Quote:I think it is up to you, Godspark, to explain what you mean by science breaks down which I feel you have not done.
I have already addressed this. Science is imperfect. If you are to argue that science isn't inherently flawed, that it isn't prone to breaking down, then I am sorry but you would be wrong. Being flawed admittedly is one of science's (scientific method's) strongest traits. The rest of the argument is semantics:
(1)"-Science's wrongs are not a limit of science but a limit of human observers". When I say science breaks down, it automatically implies that I am addressing human science. I am not addressing science as a thing in itself. It isn't. Science can not exist on its own. It would be like giving a God the property of perfection. As imperfect as we are, we make science.
(2)"Breaking down" used as a slang. Perhaps I could have avoided this heat if I had only used the term "puzzling" instead of "breaking down". Or maybe not. Sheesh, God only knows how much the realists take science to be a full fledged religion. I have to be careful next time.
Quote:I am having a hard time understanding what you mean by this as I think you are mistaking the scientific method with human interpretation/understanding of the results obtained.
We are going in circles. There is no mistaking scientific method for human interpretation/understanding because scientific method IS human interpretation/understanding. We are, and it is intrinsically flawed. Regardless if it is a hypothesis, or a result. Question or conclusion. There are no conclusive results. Conclusions serve as a starting point for a new hypothesis.
Quote:Questions still remaining about nature do not show that science has broken down.
I don't see why it can't be interpreted that way.
Quote:No one is claiming the science has answered all the questions. That is ridiculous.
I am not claiming that anyone is claiming that. However you said multiple times that science leads to truth. Science can not lead to truth of any kind because truth is not imperfect, but always true, and can never have the possibility of being false.
Quote:However you know that everything QM predicts about nature is accurate at that scale.
No I don't know.
Quote:While humans may have a difficult time understanding how this is so, the laws of reality have little concern for our pondering and this is separate from QM.
Ponder what you are saying here. You spoke as if science exists as one in and of itself. Now you do the same for reality, to go as far as to say the laws of reality have a concern for our pondering. What does this remind you of? All determinations about reality are purely subjective: Relative reality, is faith and belief in an interpretation from an observation through science.
Quote:It still seems as if you think that science says QM is weird. QM is a science.
I am sorry if it seems that way, I don't intend to say that QM is seperate from science. I was only using QM as an example as to how science breaks down.
Quote:Thus you may say that view of nature that the scientific method has lead us to on the quantum scale (using QM) is different than classical physics and thus weird. But the scientific method is the same weather observing the quantum world or your backyard. It does not change it can only make models about reality for us.
Scientific method's observation, hypotheses and theory are our own. It remaining the same no matter where it is used does not do away with its shortcomings.
Quote:This is not semantics but rather a fundamental understanding of what science is. The accuracy depends on the integrity and logic of the experiment.
Accuracy is a property of science, and thus is fundamentally susceptible to all its shortcomings.
Quote:The results can be true on a relative sense. It is true that the earth is round.
Earlier you spoke about reality being a law that has "little concern for our pondering", thus quantifying it as existing seperate from us. Now you bring up relative reality as a product of scientific method as a whole! Most scientists 'objectively' claim that logically, the earth is round. This is not true at all. Roundness is a concept, it needs humans to determine what it is through language. There is no absolute truth on a relative sense. That is belief. The earth is not a static solid object. It is impermanent, always morphing, changing. It is made up of tiny subatomic particles constantly moving, and it is full of gaps.
Quote:I agree they maybe relative but they are still real.
Religious belief. We will never know objectively what is real. We can only tell subjectively. We believe in the existance of objects because of our senses, they are reflected to us by our perceptions. However our perceptions are only ideas in our mind.
Quote:Relative reality is real and follows laws and rules which can be probed by science.
The claim that "relative reality is real" is a belief. What you perceive as real by observation through the senses, such as eye sight is all a mental projection from your brain taking chemicals and translating photons bouncing off of a supposed object, sending that as an electrical impulse interpreting it as a picture inside your brain. It only exists inside of your brain. We don't see anything but our own mind. We are mislead to assume what we see are instances of real matter outside us. We will never be able to reach the external world. If there is one.