I decided to tell this thing here because the only information I have about it derives from my experience, but I would like to hear some feedback from someone.
Now it's been more than a year since I've taken any substance (not even nicotine, alcohol or coffee). It has always been like this in my life. But I had a period (which is why I joined the forum) where I experimented with psychedelics. It is a period that lasted only a few months, but it was very very intense. At the end of this period I had a very strong experience which up until now has left me quite far from it all.
But there is one thing that this last experience left me: for a certain period, let's say 1 or 2 months, it seemed to me as if I had the "capacity" to visualize the mental state I was in through symbols. Completely sober. In a very clear and detailed way I saw an image in my mind where my state was represented through these symbols which could be animals, plants, objects, drawings, anthropomorphic figures.
What I was doing was sort of an 'action' or 'movement' with my perspective (I don't know how else to say it) literally throwing back reality. A sort of a shift of settings with a backwards movement with the energies around the eye and brow area. (I'm sorry for my descriptions but I don't have the doctrinal skills to explain myself better). By doing this, a very clear image appeared in my mind.
With my experiences during everyday life I could see how this image changed. For example, I tried to play music while maintaining this mental visualization and based on the music I was playing, I saw that what I was visualizing began to change. Finished playing,the image could go back to the way it was before, or undergo small modifications, or change completely. It depended on the impact that the music itself had on me.
Yesterday this came back to me while I was driving (my mind tried to eliminate this memory because for those months I was practically forced to visualize constantly, and it was very difficult to get rid of it) and, just to give an example, here is the image I visualized (very faint and out of focus and not as clear as almost a year ago): the silhouette of an anthropomorphic figure on the right that shone with a light of a specific color, alongside, on the left, a stool with a frozen flower on it.
I changed a couple of information because you never know
I'd love if anyone has anything to say about this. I'm very ignorant as to what many of you are passionate about! (in fact, sometimes I wonder what I am doing in this forum.