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#101 Posted : 4/14/2011 8:04:37 PM

ThGiL fO TiRipS

Posts: 2021
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Last visit: 07-Feb-2023
Location: Earth
gibran2 wrote:
”Metal Lunch Box”

I haven’t had salvia for a while, until last night. I don’t know why I stay away from it for so long – it’s always fairly pleasant for me. Maybe it’s because I’m looking for “answers” of some sort, and with salvia they are definitely not forthcoming.

So I loaded 25mg of my 20X and inhaled it all in one puff. Soon everything, including myself, began to flatten and transform. I wanted a simple phrase that I could repeat to myself so I would remember the visual aspect of the experience, and the first thing that came to mind was “metal lunch box”.

Everything, myself included, was being transformed into a large plane of connected pieces of brightly painted sheet-metal. This plane extended in all directions further than I could see – it was very large. It was the whole world. The plane then began deforming and stretching into 3D. Buildings, plants, beings/people all were taking shape.

During the entire experience, there was an unseen “chorus” of entities singing/chanting a repetitive phrase. Their song was not English or any recognizable language, but they were chanting throughout the experience. It was comforting. For me, salvia entities almost always have human form and human characteristics. I always feel “at home”. I realized that I’m never frightened by salvia experiences because I’m so much a part of the experience – I’m not just an observer. I become an inhabitant.

This was a fairly light experience and it was calm and easygoing. I didn’t have any ego loss and it didn’t last very long. After about 5-6 minutes, it was mostly over. The only insight I got from this was that I never fear the salvia realm because I’m so much a part of it when I’m there.

very nice experience, thank you for sharing.
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.


We are all living in our own feces.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#102 Posted : 4/14/2011 8:25:05 PM

ThGiL fO TiRipS

Posts: 2021
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Last visit: 07-Feb-2023
Location: Earth
ok i decided to write my experience with my 12x salvia.

i loaded 30mg in my bong and took it in two hits. i could take it easily in one hit but for some reason i decided to go for two Smile

so im siting in my living room on the floor waiting. than after a little delay it all started. i kept my eyes open all the time and now i know that it was not very good idea. the whole room started to change and i as i was going deeper and deeper i started loosing my self.there were these things coming at me but i can not remember what they looked like. now im thinking omg I FUCKED UP. i am not coming back this is it. i am gone for ever. i was really paniking and my little stool that changed to some sort of rotating machine wanted to cut through me. my wife was siting on the sofa and i remember i was reaching to her to help me to get me out of there. i was really scared. than it all came down and all was ok.

my wife taled me that i stoped talking english and talked slovakian so she would not know what i was talking about and i do not remember. she said i taled her not to help me when i was trying to reach her. that was the only thing i said english.

after all i had quite bad feeling and i thought i was not gonna smoke salvia again but now i see it diferently. i want to do it again but maybe to change setting and also i will try to keep my eyes closed and will see if it makes diference.

i guess i was not expecting it to be so strong Smile next time i will be prepeared
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.


We are all living in our own feces.
#103 Posted : 4/15/2011 1:07:51 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Forever riding the rotating molecular structure of interconnecting peoploids.
Well guys, I took another plunge last night. It was a pretty good one. I wanted to post it before Diox posts his in case there is any synchronistity. I might dedicate a thread to it over at edot, but I don't want to become a thread hog ( I already am Smile )

This report is somewhat similar to Gibran's trip report. I'm using SWIM as my 3rd person.

Wow Wow Wow. Theater what the fuck.
I just watched what was playing in theater # three.
I just sat there while different world scenarios salvied through me. I was thinking of the word to describe it. There ISN’T any word to describe it. The verb hasn't been created yet. What is a word that can describe how salvia cuts a path through a multitude of worlds? Salvied? It salvied through (SWIM‘s) brain.

What (SWIM) just experienced was something like burrowing backwards through a cascading series of alternative worlds while still being seated in this physical reality. Each world scenario was as thin as a sheet of aluminum. Each world scenario lasted for a micro second. (SWIM’s) salvia body seemed to burrow through successive layers of reality until it finally arrived back here in terra firma.

Even though (SWIM’s) material body never left the physical world during the salvia trip, his tripping mind was the locus of a multitude of solid realities. The solid realities were like rings in a tree. A salvia tree.

There is a reoccurring visual of a curved boundary of some kind. It’s as if worlds are spread out along the curved boundary of membranes. It’s very hard to encapsulate the visual into words. These worlds weren’t totally random worlds. There was a kind of flowing theme of similarity involved. It was sort of like getting on a bus at a bus stop in one dimension and getting off the bus here on our 3Dimensional physical earth. But in order to travel from one dimension to another, we have to travel through approximations of similarity in order to arrive at the final destination. Does that make any sense? Each successive layer has to be somewhat similar to the previous layer in order for travel to continue.

What pisses me off is that (SWIM) can’t remember the individual world scenarios. They were extremely real looking. There might have been people involved. Not just random people either. (SWIM) knew these people (At Least For A Second), and then ‘poof’, they were gone. It’s as if (SWIM) was totally involved in each successive world scenario as it happened, but each scenario only lasted for a micro second. (SWIM) was constantly being born and killed again and again as he rode through the cascading series of worlds. That might be why he can’t remember anything. His different selves all died along with their respective memories.

#104 Posted : 4/15/2011 1:54:37 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Great reports everyone! Reading these is giving me the push I need to finalize my two-part report from last weekend. I read over it again last night and added some things, but it's very near completion. I'll have it posted very soon, because I really want to take another journey this weekend, and I'd like to continue writing up reports for all of you.

Oh, and glad to see you're back gibran Pleased
#105 Posted : 4/15/2011 3:33:55 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Salvia divinorum expertSenior Member

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"Classic Rolodex"

My salvia experience from the previous night led me to give it another go last night, but I wanted to increase the dose slightly. So I took 30mg of my 20X in one quick breath. (This is nearing my self-imposed upper dose limit.)

The experience I had was a classic that I've read about, but one that I’ve personally never had before:

I could feel the familiar distortions of my body, and realized that I was being stretched along the length of my body and flattened out. I became something like the spine of a “book” or “rolodex”, with my head at the top of the book and my vision directed toward the pages. The “pages” were turning from left to right at a moderate pace – maybe 3 or 4 seconds per page. As each page turned, it “opened” a different reality. I was fully immersed in each vivid 3D reality as they passed by, and quickly lost track of which reality I belonged to.

Over the course of what seemed like several minutes, dozens of different realities came and went. In hindsight, some were very similar to everyday reality. Some were quite different. At the time, I didn’t know which reality I originated from, but it didn’t seem to matter at all. It was a very pleasant experience. As with my last experience, there were unseen entities singing/chanting.

The turning of the pages slowed, the visuals faded, and after about 10 minutes I was back where I started from. Quite a ride! (But what does it mean?)

I’m thinking of ending this salvia “binge” tonight with a 35mg dose. Will report back.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
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