

You might want to try putting on some Ayahuasca music, if that fits you. For me it has been quite important part of the journey, in carrying you to the other side. This is one playlist I have been listening over and over again. https://youtu.be/GHPsosEIPmw?si=sc6r2Tg2eC8kSLG9
My preferred method:
Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

My preferred introductory article:
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand
#13 Posted : 8/27/2023 5:15:00 PM

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Thanks again Tomtegubbe for taking me by the hand and walk me through this. I really appreciate it.

I just listened in to the music and it's definitely something that I enjoy these days. I usually listen to ambient electronic music, but was looking for something more organic to extend my playlist. I'll put it on next time.
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