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syrian rue..and dreaming.. Options
#1 Posted : 8/29/2022 2:44:38 AM

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Ive been taking some valerian at night to sleep better for over a couple weeks...and it caused many dreams at night..

But last night when going to sleep... i added only three tiny rue seeds]... to the valerian in a capsule..and wow..did my dreaming get ultra vivid !... and i had much better dream recall...

rue gives me very symbolic dreams.. of past and future..

I think ill try two or three seeds. .. after sleeping for 4 hours first at 1:30AM.. ..during REM sleep i may even have stronger dream effect durring those hours.!

Anyone who likes dreaming..or lucid dreaming... might try a.. few rue seeds..or even 15 seeds... after sleeping 4 hours first

You can get faster than oral results..by chewing up some seeds while under tounge for 10 minutes..then return to sleep..you may find your self anywhere in a super dream that could become lucid..and be able to recall it!


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#2 Posted : 8/29/2022 7:02:00 AM

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Rue is stimulating for me and decreases my sleep quality

However, with a tiny amount of rue combined with a large amount of vervain tea, İ had probably the most magnificent, magical, colorful and detailed dreams I ever had, exploring Aztec jungles and pyramids...
The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.

~ Pablo Amaringo
#3 Posted : 8/29/2022 10:52:09 AM

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Hey thanks for the hint, a must try. But that valerian smell Laughing

Started to read about vervain, omg, didn't realize it was so highly respected across continents, must drink more tea of that Thumbs up
#4 Posted : 8/29/2022 2:25:25 PM

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My dream life became exponentially strange when combining daily harmalas/melatonin/raw plant diet and a dream journal

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#5 Posted : 8/29/2022 11:30:21 PM

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YES!.. to all posts above..

When taking a small dose of rue ..at bed time..or 4 hours into sleep...make shure you are fairly groogy so you can return to sleep easily...

Thats why i like taking some rue seed at bedtime with some melatonin [im already sleepy].. ..i even mixed three rue seeds with some valerian extract in a capsule at bed time..and it worked well..for dreaming..

I have breifly woke up ..from dreams so vivid! near world shattering dreams from valerian or rue.

in one past rue dream... .. i clearly remember standing in front of a giant cathedral or [church]...and two angels stood at the front doors!

The angels opened the doors for me wide and i saw..thousands of angels or [energy beings] inside the cathedral singing..

The light inside the cathedral..once the doors were opened the inner light emitted towards me was so bright..like pure energy..

As i stood at the opened doors of the church..i felt like i was a guest of honor..! ..As i started to walk through the door...s i sudenly woke up in bed! whew! it was so life like!! i was surprised i was in bed!

Strong valerian extract can also put one in a nightly dreams that look and feel so real..

driving a car up a road into the clouds...finding myself in a future world of flying cars ..sitting at a table in a [mcdonalds resteraunt of the future]..talking to an old west movie star..

[[gabby hays]...as we played a game of chess.. on the 20th floor of a future skyscraper ...
watching huge.. trucks ..cars and motorhomes hover in the air outside my window on the 30th

floor..slowly decending downwards to landing pads!
I Once was trapped in a flying saucer ...and stood one foot away from an android 8 ft tall!.. who looked exactly like the carector.. [DATA].. on the movie..startreck the next generation..
The face was exact..and the eyes were machine like [ very un human like eyes!]

ive gotten high in dreams smoking pot...once i was at the top of a 25 floor skyscraper tripping on acid...i never forgot how the building swayed back and forth and everything was moving...my minds attempt to re create an acid trip..! as i was dreaming...

In other dreams.. using ..galantamine and choline..ive flown superman style straight upwards from first floor on skyscraper ...straight up busting through wood concreet ..steel... glass..it didnt matter it was a dream ..and in a dream anything is posible,,,

I remember walking through glass and how it stretched as i pushed through it..
in other dreams..i would run down a hallway straight into a mirror..and after penetrating the mirror..found self in a different dream scene..IT was awesome..

[Dream Lucidity].. is kind of hard to acheive..[but not imposible].. in dreams induced by agents like.. valerian ..or rue.. but the dream can be just as vivid as waking reality lucid or not..it just like being there! so lucidity in a dream is nice but super vivid non lucid dreams are nice too!
and in a non lucid..you dont know its a dream...while in the dreamscape its real atleast for a while..!
also the human brain often accepts experiances and stores them away..like a waking life experiance..
to the brain...they are booth real... and the more dream experiances your brain regesters..the longer in effect..you live...concidering the huge amount of time we spend sleeping...and the amount of time during waking reality...

I was just testing 3 rue seeds and found that for dreaming ..they can work well..if taken at bedtime.. ive tryed up to 50 seeds sublingualy..and it works well also..

But when it comes to dreaming i dont think very large doses of rue are nessasery..smaller dosses can also work.. sorry if i stretched this out to long..
#6 Posted : 8/29/2022 11:51:44 PM

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Jees wrote:
Hey thanks for the hint, a must try. But that valerian smell Laughing

Started to read about vervain, omg, didn't realize it was so highly respected across continents, must drink more tea of that Thumbs up

take the strong valerian extract ..if you want vivid dreaming! tea is ok to help with sleep...

but it must e standardized extract...if you want dreams!

look for [natures plus]...[Herbal Actives] extended release ..standardized. 1 percent] with 6mgs of Valerenic acid in each tablet..

only once!...i took one whole tablet ....and after a few hours sleep experianced something close to an out of body experiance...floating out of my sleeping body...riseing up through the roof..traveling a thousand miles away to my cousins house..then walking through the house as they slept...then returning back into my sleeping body...

now i usually take a quarter tablet to sleep...and still get dreams...but not like with the larger doses..one tablet can make a large person feel a little groogy and ready to sleep ..
This ..[natures plus product].. is extracted from .. valerian root ..in a real lab and its very strong extract...

Ill try to send a link of the product...

here is the legal stuff thats great for sleep..and [if you dream].it will take you places far away during sleep...and ive only dared to add three rue seeds once to a quarter tablet..

copy words below paste on google search...valerian ..[ prescription quality!].. 600mgs per tablet valerian extract..[copy and paste words below] for google search..]

[[[[NaturesPlus Herbal Actives Valerian Extended Release]]]

old pagen belief...valerian is rooted in the earth...and rooted in the sky...

Supplement Facts
Serving Size 1 Extended-Release Tablet

Amount Per Tablet
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis root) (standardized 1% [6 mg] valerenic acid)600 mg †
†Daily Value not established.
#7 Posted : 8/30/2022 12:29:02 PM

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Thanks for the special intel Starway7!

So far I only had some regular tea. I found that my body was relaxed and I had no motivation to move a limb at all. But my mind was not tamed down to same degree, that one kept doing normal. So the body got sleep ready but the mind wasn't. These were short trials, never got to study it better.


If dreaming is a thing, then guayusa is also a powerhouse. It's a caffeine plant, easily available over internet, a serious candidate to trade coffee with. Must boil shredded/powdered or whole leafs for 15 - 30 minutes to get the actives extracted well enough!

Because of the caffeine, even if you drink it many hours before sleep, it will still work at night in the dreaming departement. Seems it doesn't really matter much when you drink it.
My dreams became like very colourfull long movie stories. Normally dreams skip subjects and change easily but with guayusa they became subject firm track movies. Link.
I can't remember if it works from the first day, I boiled a kettle good for a few days.

There's a really yummie guayusa beverage "Night Watch" that act like an alternative energydrink. It's not like a hard caffeine shot (your heart won't race) though, and the amount of guayusa in it won't engage the dreaming part enough, but it's very tasty like all tea's made from that plant. But they don't call it for nothing 'night watch', alluding to the dreams. But for dreams you need to make your own tea and drink it more concentrated, as black like coffee (then add oat milk, sirup,.. whatever), did I say it taste good? Big grin

#8 Posted : 8/31/2022 6:08:27 PM

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My first encounter with Valeriana dioscoridis gave me the most restful sleep with the most vivid and beautiful dreams. For some reason it was never so special after that.

Valeriana tuberosa (another species) consistently gives me psychedelic effects... The GABA doorway has the potential for psychedelic effects... Powerful color enhancement, visual opening and euphoria.... Energizing also.
The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.

~ Pablo Amaringo
#9 Posted : 9/3/2022 5:08:58 PM

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Testing different combos of herbal teas for sleep and dreaming can be a little up and down in effect...

Latley ive been drinking a cup of ...lemon grass tea..with a small dash of passion flower... to get good dream and sleep effects.. but we all have different sleep habits though..[lemongrass is known to keep one calm but alert] and that can be good if you want lucid awareness durring a dream..

Valerian or passion flower..can knock you out cold...and it can give you improved deeper sleep..and awesome dreams also!

Passion flower can put you into a deep sleep almost all night and morning..but in the last hour or two very vivid dreams can occure..

Valerian has a natural seditive..that helps keep you calm if you wake at 3:AM from a nightmare..and that seditive may not be good for lucidity durring the dream but strong valerian dreams are so intense that your recall can be great also...

Valerian root..also has an agent in it that is close to psycoactive in e effect..and that why i sugested the stronger valerian extracts,, i think its called.. [valerenic acid] strong valerian has been used for out of body travel...

I once had a great super vivid dream ..drinking some ..blue vervain... tea..i think the native americans used this herb for different things including a visionary effect.,..

the thing about herbal teas is the body seems to get used to some teas and it helps to switch yout herbal choices..and that can catch the body off guard and set off very impressive dreaming...

for dreaming ..good sleep is esential...dreams and sleep go together...
#10 Posted : 9/8/2022 6:33:03 PM

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I had two nights of the most astonishingly vivid dreams a few weeks back, which I've discussed a little elsewhere on the forum. It seemed to be due to the combination of Syrian rue and the dried, powdered seed husks of Californian poppies. I stepped back from it a little after the second night due to a hint that respiratory depression might be occuring but have since attempted to replicate it using a different batch of the Cali poppy material.

The rich colours, fine detail and frankly gorgeous emotional affect of those first two times has not since been apparent - although a brew with 4.14g raw rue seed and about half a teaspoon of the second batch of Cali poppy did provide a highly satisfactory visionary experience what is now some two weeks ago.

Having laid off the Cali poppy again for a reasonable length of time, I'm feeling bold enough to try the first batch once more, possibly with a processing step in order to help eliminate some quaternary alkaloids which seem like the candidates most likely to be responsible for respiratory depression if it did indeed actually occur (in that instance, I had dozed off while propped up with a cushion, which I normally never do.)

So, I'll dip my pinky toe back in with this and report back. We do see some GABA activity with Eschscholzia, after all.

starway7 wrote:
for dreaming ..good sleep is esential...dreams and sleep go together...
Hmm, this could be another factor in the lack of memorable activity in the subsequent attempts. My sleep discipline has been atrocious of late. I know that I still dream but the recall of dreams is very hazy for me at the moment.

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#11 Posted : 9/8/2022 10:46:33 PM

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Jees wrote:
Thanks for the special intel Starway7!

So far I only had some regular tea. I found that my body was relaxed and I had no motivation to move a limb at all. But my mind was not tamed down to same degree, that one kept doing normal. So the body got sleep ready but the mind wasn't. These were short trials, never got to study it better.


If dreaming is a thing, then guayusa is also a powerhouse. It's a caffeine plant, easily available over internet, a serious candidate to trade coffee with. Must boil shredded/powdered or whole leafs for 15 - 30 minutes to get the actives extracted well enough!

Because of the caffeine, even if you drink it many hours before sleep, it will still work at night in the dreaming departement. Seems it doesn't really matter much when you drink it.
My dreams became like very colourfull long movie stories. Normally dreams skip subjects and change easily but with guayusa they became subject firm track movies. Link.
I can't remember if it works from the first day, I boiled a kettle good for a few days.

There's a really yummie guayusa beverage "Night Watch" that act like an alternative energydrink. It's not like a hard caffeine shot (your heart won't race) though, and the amount of guayusa in it won't engage the dreaming part enough, but it's very tasty like all tea's made from that plant. But they don't call it for nothing 'night watch', alluding to the dreams. But for dreams you need to make your own tea and drink it more concentrated, as black like coffee (then add oat milk, sirup,.. whatever), did I say it taste good? Big grin

Yeah, guayusa is an interesting plant. I've used it as an ayahuasca admixture quite often.

I think there's more to it that just caffeïne though. I know there's teanine in it as well, but i wouldn't be surprised if it also contains other substances like maybe some beta carbolines or something.
#12 Posted : 9/9/2022 1:03:54 PM

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dragonrider wrote:
...Yeah, guayusa is an interesting plant. I've used it as an ayahuasca admixture quite often...
That's interesting. I've had rainbowascas with whatnot, even mapacho, but not guayusa I suppose, not that I remember. Those cocktails usually knocked me out heavily like draining all of my energy and then some more, and then more Laughing
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