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Rising Spirit
#81 Posted : 3/25/2011 1:57:38 AM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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burningmouth wrote:
Well, my respect for the Mazatec shamans just dropped a notch. Saint Peter? The holy trinity?

Please understand the bigger picture here, this was done for the sake of survival. Because of the brutality of the Christian conquistadors and subsequent waves of Christian missionaries and their utter lack of respect for the indigenous shamanic practices. It became a case of going underground and bending just a little bit towards the cosmology of the invaders... in favor to sheer extinction. Besides, for the mystically inclined persons, adapting to any system of theology is easy enough to accomplish. Often times, it is the case where the converts have a better understanding of the truth inherent within the theology. How much of a stretch would it be for a Wounded Healer to perceive the true meaning to the trinity?

The Father? God... the transcendent field of Indivisible Being. The Son? Well my friend, the son or daughter are the body of humankind, who by the grace of the Sacred Medicine, are able to SEE beyond themselves and furthermore, understand the Truth directly. The Holy Ghost? This is the mind blowing force of the dawning of enlightenment within the awareness of the Dreamer (the son and daughter). This is the understanding which is gleaned by immersion within the Godhead.

So, you can see how easily the Mazatec shamans or for that matter, the many diverse, indigenous shamans throughout the world, would find symbiotic elements of their own belief systems hidden within the new, foreign dogma. I say God bless them for surviving, so that we might receive some of their wisdom!!! Very happy

For the natives to adopt the symbology of their conquerors, they were allowed to continue their time honored practices. How many psychonautically oriented lineages have gone extinct, simply because they refused to hide their true rituals in the guise of orthodox Christianity? I am certain that they experienced the same depth of transpersonal immersion and the whole Salvia Universe, using the surnames of Saint Peter or Holy Mother Mary.

No matter how sophisticated, philosophical or clever we may feel we are today, it is a case of honoring our elders. These illuminated shamans have been holding the ritual since before history was recorded. We 21St century psychonauts, in our contemporary arrogance, must never, never, never forget that it was through their many generations of concentrated efforts alone, that we are privileged to taste of this Sacred Medicine. It's really just a basic matter of respect for our forefathers and foremothers.

They never asked for foreign invaders to subjugate them with foreign ideas and deities. Those who refuse to adapt... will eventually perish under the oppression of their conquerors. Ironically, it was our Western culture, which received the greater portion of knowledge from the Mazatecs, not the other way around. For placed in our brutal hands, despite the inharmony of our race, was the gift of the Diviner's Sage. :idea:
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.

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#82 Posted : 3/25/2011 1:18:49 PM

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burningmouth wrote:
Unfortunately for me, I seem to be the only person with these pressing/psychotic concerns about parallel worlds.

Once again, I am convinced that it’s possible for someone to visually create the concept of these other worlds. But I am completely incapable of drawing anything that could show what I’m talking about.

This revelation of other worlds has a very familiar aspect to it. I think, “Of course there are other worlds“. “Of course there are other human beings living in these other worlds“. But I’m still not sure if they are aware of us. I’m still not sure if they continue to exist after my trip ends. (Excuse my self aggrandizing paranoia) but my deep down gut feeling is that the discovery of these other worlds would be the most significant discovery in the history of mankind. It would totally reshuffle how we construe our concept of human existence.

We are not alone in the universe. Our duplicates coexist alongside us at all times. They are separated from us by fluid retinal membranes. These retinal membranes have built in cloaking devices that prohibit travel by means other than hallucinogens (probably salvia exclusive). Beings in these other worlds cannot progress into our world because of extremely sophisticated dimensional layers. These layers are too sophisticated for anyone with only an everyday mentality to understand.

Only someone with a history of hallucinogenic/schizophrenic experiences can understand this concept of parallel worlds. It’s highly possible that only someone with a history of salvia experiences can understand this concept. This concept has a visual component as part of its ‘unveiling‘. It’s a retinal ride.

I feel like we are balancing on a precipice of major importance. We are very, very close to widening our perspective of reality. Our widened perspective of reality includes not just our world, but parallel worlds containing parallel people.

This could also have been written by a quantum physicist. Every time I watch a documentary about quantums, I feel like sending those researchers a gram of extract, so they could see for themselves how the two things are interrelated.
They speak about membranes, different versions of us and the universe coexisting and maybe separated only by some trillionth of mms, and all sorts of other Salviaesque theories. If you haven't yet, do watch a couple documentaries on quantums. The "parrallels" are amazing.
Someone should definitely get one of those researchers to enter the Salvia realm, they are already so open minded to the possibilities Salvia can show that it could well be a very useful experience for developing their research and confirming some of their theories.

Rising Spirit, I'm with you on the Nitrous/Salvia similarity: ime these are the only two substances that create almost everytime the "life as a roll of film" effect.
it's about making life a neverending experience of wonderfulness!
#83 Posted : 3/25/2011 5:52:03 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I'll see you guys later when I'm able to present actual salvia beings to the world-at-large.
Hmmm...That might take awhile. In the meantime......

#84 Posted : 4/7/2011 8:17:07 AM

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Finally taking a serious journey tomorrow. I'll do my best to write up a comprehensive report for you all. I've put it off for way too long.
#85 Posted : 4/8/2011 9:04:40 PM

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Looking forward to it. Smile
Rising Spirit
#86 Posted : 4/8/2011 9:20:38 PM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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burningmouth wrote:
Looking forward to it.

Ditto!!! I'll be taking a long voyage into the Salvinorin Seas myself, on Monday. The usual standardized 20X on top of plain leaf. I am looking forward to new discoveries! And of course, since you folks are a lifeline for me, I'll keep you good people posted about the adventure in Salvia Universe. Shocked
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#87 Posted : 4/9/2011 10:52:41 PM

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Rising Spirit wrote:
I am looking forward to new discoveries!

You are a true salvianaut. I could use a few good discoveries, but neighborhood noise is messing with me. I need total quiet.
Rising Spirit
#88 Posted : 4/10/2011 1:41:02 AM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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Hey burningmouth,

Man, you've got a mind blowing avatar! It encapsulates much of how I see this intriguing dimension of Salvia-self (the bizarre and fascinating journey of the lone Salvianaut). Who painted it? I wonder if the artist intended this being to be a Salvia entity or the human being going through the folding-over, Salvia Loop? Shocked

Another thing, ironic as it sounds, given that the SD trip is a solo voyage, I do think of you fine people when I cross into the other side. I've got to admit, inside of the Salvia Universe nothing and no one, including myself, seems REAL. That being said, I've on several occasions thought about how I was determined to convey some of my experience to you, my fellows. I am going deep on Monday and I will share my perceptions, as best I can, when I return from the immersion.

As always, I appreciate what you and Brother Dioxyppus are trying to kindle, here on the Nexus. There is a KEY hidden in the Salvinorin experience. We all know that exact feeling, that poignant thought, "I'VE GOT TO REMEMBER THIS!!!"... which defies our rational attempts to retain, upon our return to this side of the looking glass. Whatever small fragments we do still remember and attempt transmit to one another, are pearls of Salvia wisdom.

See you on the flip side, guys. Unless... but of course, one of your wild folks brings your experience to the plate first. With respect and a determined outlook, we face certain annihilation, yet, when we rise to the true vision, we are reborn in resplendent wonder. Naked to the potentiality of mind. Wink

There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#89 Posted : 4/12/2011 1:20:21 AM

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Rising Spirit wrote:

As always, I appreciate what you and Brother Dioxyppus are trying to kindle, here on the Nexus. There is a KEY hidden in the Salvinorin experience. We all know that exact feeling, that poignant thought, "I'VE GOT TO REMEMBER THIS!!!"... which defies our rational attempts to retain, upon our return to this side of the looking glass. Whatever small fragments we do still remember and attempt transmit to one another, are pearls of Salvia wisdom.

You are so right. There is a key hidden in the salvia experience. I've posted over a hundred salvia trips on the internet, and I still haven't been able to remember THE key. The new avatar is from a graphic arts webpage, but I have no idea who did it. http://www.ffffound.com


What the shit just happened? What the hell did I just do?
This was no normal trip into salvia land. I can still feel strange sensations running up and down my backbone. I just saw one of my laptop qwerty keys light up. There’s no light underneath the keys. They aren’t supposed to light up like that.
I absolutely should not post this trip report………….

It all began with my usual pre trip meditation walk in the dark. I held a small LED flashlight in my hand to guide me as I mentally prepared for the sojourn. It was going on 1AM in the morning. Everything was quiet in my apartment complex. I sat down on my foam pad and held the pipe in my hand. I grabbed my Bic lighter and lit the bowl of 10x/plain leaf blend. Blowing the smoke out of my mouth, I had no sense of concern, (seemingly) assured that I had already taken down my smoke alarm and placed it in a drawer in another room. I took another hit. As the smoke billowed from my lips, I started to notice the usual rotation effect of my closed eye visuals. I began to drift away…drift away…drift away…..HOLY SHIT !!!!!!

Oh, and by the way, I’M FUCKING TRIPPING !!!!!!

Tripping or not, my mind was filled with one thing and one thing only: the prospect of my smoke alarm shrieking at one o’clock in the morning throughout the apartment complex. It was fight or flight time and I needed to fly over to my smoke alarm before it went off. Still in the dark, I immediately rose up from my foam pad. My mind was now a throbbing ball of torrid confusion. My legs were a bundle of twitching, rubbery muscles, but I had an important task to carry out, and I needed to keep my brain together long enough to accomplish the goal.

I made it over to the wall switch and turned on the lights. There was a table nearby that I could stand on to reach the smoke alarm. I pushed the table underneath the alarm, but something was wrong. My brain was having a hard time keeping up with my actions. My hands were attached to the legs of the table and I couldn‘t remove them. They were frozen onto the legs as if I were being electrocuted. Also, there were little cartoon animals running down the length of my arms. They provided a kind of stretching action to my arms. I became absorbed in the antics of the little cartoon animals. This seemed to last a small eternity. I just stood there hunched over motionless with my arms attached to the table legs.

I could feel strange sensations traveling up and down the length of my spinal column. What the hell was going on? Where was I? Who was I? Why was I hunched over with my spinal column tingling all over? Then it hit me. “JESUS CHRIST, my fucking smoke alarm is about to go off.”

I began to see into the immediate future. My smoke alarm would wake up the neighbors. Someone would knock on the door. I would open it still hunched over like a crazed freak. I’m sure I would have said something like, “It’s OK, I’m stoned on salvia. I’m tripping on a major hallucinogen. Nothing to see here, move along.” But that didn’t happen. At least not yet. I still needed to free my hands from the table so that I could stand on it.

Now, mind you. I was still in the plateau phase of the salvia trip. My mind and all its information kept wanting to smear all across my living room walls. I had to keep it together because I needed to jump up and stand on the table. That was a bad idea. Rule number six in the salvia handbook states explicitly: Don’t fucking stand on tall pieces of furniture when you’re tripping. But I had to get to that smoke alarm, so I jumped onto the table. I knew that if I slipped and fell, the smoke alarm would go off and an ambulance would arrive to take me to the hospital for a 72 hour psycho hold.

I grabbed onto the base of the smoke alarm so that I could twist it off. Again, something went wrong. My brain refused to communicate with my hands, and my mind began to drift again. I just stood there on the table top holding onto the smoke alarm for what seemed like thirty seconds. Finally I came to, and I was able to twist off the smoke alarm. I then stumbled over to a drawer and shut the alarm away.

Next, I just stood there alone in my apartment. Everything was still peacefully quiet. No ambulance had arrived to take me away. The tiny cartoon animals had gone from whence they came. I then turned off the light, sat down on my foam pad, and sighed a sigh of relief. The trip was over.

I don’t know if there was enough smoke in the room to actually set off a smoke alarm, but try telling that to someone tripping on salvia who’s only mission in life is to remove said smoke alarm.

#90 Posted : 4/12/2011 1:31:50 AM

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Rising Spirit wrote:
With respect and a determined outlook, we face certain annihilation, yet, when we rise to the true vision, we are reborn in resplendent wonder. Naked to the potentiality of mind. Wink


Amazing quote right there Pleased I can't wait to read your latest report. As for mine, I've still to edit it, as I wrote it immediately after the experience and there is some...translation involved Laughing Also, my report is a two part piece, so it's taking a bit longer. I'll have it posted in the next day or two.

I know I've read of other people experiencing this as well, but when I take a deep journey with Salvia my life seems to become busy all of the sudden. Responsibilities and such exert themselves more and I'm not able to devote as much time to writing as I would like. I don't know if that something my subconscious mind does of itself, or it's some strange synchronicity at work. Either way, I'll devote an hour or so to editing it up so that I can finally get a real report posted in this thread I created months ago! Very happy

Oh and burningmouth, that report made me laugh Laughing I've had similar things happen. Trying to move around or even do simple tasks after taking a hit of extract is so incredibly frustrating you just have to laugh Laughing
#91 Posted : 4/12/2011 1:36:21 AM

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I like your avatar as well burningmouth. But I prefer the one you use on EDOT:

#92 Posted : 4/12/2011 1:43:49 AM

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Yeah, that is a good one. I think it's called 'happyworld'. It's by a Japanese lady. I also like the guy with pages in his face. Smile
Rising Spirit
#93 Posted : 4/12/2011 4:11:43 AM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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Hey Gang,

Just touching bases after another plunge into the Salvinorin Seas... I'm still a little fuzzy from the electrifying rush of THE LOOP. Shocked

I had this funny experience today. I felt as if I was being spun into some kind of metamorphosis. Much like an old fashioned taffy machine spinning taffy at a fair. The sensation of the pulsing rhythm of the polarities my brain hemispheres, was drawing my inner pilot deeper into the rushing force of raw Salvinorin energy waves. A always, I perceived a bubbling effervescence of consciousness. Odd, disorienting, abstract and almost frightening... but simultaneously, overflowing with psychedelic, blinking spheres of throbbing light-thought-particles (cosmic dots of mind-stuff, thought flashes).

I was not being myself at all. For that matter, I was not being any self, as a singularity of reference. What is self? What is really happening? I recall being aware of the friction between the outside and the inside of what I was witnessing. It was a pressure sensitive balance of interior and exterior reflections of the same energy presence. The overlapping of the realities seemed to mean something profound to my awareness. It was awe inspiring, although I must admit, even now I am solidifying into my normal mode of thought processing and it seems somehow... more vague and dreamlike in retrospect. Still, earlier today it was as bright and gleaming as a kaleidoscopic jewel.

Whatever I was... the impression of the undulating force, the rotation of the folding-over waves of Salvia essence (rotating sheets of electromagnetic, dream-plasma potentiality, shifting idea templates), were exactly the stuff of which I was composed. I desired nothing which I could fix myself to, neither was there any need to subjectify any of the patterning to the raw force. I must have crossed into to some kind of amnesia zone, so much of the experience is lost to my 3-dimensional, earthly rationale. Am I babbling? Somehow, I can't seem to put enough of it into words... to make much sense.

There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#94 Posted : 4/12/2011 10:00:32 PM

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Rising Spirit wrote:
Much like an old fashioned taffy machine spinning taffy at a fair.

That sounds familiar. Have you ever encountered salvia beings?
Rising Spirit
#95 Posted : 4/12/2011 11:39:39 PM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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burningmouth wrote:
Have you ever encountered salvia beings?

Yes, I have seen them on several voyages. I have seen similar beings on DMT launches, although they are relative to the DMT Universe in which they apparently, naturally inhabit, as are the mushroom beings and cacti entities, etc...

Still, I have only had a few close encounters where a Salvinorian being has approached me directly and spoken (?) to me, in their strange sounding language. Partly telepathic, yet, I do recall actual sounds.

Interestingly enough, I was listening to the famous Mazatec Shamaness, Maria Sabina, the other day (a recording from the early 1960's). She was chanting eerily, with oscillations in tonality, during a Salvia healing ritual. Now, the inflection and intonation were literally identical to the Salvinorian dialect I had heard from the psychedelic Salvia entity! Note, that I had had the experience weeks and weeks before hearing the recording of Maria Sabina, just yesterday. I guess we should all "put that in your pipe and smoke it" (pun most definitely intended).

This entity was composed of the very same electromagnetic Salvia, plasto-plasma. The buzzing lines of energy, with points of light were flowing completely through and around the entity's bodily form. I wouldn't say it was angry at me. More like... "What the fuck are YOU doing here, Human?"

In all honesty, I try not to focus too, too much on the inhabitants of alternate dimensions. My aim and goal is to ascend into a vertical trajectory. As fascinating as they are, I am not specifically intruding into their world to interact with them. I will say, that I do attempt to harmonize with any entity or energy being I encounter. We are all one and our purpose is the very same, the development and expansion of our awareness.

Long, long ago, during my early explorations with LSD and psilocybin, I trained my mind to observe and release any and all astral plane universes, in preference for immersion into the Clear Light of the Void. Not because I am anti-social or anything like that, rather, because my aim is to merge within the Infinite Spirit and this calls for the abandonment of a dualistic state of mind. In this pursuit, one looks for the unsubstantiated essence of all being. This take my subjectivity along with it and I often arrive at a state of mind, wherein I have no self and my awareness is shattered by the blinding light of the ONE.

Eventually, I expect I will meet a Salvinorian High Priest or Priestess and we might journey together into the realm of the Indivisible. For now, though, I want to take my awareness to the most subtle and quintessential level of consciousness. Salvia Divinorum can be of great assistance in this realization. :idea:

But please, tell us of your own unique encounters with these Salvinorian beings. Do they recognize you? You know, "Oh it's just that same Human coming back to observe our Salvia world, our Salvia society. He's a good shit."

Or is it something altogether different? I know that some folks see them as altogether malevolent and a threat to their freedom and even their very sanity. Of course, we all see different things, in dramatically alternate ways.
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#96 Posted : 4/14/2011 1:57:08 AM

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Usually the beings are nothing more than cartoon characters. Sometimes they move their hands up to my face and then away over and over again. I still haven't encountered a salvia being who actually looks like an intelligent being from another world. That is my goal, to communicate with a being from another world. If the world is in my mind, that's OK, as long as the being is intelligent and self aware.

I've just about given up on non dualism. It's just too hard to find "that place" and stay in it. I'm ready to capitulate and just drink beer and watch DVD movies.

I still have my untouched 25x salvia. Maybe I can really break through with that. I still believe that there is a major secret that none of us have discovered yet. Not here or any other salvia forum.

My vibe is that there is a salvia world full of salvia beings occupying the same space as our world. It is a civilized world right next to ours. I WANT THEM TO FUCKING MAKE CONTACT, GOD DAMN IT.

Hey Dioxippus. Don't let the pressure get to you. It's not like we're waiting with peaking enthusiasm for your trip report. Actually we are. I'm counting on you, Diox to bring back THE SECRET.
Rising Spirit
#97 Posted : 4/14/2011 3:07:44 AM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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burningmouth wrote:
Hey Dioxippus. Don't let the pressure get to you. It's not like we're waiting with peaking enthusiasm for your trip report. Actually we are. I'm counting on you, Diox to bring back THE SECRET.

Agreed. For when we combine our perceptions of this unique realm of mind, we gain something which is a grand synthesis, of sorts. We collectively build a bridge from our mutual consensus. Please don't be too intense about how it sounds to us, your tribal family members. We are here for you, Brother. Lets' all come forward and add a little bit more to the complete picture. And if you should grasp some hint of THE SECRET... bring back just a glint of it's power for our consideration. I'll be taking another flight on Friday, so I'll send good thoughts your way. Cool

Peaceful voyage, Brother
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#98 Posted : 4/14/2011 6:23:53 AM

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burningmouth wrote:
I've just about given up on non dualism. It's just too hard to find "that place" and stay in it. I'm ready to capitulate and just drink beer and watch DVD movies.

I still have my untouched 25x salvia. Maybe I can really break through with that. I still believe that there is a major secret that none of us have discovered yet. Not here or any other salvia forum.

My vibe is that there is a salvia world full of salvia beings occupying the same space as our world. It is a civilized world right next to ours. I WANT THEM TO FUCKING MAKE CONTACT, GOD DAMN IT.

Hey Dioxippus. Don't let the pressure get to you. It's not like we're waiting with peaking enthusiasm for your trip report. Actually we are. I'm counting on you, Diox to bring back THE SECRET.

Please don't give up and start drinking beer. There's nothing more sad that I could envision for you. I've had so many friends like that and it's just a sad existence. My friends who sat around smoking pot all day and night were just as sad. There's so much more, if only you're willing to push yourself. See what your limits are, and push past them. Maybe it's time to take the plunge with that 25x Pleased

I believe there's a Salvia world as well, a world that is independent of our minds. It seems very real to me. I did make contact with a Salvia being on my last voyage. It wasn't a vision of a dead loved one or my best friend I had when I was 6. This was something I've only experienced once or twice before, an entity that looked genuinely other-worldly. I promise I'll deliver on the report, I'm just tinkering and fiddling to try to make it perfect, as I usually do Smile
Rising Spirit wrote:
Agreed. For when we combine our perceptions of this unique realm of mind, we gain something which is a grand synthesis, of sorts. We collectively build a bridge from our mutual consensus. Please don't be too intense about how it sounds to us, your tribal family members. We are here for you, Brother. Lets' all come forward and add a little bit more to the complete picture. And if you should grasp some hint of THE SECRET... bring back just a glint of it's power for our consideration. I'll be taking another flight on Friday, so I'll send good thoughts your way. Cool

Peaceful voyage, Brother

That's what I needed to hear. I always over analyze and try to attain "perfection", especially if I know someone else is going to read it and critique it. Another couple days of tinkering and I'll have it for you guys, I promise Pleased Thanks for the kind words Rising Spirit.
#99 Posted : 4/14/2011 3:16:30 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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”Metal Lunch Box”

I haven’t had salvia for a while, until last night. I don’t know why I stay away from it for so long – it’s always fairly pleasant for me. Maybe it’s because I’m looking for “answers” of some sort, and with salvia they are definitely not forthcoming.

So I loaded 25mg of my 20X and inhaled it all in one puff. Soon everything, including myself, began to flatten and transform. I wanted a simple phrase that I could repeat to myself so I would remember the visual aspect of the experience, and the first thing that came to mind was “metal lunch box”.

Everything, myself included, was being transformed into a large plane of connected pieces of brightly painted sheet-metal. This plane extended in all directions further than I could see – it was very large. It was the whole world. The plane then began deforming and stretching into 3D. Buildings, plants, beings/people all were taking shape.

During the entire experience, there was an unseen “chorus” of entities singing/chanting a repetitive phrase. Their song was not English or any recognizable language, but they were chanting throughout the experience. It was comforting. For me, salvia entities almost always have human form and human characteristics. I always feel “at home”. I realized that I’m never frightened by salvia experiences because I’m so much a part of the experience – I’m not just an observer. I become an inhabitant.

This was a fairly light experience and it was calm and easygoing. I didn’t have any ego loss and it didn’t last very long. After about 5-6 minutes, it was mostly over. The only insight I got from this was that I never fear the salvia realm because I’m so much a part of it when I’m there.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#100 Posted : 4/14/2011 3:24:56 PM

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gibran2 wrote:
”Metal Lunch Box”

I haven’t had salvia for a while, until last night. I don’t know why I stay away from it for so long – it’s always fairly pleasant for me. Maybe it’s because I’m looking for “answers” of some sort, and with salvia they are definitely not forthcoming.

So I loaded 25mg of my 20X and inhaled it all in one puff. Soon everything, including myself, began to flatten and transform. I wanted a simple phrase that I could repeat to myself so I would remember the visual aspect of the experience, and the first thing that came to mind was “metal lunch box”.

Everything, myself included, was being transformed into a large plane of connected pieces of brightly painted sheet-metal. This plane extended in all directions further than I could see – it was very large. It was the whole world. The plane then began deforming and stretching into 3D. Buildings, plants, beings/people all were taking shape.

During the entire experience, there was an unseen “chorus” of entities singing/chanting a repetitive phrase. Their song was not English or any recognizable language, but they were chanting throughout the experience. It was comforting. For me, salvia entities almost always have human form and human characteristics. I always feel “at home”. I realized that I’m never frightened by salvia experiences because I’m so much a part of the experience – I’m not just an observer. I become an inhabitant.

This was a fairly light experience and it was calm and easygoing. I didn’t have any ego loss and it didn’t last very long. After about 5-6 minutes, it was mostly over. The only insight I got from this was that I never fear the salvia realm because I’m so much a part of it when I’m there.

Cool report Gibran, thanks for sharing.

I've only had salvia once and it was definitely the wrong set and setting so it wasn't exactly a pleasurable experience.

I've been interested in trying it again but since Florida outlawed it before I really got a chance to acquire any, I'll just have to wait.

Anyways, it's good to have you back. <3
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