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DMT: Illuminati Hyperdimensional Interface and the Clockwork Elves Options
#61 Posted : 6/27/2011 10:30:36 PM

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Actually this guy is a person who's opinions some people listen, and someone(something) has given him some money to talk people against using DMT, isn't this obvious(he probably hasn't touched it himself)? And he's making a fool of himself doing it.

4 secs into the video it's already obvious this is a lunatic speaking. LOL

Anyway, at least it's hilarious.

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#62 Posted : 6/28/2011 12:54:55 AM

Winnie the Pooh

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ya know.. coming from someone, me, that has had many "weird" experiences on dmt, and on any psychedelic for that matter annnnd when sober.. .... reading all of this makes me want to go hit the pipe that much more.. ...

one of the things that i don't like about fear-blasting is that it's like a shotgun blast that peppers the people who are under it, there are going to be people who don't understand dmt or who have latent fear inside that reads this and the fear is going to be awakened... now this could have a few outcomes.. one the person overcomes fear an steps into a new beautiful light of living, or two the person is overcome by fear and never leads the life that one could live to the fullest and just may bleed the rot of feer over to others around them, just like a bad seed would...not calling you a bad seed just speaking about fear, now if you want to continue to nourish or fertilize the fear then we might talk

as someone who has dealt with fear their entire life... i do have to say, fear is not a tool that i would use to help someone.. saying that you hope to cause someone to be fearful about something, isn't enlightening at all.. this causes a darkness or shadow to form across the conscious and subconscious.. please don't use fear as a tool to teach, it is destructive

and of coarse looking from the other side of it and getting pissed on by everyone isn't cool either... but when all is reflection and then there is irony in reflection annnd you come forward with a heightened shaky energy, what do you think will be reflected towards you..

and about taking journeys seriously.. these journeys alter our lives infinitely.. of coarse they are taken seriously, but in the irony of it, one has to take them with peace or the being's energy is going to be shaky when integrating the experience.. it's the balance that we find within ourselves and the love that propels life forward...
we take the bad and apply infinite love and then therefor find the light in all things..
also, when i experience dmt or other entheogen i don't just apply the experience to myself but to all life as well... because i know that from within i found the infinince of the oneness of the universe... outside in, inside out... one of the things that actually brought me much soundness within and that propelled life forward was the realization of going within to find the universe... if all is reflection than i am an image of the universe so i go within and inturn find the universe reflected all around me... so yes, if a person is finding tons of fear and terrible things, this could be due to the energy ties of this being.. but thing of all the people that a being is connected to, if one being overcomes fear and then teaches this to the others connected to this being, phew there's gonna be a lot of life living in a child like energy.. for we are all children, just in different ages of enlightenment... i think about a child living in fear and how rash they can act no matter how scared.. or maybe they are so scared that they shit themselves or piss themselves,,, people murder out of fear... please don't teach with fear, teach to stand through fear

also, i have a chosen through mind/body/spirit that i will live eternally.. the universe will never end.. i am also not the only eternal being.. and since i am the alpha and omega of my own being, then it is my choice.. it is a bit naive for me to think that if i can crumble then the rest of the universe can crumble..especially when i am growing, especially when i cant even define what existence is.. or even know fully what the flip i am... ... oh and i would like to ask this, can light be destroyed?,, because as i birth various light bodies as i choose eternity, i know that i live within the universe's infinince

but i love how one of the things taught is everything is gonna be ok... it is fear that says otherwise... it's funny, dmt releases into the brain when we sleep, i think about nightmares and bad trips... this also brings me to speak about how organic dmt is.. yeah it's natural.. it's in almost every living thing.. umm, just looking at the interconnectedness of the universe, if dmt is bad and evil then the whole of all life is bad and evil..makes me to wonder if it's evil and my brain produces it naturally everyday, then i am really doing life a disservice of even being here..

all life is a reflection of the mind/body/spirit... the further we grow and extend, the more life we meet and vice versa...

just know, that you are already an infinite being of light, and that fear is the one thing that doesn't want you to know this

and yes, i and many, have experienced many many different types of beings... are they real, ummmmmm yes... can i honestly say this for sure, yes... all i have to do is look and see... i can look all throughout history and see, i can look through many many experiences across many forums and see, i can look at my own experiences and see... i can even look around my room and see... ... one of the things i have been learning about is the eye of providence.. this would be called the "all seeing eye".. some believe it be evil, but this is the work of dark beings wanting you to think that everything is evil so that you wont find the truth... but what the eye of providence speaks about, is sitting on the throne of your godhood.. and seeing all life...kinda like how love sits on the sidelines of her two children arguing about light and darkness and says you're both wrong and you're both right, but i still love you both... seeing all things doesn't mean knowing all things, it is about seeing an blindness.. it's about ignorance.. ignorant is to ignore it.. what are you ignoring to fuel this??
it's also comical for people and myself at one time to believe that something can be utterly totally evil.. when i look at hatred and i think about all of the energy that goes into hatred and how much a being has to sit inside this negative energy and force it upon themselves.. i'm just like, wow, just think if this person actually saw that hatred is just a misinterpretation of love, and if they just put half the energy as they did into hating into love, wowzas, they would reach some people, and prolly be really happy... ....evil can only manipulate what is already there,,, all life came from light and love and all life has free will.. not all beings want life to have infinince, some beings believe life should be herded and controlled, etc.. ... i like to think about the implications of if there was no death, would we know what it means to be alive,,,if there were no hell, would we know what heavenly bliss is... if there were no fear, would we feel the exhiliration of courage... if there were no wars, would we know truly what peace is... if there were no struggle, would we know what the feeling of accomplishment is...and if there were no loneliness would i truly feel the light of love and the power it has over me and through me, would i feel the excitement of a romantically intimate relationship, or would i just be fearful that the relationship is wrong and not get to feel and learn from the light of the love felt

oh and you mentioned false prophet.. fear creates false imagination... you know if a being is a false prophet by what fruits they produce.. this is like their fruits of energy and thought and emotion, how they shine a loving light... when i think of false prophet, i think about false imagination..

it's important to know that there is good and bad in all things unrealized... the ego for instance, is not all bad.. there is good ego and there is bad ego.. this is very important to know... i mean we shatter or images consistently only for it to reassimilate again.. if it were so bad, then i think after the thousandth time it wouldn't come back.. lol..

also, think about how much knowledge is on this forum.. think about how much enlightening truth is here.. if dmt were so bad, why would we all be pursuing love and life.. why would we be taught to do this.. why would we be taught anything about enlightenment.. .... we are called to be wiser than snakes,,, this is to be wiser than the deceit, a person can be deceitful, an energy can be deceitful, an emotion can be deceitful.. we are able to see truth to recognize it, we are hard-wired to recognize truth.... .. snakes crawl on the ground and only see from the ground, be glad that we can visit other realms of consciousness, other realms of life, and learn

aliens operating on my body has happened.. more than once or twice... but everytime, when i finally got through my fear, i saw new light,, i saw that i was being taught, i saw that i really didn't know much about the universe and didn't know much about how my skin was created and how it requires upkeep, i didn't know that the skin even had creators.. i didn't know that the universe even had interdimensional stewards that helped with the upkeep of it, kinda like mechanics, engineers, janitors, etc etc...

anyways,, i have typed enough.. just know that fear is the mind destroyer.. and when overcoming fear, this is the beginning of wisdom...

i truly hope that you are able to experience true peace in all that you do
everything posted by godling is false information.. just imagination at work

I am learning not to search for eve anymore but to just 'be' with her for she is already the other half of my soul and one day we'll organically meet as we reach across the cosmos to one another..now comes the light of love

shine as bright as the flame in the pupil of my eye
#63 Posted : 7/3/2011 5:20:07 PM

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what to do with the wave function: let it collapse or keep juggling?

In my experience, letting it collapse creates an only seemingly useful brick which then turns around and solidifies/kills everything it touches. Living with the eternal question mark is more painful - esp. in the beginning - but tends to keep the process alive.
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