URBY wrote:
Quote:Those of us that have NEVER HAD ACCESS TO DMT or any other guides of that nature are waking up.
Only my opinion of course but I'm not sure it's possible to fully "wake up" without the aid of psychedelics, especially DMT...
Please realize DMT is capable of effecting your awareness in ways that you may not be able to fully conceptualize from your current perceptual viewpoint...
The way you view these subjects now may be much different than how you may view them after having a DMT trip.
The reason that I believe that it is extremely difficult if not totally impossible for a human being to wake up without using psychedelics is this......
From what I have observed human beings are at an energetic disadvantage when it comes to the ability to percieve...Allow me to exlain this concept.
Perception is a function that requieres energy. An example of this is how when a person lacks sleep they may find it very difficult to feel truly awake.
In a similar way when humans lack the energy necaessary to do so, it renders us unable to percieve the spiritual realm.....
Psychedelics provide human conciousness with an enegetic boost that is rivaled by nothing else, IMO this energy comes from the spiritual realm itself and is designed to fit the energetic requirments of humans. Our world has been designed by dark forces to perpetually drain of energy on a constant basis in an inumerable amount of ways.
This is the reason psychedelics have been placed here on this Earth IMO. In order to provide human with the energy needed to visit other worlds and commune with other life forms..
The reason psychedlics are now more powerful than ever before and more avaliable than ever before is because human beings now need them more than ever before to truly awaken them from the impenterable slumber in wich most of the worlds population currently resides.
This slumber is so thick that it will take DMT, LSD, Ayahusca, Mescaline and other such substances to get people to rise up from there subjective slumbers..
without an abundance of energy our perception goes on auto pilot so to speak redering to us only the most basic cognitive functioning abilities. Human beings percieve matter by default because this is necessary to our survival.
To percieve energy is not necessary to our survival but is crucial to interacting effectively with the spiritual realm and with higher dimensional planes of existence. To effectively communicate with spirits, interdimensional beings and to travel to other worlds we must have the avaliable energy to perform these feats otherwise it simply will not happen...
The reason human beings do not possess the adequate energy to percieve energy directly is not because it lies outside of our energtic capabilities. We lack the energy necessary energy to see the spirit world because of the way that we managage and deploy our energy in the day to day affairs of every day life.
Energy as I see it can either be collected and stored or else dispersed and not stored. The number one thing that drains us of our energy and grounds us to the prison of the material world is our habitual thought processes. Human beings at some point early in their childhood cease to be internally silent and begin to have habitual thoughts. Eventually all control is handed over to these thoughts and then slowly but surely thought take the place of existence.
If a person is consumed with inner thought then how can they ever be aware? All avaliable energy is spent upon carriying on a never ending monolouge inside ones head that informs a person how the world is supposed to be.
from my observations I believe thoughts are the breeding ground of expectations, fear, doubt and misery. Thoughts confine us to the illusionary world of mundane and dull affairs. When one gains control of their thoughts however they can be used as a useful tool for visualization and creativity among other things.
Getting rid of thought with psychedelics is no trouble what so ever. Getting rid of your internal dialouge while sober takes mountains of discipline that most humans are not capable of dishing out.
Just a theory presented for your consideration-
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph