Hello all. I'm having my first DMT experiences and so far they've been rewarding ones. I'm using Tomtegubbe's "very easy pharmahuasca" recipe, as found here
https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=96912 and taking a generally cautious approach.
Not sure I enjoy the oral ingestion route. Drinking this powder sludge is not pleasant; it is basically like drinking paint. I need something better; that is, something less foul.
First trip - last Wednesday evening - was a very cautious low dose, of about 2g paint powder. No visual hallucinations even with my eyes closed, but a sense of mildly-altered reality, or in fact, a sense of apprehending reality in its true nature. Sufficient for me to understand that this direction is good, and further work is warranted, which was really the purpose of the exercise. Also sufficient for me to properly perceive my intention, which is to say, self-nurturing growth. An enjoyable, enlightening and self-contained little non-trip, that left me feeling energised and refreshed well into the following morning.
Second trip - Friday evening - went to 3.5g of powder. Some limited closed-eye hallucinations at this dosage point, and very marginal levels of open-eye visual field disturbance; certainly no hyperspace experience. Purging -- not at the physical level (some mild and manageable nausea, but in fact considerably less than expected, no vomiting) -- but purging at the emotional level, goodness me yes, lots of it. Lots of very raw emotion letting itself be expressed, in both the senses of "to be communicated, in words or symbols etc" and "to be exuded or emitted, as if by gentle pressure or squeezing." Unusually for me, lots of verbalising. I'm usually a quiet person, my usual difficulty is not with how to stop talking, but how to
start; well that was turned on its head. I couldn't shut myself up. The internal dialogue was vocalised almost incessantly to the point where I was tired of listening to myself.
Necessary healing work, but somewhat difficult, somewhat draining. There was no chance of sleeping, so instead I went for a pleasant 4AM walk. I spent the weekend quietly, integrating the experience, examining my thoughts.
No breakthrough experience yet; no hyperspace travel; no matter. But I need to find something else to do with my powder that doesn't involve ingesting paint.
I would also like to recommend to everyone here the following music by The Egg as very suitable and enjoyable listening for a healing, consciousness-raising DMT trip:
https://theegg.bandcamp.com/track/somethings-happening-ft-lara-smiles-space-mountain-live-studio-mixhttps://theegg.bandcamp.com/track/good-summer-the-egg-remix...and in fact, basically this entire record: