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Our recent organized activism... Options
#1 Posted : 2/18/2010 8:03:58 AM

DMT-Nexus member


Posts: 1538
Joined: 24-Nov-2009
Last visit: 31-Aug-2024
So... I more or less invited the peeps at the Aya forums to check out the PFF and see if they want to help (in a long, polite, cautious, and roundabout way. Razz )

I know some people here feel kind of "put off" by the "overly spiritual" attitude at those forums [it is their way of protecting what they hold dear, just like discussion of "SELLING DEEMZ" is strictly frowned upon here], and they are very rigorous about discussion of legal activity.

BUT, I see everything we are doing, I log in every day to check what's going on, how our projects are progressing... and since the Aya forums birthed and raised me... all I keep thinking about is HOW MUCH so MANY PEOPLE from over there could help us!!

Especially in compiling information about the positive/healing uses of entheogens, the history, the social and support structure for integration... they have so much knowledge about such a rich history to draw upon. The knowledge archived there, and the people who have dealt with various experiences relating to the law, is absolutely invaluable to what we're doing. They could guide and support us... if willing...

I love them as much as I love you guys, and the heart of our practices is the same.

It's been on my mind for a while and I had to say it. Perhaps some more people will at least check us out, and will hopefully offer some valuable knowledge.

I want to protect the sacred plants at all costs. I want to protect our rights to the sacrament--IN ANY FORM--at all costs. A sacrament prepared with good intentions, whether it be boiled, or soaked in orange oil (okay... or naptha... though, based on what Aya has shown me, I would urge you to do something eco Razz )... IS THE SAME THING!!

I think we are stronger together.

These are just my feelings. I'm not trying to stir anything or anyone up. I'm trying to rally all the wisdom I can... and this place seems to be the hub of solid, individual-dreamer-based action. So. Pleased

With love and thanks. Smile
Some things will come easy, some will be a test

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 2/18/2010 2:58:42 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 245
Joined: 15-Oct-2009
Last visit: 29-Jul-2011
Location: Milwaukee
Very happy

I was justing thinking the other day about who else we'd contact!
I fear they might find us a bit unorganized and unprofessional now....

If they're looking for things to do whilst still in the Nursery, have them either PM me, amor_fati or ms_manic_minxx! plenty of work for all!!!

right now i feel we're in "quite work by yourself mode" as the magnitude of how much there is yet to do stakes hold and various folks try to get their mouths around the large bits of this project. DON'T MISTAKE THIS FOR GIVING UP!!!
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