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#61 Posted : 2/13/2010 4:09:01 PM

Cloud Whisperer

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ambi-lysergance wrote:

my sentiments exactly!

aegle hi!! how are you dearest? you avatar stuns me on sooo many levels! absolute emotion inducing! kind of like your fine selfWink

Ambi Lysergance

Why thank you kind Sir my heart is filled with great warmth and happiness from your lovely words. Im greatly honoured that you like my avatar, I would like to thank you for all your kindness my friend. Embarrased

Much Peace and Wonder
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For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.

The fate of our times is characterised by rationalisation and intellectualisation and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.

Following a Path of Compassion and Heart

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#62 Posted : 3/24/2010 10:39:35 PM

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Mrs Manic Minxx: Ill be your boyfriend >:o) hehe

No, in all seriousness although my relationship with my butterseal has been up and down ever since we got together, we have both experienced some incredible stuff. Things that make me feel privilidged to be human, or to be godstuff, or to be me, or to be whatever I am. We were so far out on acid, all that was, was me and her. I don't think you could go any further than we did. Down to the very molecule, the verymost fundimental particle of existence. We saw how it all worked. I mean, I saw how it all worked, err, I mean, I / we / you / me didn't have any purpose whatsoever at that level. there was only, the feeling. that feeling. love. truth. joy. these three are interchangable.

and yet, there IS more, there is always more. everything exists in infinite permutations, there are NO limits. (thats the scary thing about psychedelics, they show you the world with the safety OFF.)

Anyway manic minxx, i'd be your B/F. You sound hot, and open minded. interesting, and intellectual, and I bet if we were to have a relationship you could bring as much to it as I could. alas, thats in another life. I am happy with what i've got. For all the things I've done to my g/f, for every time i've let myself down, not been my best, she's been there by my side, willing to forgive. She has a heart the size of the sun.


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Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
#63 Posted : 8/13/2011 5:59:14 AM


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we find our reflections, however dim or bright they may be.
it is often painful to separate from ourself just as ego death is a personal paranoia, we must admit defeat and accept our path however blind we are to it.
it took me 5 years to cut the cables binding me to my emotionally devastated self. now i am free, i am no longer bound by my emotional capacity as a human, i feel as though nothing in this world can cease my passion for life nor send me spiraling into depression as it did when i held stock in the flesh.

yea sure i loved her, i wrote her letters, i drew her pictures, i did everything i could to be with her, remind her i cared, everything. but was it for our best, certainly not mine. i thought i was for hers, but it seems i only retarded her evolution by not listening to the lessons of the tryptamines (specifically mushrooms and ayahuasca) sooner. had i only heeded the advice given i would have found a much simpler path, but no one learns without experiencing consequence, thus we sacrifice our naivety for truth. a question answered that is painful and joyous together. one cannot exist without the other, just as our growth cannot exist without our previously ignorant selves.

pain is a reminder that you exist, it is a pulse, it throbs through us with each heartbeat if we let it, and it ceases to be when we stop putting stock in fear of pain rather than experiencing all and everything as it comes to being. fear is what is to be avoided, and to avoid fear. fear of losing a loved one, fear of another partner replacing you, fear of you child growing up in a split homelife, we must expect that the pain we fear is a tool of learning, and no matter how much we prefer a utopian existence, it is impossible to experience without first experiencing a dystopia for your self.

i love you all as i had once hated you all. for me the tables have turned and i have found peace with my place. my place is so beautiful i could cry as a result of overwhelming appreciation for such an opportune existence.

this is the message the tryptamines have repetitively ingrained unto me and as a seeker speaking to seekers, there is divinity within everything

peace and love
#64 Posted : 8/13/2011 10:38:44 AM


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i hate all humanity that is killing our precious planet

and yes about the relationships and all ? -> i think the above ^^ statement says is all

thank you for understanding
illusions !, there are no illusions
there is only that which is the truth
#65 Posted : 8/13/2011 11:48:57 AM

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Reading through this thread was a great start to my day. It's almost a record of the spark of love for fractal and minxx, isn't it? It starts off with some very good posts by both of them, feeling the same sort of thing, looking for the same sort of thing, now they're together Smile

The World moves for Love. True Love.

I'm happy I've found it myself, finally, after all these years. And for those still looking, you'll find it too.
#66 Posted : 8/13/2011 4:24:15 PM

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We are all so alike in our vast differences... all the same struggle Very happy


Acolyte wrote:
The more you travel, the bigger YOUR REVERSE CULTURE SHOCK BECOMES!! You basically don't follow the same rules, and thus the harder it is for those who stay put to see themselves in you.... and if they do, it's momentary until some other "strange aspect" confuses and backs them away. This makes it hard to be genuine.

This is very true, and sometimes unfortunate when you are in love, but can be a tool to find the right one
Expect nothing, Receive everything.
"Experiment and extrapolation is the only means the organic chemists (humans) currrently have - in contrast to "God" (and possibly R. B. Woodward). "
He alone sees truly who sees the Absolute the same in every creature...seeing the same Absolute everywhere, he does not harm himself or others. - The Bhagavad Gita
"The most beautiful thing we can experience, is the mysterious. The source of all true art and science."
#67 Posted : 8/22/2011 12:31:13 AM

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I met my current live-in partner 2 and a half years ago, when I was gripped savagely by ketamine. My health was dreadful, I was skin and bones and someone had just broken my nose, giving me two black eyes. My partner did not even smoke weed, and we met at a terrible nightclub.

I think it was a real case of opposites attract. I had been at uni, sleeping around, unsatisfied, and I think my partner actually saved me from the complete lack of any meaning in my life. I was doing gram lines of ketamine at the time, sometimes everyday, many times a day. I think I hated my life, and was just blasting myself out of it, with a pretty dark drug. (It had its moments, but it was mainly, in hindsight, a nightmare.)

My girlfriend knew what a wreck I was, yet accepted me. She showed me love that saved me. I am now free of my awful addiction to ketamine and have been for a long time (an addiction that started during self-medicating for methadone withdrawal - NOT a good idea).

Since then, she has started smoking weed, has taken ecstacy pills, MDMA and LSD. I never asked her too, or pressured her - I think she just hasnt really come across much before, or didnt feel like it when she had. When she was ready she asked me for these things. It took her a good couple of years to feel ready with the MDMA and the acid.

Now she shows interest in mushrooms and ayahuasca and I am glad. It didnt matter that we were both into different things, and it still doesnt really (I know other people to take psychoactives with), though I am glad that we can partake of these things together. When she is ready (she takes her own sweet time), Im sure we will have some mind-blowing experiences together.

For the record, I am 24 and she is 21 (if that means anything), and we are very happy together Smile

"Mama matrix most mysterious." James Joyce

"The next great step toward a planetary holism is the partial merging of the technologically transformed human world with the Archaic matrix of vegetable intelligence that is the Transcendent Other." Terence McKenna

Forgive, you'll live longer.
#68 Posted : 8/23/2011 7:50:32 PM

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It has been 5 years since i've had my last crush on a girl. I really doubt my ability to feel this way again. It also seems, that they increasingly leave me alone. Just one of these days, you know. Fed up with the situation.

My girlfriend knew what a wreck I was, yet accepted me.

It's hard for my scrambled mind to invite the idea, that people who are NOT perfect can somehow succeed with woman. But it's good it worked for you and happy travels together Smile
#69 Posted : 8/23/2011 8:32:08 PM

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Maybe that is you projecting your own desire to find the 'perfect' woman, and thinking how unlikely that is? There are very perfect people imo, if that is all you seek you will be waiting a vvveeeerrrrryyy long time. Women will feel the same. They know no one is perfect too - so never lose hope, and dont be disheartened if you can help it! Smile
"Mama matrix most mysterious." James Joyce

"The next great step toward a planetary holism is the partial merging of the technologically transformed human world with the Archaic matrix of vegetable intelligence that is the Transcendent Other." Terence McKenna

Forgive, you'll live longer.
#70 Posted : 8/23/2011 8:34:46 PM

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Also, IME now, the girl I am with and I are pretty different but that keeps things interesting - it would be a mistake trying to find someone exactly the same. I met her in a terrible nightclub -an unlikely place for us both - so dont be afraid to stick your neck out every now and again, you never know what strange things can happen Very happy
"Mama matrix most mysterious." James Joyce

"The next great step toward a planetary holism is the partial merging of the technologically transformed human world with the Archaic matrix of vegetable intelligence that is the Transcendent Other." Terence McKenna

Forgive, you'll live longer.
#71 Posted : 8/23/2011 8:54:50 PM

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People have a way of perfecting eachother.
#72 Posted : 8/23/2011 9:00:05 PM

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That is beautiful and concise soulfood Smile
"Mama matrix most mysterious." James Joyce

"The next great step toward a planetary holism is the partial merging of the technologically transformed human world with the Archaic matrix of vegetable intelligence that is the Transcendent Other." Terence McKenna

Forgive, you'll live longer.
#73 Posted : 8/23/2011 9:25:10 PM


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jdubs wrote:
Maybe that is you projecting your own desire to find the 'perfect' woman, and thinking how unlikely that is?

there are ofcourse perfect women on the planet , infact there are hundreds of perfect women on the planet , unfortunately they all are on TV and in the movies and not in my bedroom Laughing Laughing Laughing hahaha

illusions !, there are no illusions
there is only that which is the truth
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