downwardsfromzero wrote:From what you describe, the thought that springs to mind is the possibility that there may be a residual action of viral protein that is affecting the function of your scent receptor neurons. As well, phantom smells may also be generated in response to scent-receptor die-off and their subsequent regeneration, I suspect. It could also be that a residual mild sinus infection can influence this phenomenon.
What would be the trigger to your imagining these specific smells, typically?
Phantom smells! That is the term, thank you.
The idea of scent receptors being reconstructed sounds possible. It sounds quite rough though that this virus can damage those receptors, but seems like it's doing just that.
Thank you doubledog for reporting your experience!
Yeah, I believe now it's covid related. It's quite psychedelic though! 😄
Most of the time these seem purely random. Not related to what I'm doing or thinking. Sometimes it may be a smell that could be related to the environment and then pay attention to whether it's
there or not. One time I remember there being a strange presentient kind of sensation of some place or environment that the other person started talking a little after I had had the sensation. Can't remember for life what it was, because it really wasn't anything remarkable. I think it was about some chemical.
Thank you! This bothers me less now.