Hello Nexians, it's been a while.
I'm conducting research into ancient extraction techniques and have been given advice along the lines of looking into the potential historical use of antimony trichloride/oxychloride as a solvent.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antimony_oxychlorideDoes anyone here have experience in the use of this 'butter of antimony' or can they advise the risks and drawbacks of such a solvent?
An advantage is it is prepared with cheap and available mineral sulphur and Quicklime.
Thanks in advance for your help!
It is a fact, Clea, that having a beard and wearing a coarse cloak does not make philosophers, nor does dressing in linen and shaving the hair make votaries of Isis; but the true votary of Isis is he who, when he has legitimately received what is set forth in the ceremonies connected with these gods, uses reason in investigating and in studying the truth contained therein.
Plutarch - On Isis and Osiris